
I'm getting Married!?


[I need to get up, today we go to Forinth village.]

After stretching a bit Vale went down to the restaurant to grab some breakfast. While sitting down at a table, the same plain brain haired girl from the night before came up.

"We only serve porridge and bread in the mornings, are you fine with that?"

After asking for directions, and eating his porridge with bread Vale departed to find a carriage. Arriving at the bustling scene of the carriage station, there were a couple of carriages shouting their destination.

Slouching into the carriage, Vale noticed the other people riding in the carriage with him. A middle-aged man that had a lengthy black beard, traveling with a young girl that seemed to be his daughter. A young couple who were quietly flirting in the corner of the carriage, and a young woman.

As soon as Vale saw the last person on the carriage, he couldn't stop himself from staring. Long white hair, a pear-shaped body, dazzling blue eyes that felt like they could pierce your soul. A woman who would put even models from his world to shame. She had the air of an adventurer, with a sword hung at her waist, and leather armor that clung to her body.

Vale felt like he couldn't look away until she locked eyes with him, then he quickly turned his head away.

[What a beauty!]

While occasionally sending glances to the white-haired beauty Vale talked to the middle-aged man throughout most of the trip. He was returning to Forinth village after finishing some business in the city. Vale asked him about buying land around Forinth, and it seems like there should be no problem. What shocked Vale the most was that when exiting the carriage at the village, the white-haired woman also alighted with them.

Knowing they would be in the same town, Vale greeted her.

"Hello, my names Vale nice to meet you"

"Hello Vale, my name is Emilia it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Are you also coming to Forinth village to -"

Vale was stopped abruptly when a green goblin jumped out from the forest coming straight to their location.

[Dammit I knew it was too peaceful, something always happens on carriage rides in novels.]

"Runaway, I'll try to slow them down, get to the village and call for help!" Vale called out

But it seems as if it fell on deaf ears the woman slowly pulled out her sword and before Vale could yell again she was in front of the goblins and... the goblins were chopped in half? mouth agape

Vale couldn't stop staring at the beauty who chopped up those goblins like tofu.

She turned around smiling while flicking away the blood on her blade

"Thanks for worrying but I use to be an adventurer I'm enough for those small things."

Vale quickly closed his mouth and decided to never get on her bad side. Nope, not ever doing that!

They continued to the village with nothing else happening. Arriving at the town, the middle-aged man and the young girl, split off to return to their home. But Emilia and Vale are both going in the same direction to the village chiefs house.

Arriving at the village chiefs house Vale was surprised by the size, it's quite a big house for a village this small. He walked up to the door to knock, remembering that the middle-aged man from the carriage said that the village chief is usually in around this time.

From behind the door a lithe voice came.

"Coming, I'll be there in a second."

The door opens and they see a young girl in her teens, around 14-15, she had blonde hair and green eyes.

[she will definitely grow up to be a beauty]

She introduced herself as Florance the village chiefs daughter.

"Is the village chief in right now?" Vale inquired

"Yeah papa is in his study right now, I'll lead you there"

Vale looked over to Emilia, she seems to just be following his lead. As we're walking through the house, the smell of freshly baked cookies filled the air. After the long carriage ride, Vale's stomach rumbled.

[I could die happily if I had some cookies. I couldn't find any bakeries in the town, and I was afraid that they might not have been common in this world.]

Arriving at the study, a beautiful middle age woman with blonde hair, and green eyes just like the young girl, greeted them cookies and milk.

[I think I'm going to like this village anyone who gives out cookies with milk on the first greeting has to be a good person.]

"Ahem, Nice to meet you have a seat" An older but good looking man gestured for them to sit down.

"Hello, My name is Vale and I'm a farmer and I want to live in this village. I'm looking to buy a house and a field to farm if possible." Vale got right to business

"Hello, My names Emilia I am an ex-adventurer and I always wanted to live here. On one of my adventures when I was younger I passed through this town and I fell in love with it. I'm also interested in purchasing a house here if possible" Emilia said while doing a cute bow

[even if I say it's cute pretty much anything she does is cute].

[ahh is this love at first sight?]

[Wait that's right she can cut goblins like tofu there's no way I could possibly ask her out what if she cuts me in half?]

"Nice to meet both of you, my name is Alfonse and I'm the village chief of our small village. The woman who brought cookies and milk earlier is my wife Maria and the young girl you've already met is my daughter Florance."

"I think I have just the place for the two of you, there are a few houses but the two in their best condition just happen to be close together. If you're fine with it we can go look at them together."

[Old man thank you!!! If I can see her every day I'll give you my undying gratitude!]

While walking towards the houses we pass through the village again, Vale got a good look at it, surprisingly its a decent sized village nothing like the town he had just came from. But the village seems to be prospering, the buildings are nice and clean with flowers out in front lawn of most of them.

[I gotta say it is a lovely view.]

Everyone we pass by waves and greets the village chief and us, they seem to be energetic people.

[Alright! I'm ready, let's make the best farm in the world I'm all hyped up now!]

Just as they see the houses Vale notices something shiny right in front of Emilia, It would be bad to let her trip so Vale quickly walked ahead kneeling down to pick it up.

[Ah, it's some sort of rock I've never seen before I'll pocket it and check it out later.] As Vale was about to stand up he heard Alfonse leak a surprised voice.

"Eh, seems like the young ones today are bolder than we used to be" Alfonse mutters

[What's going on!?]

Vale looked around trying to see what the village chief was talking about, but it's only the three of them walking.

[I don't see anything weird?]

Vale looked up and see Emilia, bright red even to her ears

[that's weird.]

"Okay.." Emilia mumbled

"Oh ho ho ho, It seems like you might need to find a bigger house if it's like this" Alfonse seemed pretty happy.

[but what's going on!?]

"Uh, what's going on?" Vale quickly decided to ask

"Hm, don't you know what getting down in front of a lady on one knee means young lad?" Alfonse replied

[I open my eyes wide wait is what I think happening actually happening right now!? And did she say okay!?]

"I think -" Before I could finish Alfonse slaps me on the back.

"This calls for a celebration! We can postpone the house hunting until after we celebrate." Alfonse seems to be in a jolly mood but I think there's a big misunderstanding here.

Vale looked up to Emilia for help, but she seems to be glancing at him, dyed red blushing.

[Did I just get engaged to this white-haired beauty?] Vale could only look around in amazement as Alfonse dragged him back to his house for a celebration.


Emilia POV


As soon as Emilia boarded the carriage she noticed a rather handsome man in a strange outfit, sitting with an older man talking about Forinth village.

[I guess they're also going to the same place as me.]

Occasionally she would notice the man looking in her direction.

[do I stick out?]

[I know I am an S ranked adventurer, but I came all the way out here to just be a normal person. I never even wanted to become an adventurer in the first place, I just got pulled along defeating monsters until me and my party finally defeated the Demon King.]

Emilia always dreamed of settling down in a small village and finding a man to marry. Someone who can make good food and take care of her

[fufufu, just thinking about it puts me in a good mood.]

[It seems like the young man is kind, he's even giving treats to the young girl who came along with the older gentleman.]

Finally, arriving at the destination.

[I was so bored without anyone to talk to, I wish they would've invited me to their conversation.]

While alighting the carriage, she noticed that she and the handsome man were going in the same direction, after a few steps.

"Runaway I'll try to slow them down, get to the village and call for help!"

[He really is a kind person, but something like this could never pose a problem to me. Even if an orc raiding party showed up, we would make it home before lunch.

After Emilia finished the goblins off, she started walking back towards him

[he is giving me such a goofy look but it's cute in its own way.]

[When I was in the Heroes party everyone was kind to us, but no one would socialize with us. They were scared that they would make us mad and they'd end up getting chopped in half.]

In the end, they ended up at the village chiefs house with no more disturbances. She was shocked, finding out that she and Vale will be neighbors soon.


Walking through the village while she reminisced of the time when she came here as a novice adventurer.

[when I was just a novice adventurer most of the villages I've stayed while we were looking for the demon king was ransacked and everyone was living on the edge. But this, this is what I've always wanted smiling people waving where ever you look, clean houses with freshly planted flowers.]


While we were walking I noticed a shiny rock sticking out of the ground.

[Phew that would've been bad luck if I tripped just when I finally found my paradise.]

But something much more unexpected happened, the man named Vale ran right in front of her kneeling.

[I- Is this what I think it is!?]

[I know this is what I've always wanted but isn't this too fast? No, if I turned him down now I think I will always regret it.]

"Okay.." I bashfully replied to his proposal




After arriving back at the village chiefs house Vale couldn't find the words to say.

somehow I've ended up asking a white-haired beauty I've met just today to marry me and she somehow said yes. It's hard to bring it up at this point that it's all a misunderstanding, what if she chops me up just like those goblins. I guess I'll just go with the flow there's nothing wrong with me the best farmer in the world to ending up with a beauty anyways.]

Alfonse left the room to go get something and now it was just the two of them Vale and Emilia. Sometimes they would lock eyes glancing at each other.

Emilia blushes and quickly looks away.

[cute just too cute!]

I can't help but be excited thinking about how I get to marry such a beauty.

[I guess I should try and start some conversation, we should get to know each other better if we're going to be living together from now on.]

"n, it's nice to meet you again my name is Vale and I plan on becoming the worlds best farmer."

While blushing "Yes, its a pleasure to meet you Vale my name is Emilia and I've always been an adventurer. I came to this town to settle down, It's always been my dream to become a wife, so thank you."

Before Vale could reply, Alfonse came back into the room with a big bottle of alcohol and his wife.

[It seems like we will be staying with them tonight.]

I don't really like how this chapter came out it felt really forced and meh but I think the best thing for me right now is just to power through and keep pushing out chapters until I get better at writing.

Giggitycreators' thoughts