
Fright in the Forest

Stretching, Vale felt his head spasm in pain.

[I might have drunk too much last night.]

Standing up to put his clothes on.

[this all feels like a dream.]

[First I somehow got transported into this fantasy world, and as soon as I move to a village I'm getting married. Just yesterday I was getting yelled at by my boss for being late with my project, It all feels unreal.]

It was hard for Vale to stay feeling that way when he woke up seeing a white-haired beauty sleeping next to him.

[It doesn't seem like we did anything, but we both got drunk and I ended up staying the night with the village chief after all.]

[I guess I'll try to sneak out of the room so she won't wake up.]

As soon as Vale started to move Emilia opened her eyes staring straight at him.

"I didn't do anything we just got drunk and ended up in the same bed I swear don't cut me up!"

[Even though I know we're somehow supposed to get married it's still hard to believe, I just hope she doesn't get mad and chop me in half.]

Emilia suddenly cracked a smile.

"Am I really that scary?"

Without waiting for an answer she stood up wearing just her nightwear.

[I'll burn this sight into my brain]

But before Vale could respond a knock came from their room door.

"Are you two love birds awake yet?" a hoarse voice came from behind the door.


Quickly dressing we both finally made into the front room, where we met up with Alfonse and his wife Maria.

"For people who just met yesterday you were both all over each other during our little celebration."

A voice comes out from the kitchen.

"Dad leave them alone, you always bully the new people who come to the village."

"Ahem, alright that's beside the point. While you two were resting, I remembered just the place that's suitable for a couple like you. There is a big piece of land that's great for farming and it even has enough room in the house for when you get older and want to have kids." he snickered.

"The only problem is that it's a bit far from the village and you will be a bit distant from the other villagers, but if you're fine with that its a real catch."

After consulting with Emilia and Vale decided on moving in after checking it out.

[He wasn't joking it's pretty far away from the village at least a ten-minute walk. But that works better for me I want to experiment with the farming techniques from my world. If someone was always around they'd probably think I'm a crazy person.]

[Now I just need to know what Emilia thinks about it.]


Emilia POV


Emilia woke up as soon as she heard rustling.

[I guess I'm still tense from all the time we spent camping in forests, needing to be alert in case something or someone attacks us in the night.]

"I didn't do anything we just got drunk and ended up in the same bed I swear don't cut me up!"

[fufufu what a silly guy, of course you didn't do anything. I'm the one who slipped into the bed last night when you were drunk passed out.]

But he doesn't know that maybe I'll tease him a bit.

"Am I really that scary?"

Standing up to approach him, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Are you two love birds awake yet?"

[Oh my goodness what am I doing, was I always this bold?]

Quickly Emilia put on her clothes and went out of the room to greet the village chief with Vale.

[It seems like there is a suitable house for us on the village outskirts, I'd honestly prefer it being a bit farther from the other villagers. I'm not too good with people, when I was traveling around the continent searching for the demon king, the others always did the talking and I just tagged along.]

[I hope Vale is okay with it though.]

After a short conversation, Vale and Emilia decided that if it's a suitable house they will move in there as soon as possible.

Arriving we found they found a beautiful medium sized house.

[I think it's just perfect for us, the only thing lacking is furniture. The village chief told us that we could talk to the carpenter in the village, and it wouldn't take long for some furniture to be made for us to settle down.]

[I really want to move in as soon as possible.]




"What do you think? I really like this spot once we go to the village and buy some furniture and daily necessities I think this would be a great place to live." Vale looked at Emilia.

"Then it's decided, let's move in as soon as possible!" Emilia responded.

While they were walking back to the village with Alfonse, Vale asked Emilia what ranks there are for adventurers and how to become one.

[Not that I'm interested in being a hero anymore, I just want to learn as much as I can about this world.]

There are six ranks in this world for being an adventurer, and it goes as follows:

E: Newcomers who just registered.

D: A party that can survive in the wilderness where monsters prowl.

C: A party that can resolve a crisis that threatens a village.

B: A party that can resolve a crisis that threatens a town.

A: A national-class party that can resolve a threat that spans across multiple towns.

S: A legendary-class party that is mobilized to resolve continental or world crisis.

There are guilds set up in each town, Vale was told that if he had signed up to the adventurers guild in Gilramore. [That's the name of the town we just came from.] He would never have been allowed to try and hunt down slimes. Usually, they teach newbies the basics, while sending them to gather herbs. Going into the forest without any planning is almost always a death wish.

After the beginners' lesson on how to be an adventurer, they started on their outing to the carpenter's shop that Alfonse recommended to them.


As soon as they arrived at the shop Vale noticed a familiar face, the young girl that rode on the carriage was outside playing in front of the store.

[I think her name was Mika.]

She was the daughter of the middle-aged man Mikael, who I talked with on the carriage ride to the village.

"Hey is this your dad's shop?" Vale called out to her.

"Yeah, he's too busy to play with Mika though."

"Are you here to buy some furniture from papa? He is working inside right now."

Vale gave Mika a small hard candy he had on him from before arriving in this world. After looking at her contented face when she popped the candy into her mouth he entered into the shop to meet Mikael.

They decided to browse the already completed furniture and check their prices.

"Oi, kiddo I don't remember you being close with the beauty like this when we were on the carriage, what's changed?" Mikael the shop owner called out when he noticed them entering.

[Oh boy how am I supposed to explain this?]

"Well, you see some things happened and we kind of ended up getting engaged."

The look on his face was priceless, I wish my phone wasn't turned off, I'd love to take a picture just to show him the face he is making.

"Anyways we're here now to buy some furniture, after talking to Alfonse we have decided on a house but before we can move in we need furniture."

"Well we have some ready-made furniture but the quality isn't the best, but if you want newly created furniture it might take some time."

[It seems like we will be staying with the village chief for a little bit longer I hope he doesn't mind.]

"Emilia what do you think about staying with Alfonse for a little bit longer and getting some newly created furniture for the house."

Vale a man from the from a different world was used to a much higher standard of living. It wouldn't kill him to use the cheap ready-made furniture. But he thought that if he could talk with Mikael for a bit and custom order some items from his original world, life would be much more comfortable.

"n, I'm not very confident in my ability to decide on furniture. I'll leave it to you"

Emilia was always out in the wild sleeping on the cold hard ground in small tents. Even if she was in the party that defeated the Demon King, they couldn't afford to use such luxuries. Starting a fire would alert enemies of where they were, and fancy tents would be spotted from a mile away. Emilia was always forced to move with the minimal equipment that she could carry.

After placing the order, Mikael told them that it would take a bit to get all of the furniture ready and that he would deliver it himself in a few days.

"It's too early to return to the village chiefs house, let's look around for a bit"

Vale was still new to this world, and after arriving recently he wanted to take some time to explore.

[And if Emilia is with me nothing like the goblin incident that happened it town should occur again, she seems pretty strong.]

"Okay let's explore the forest around our new house. If we're lucky we can run into a black boar"

Vale gave a baffled glance towards Emilia [What is her sense of luck? The last thing that we need to run into is a black boar, when she explained the adventurer ranks earlier she talked about how one black boar could stomp goblins like pancakes. I really need to take some time to ask her about what rank she was.]

While walking to the forest Vale asked about the continent while explaining how he had woken up with amnesia in Gilramore.

What shocked him was how big this world was, no it wasn't ten billion li like in those xianxia novels but it was twice the size of Earth. And it seems until recently humans were being attacked by demons that the Demon King controlled. It seems like he was defeated recently and now the country is rebuilding from the destruction of the demons.

Vale also learned that there wasn't only Humans in this world. Humans seem to be the most common in this country, but there are also elves that live in the south. Beastmen tribes that are nomadic can be seen traveling from time to time. Dwarves live in a massive mountain to the east ruled by a single king. And what remains of the demons struggle to live in the harsh north, it seems like the reason the demons started attacking humans was because they were struggling to find food.

While Emilia was explaining Vale noticed that she was making a peculiar face. [Maybe something happened to her and that's why she is moving to this small town. She seems stronger than most people I've met so far, but I should wait until she feels like telling me.]

They arrived at the forest before they knew it, but they didn't know where they should look so they just decided to forage for some plants and berries.

[Ah this is nostalgic, I remember looking for berry bushes when I was a kid. I'm glad Emilia knows whats edible though, I wouldn't know what's edible or not in this world. The last thing I wanna do is end up dying from some berry that looks delicious.]

*Crunch* *Crunch*

They both quickly turned just in time to see a brown boar charging in their direction.

"I knew it, I knew this was a bad idea!"

As soon as Vale started panicking Emilia swiftly acted drawing her blade quickly closing the distance to put herself between Vale and the Boar


The sound of blade meeting tusk resounded in the quiet forest. [I need to help her!]

Vale tried to look around for anything he could use as a weapon only to find nothing but vines and trees all around him. Then it hit him, the shiny rock that he picked up before. Quickly pulling it out he decides to throw the rock at the boar to try and distract it enough to let Emilia finish it off"


[Oh shit.]

Vale's throw hit Emilia right in the back of the head almost causing her to trip, she wasn't expecting anything to come flying from behind her...

The boar took advantage of her stagger to pounce at the female with the sword, but just as it was about hit her she dodged plunging her sword into its neck instantly killing it.

Rubbing the back of her head Emilia turns around giving a funny look at the man trembling in the middle of the forest.

"I- I meant to hit the boar, Please don't chop me up!"

Shaking her head Emilia couldn't stop herself from laughing

"You goof leave the fighting to me, I might not know how to do much around the house but if it's fighting it's one of the things I'm good at." Emilia declared

Silently nodding Vale went to go pick up his shiny rock. Then they decided to return to the village chief's house with some of the plants and berries they found. It was getting pretty late.

Took longer than I thought but I keep getting caught up in changing older chapters. Every time I learn something new I wanna go back and fix everything. A bit more world building, expect more of that and hopefully, I'll learn how to make smooth transitions without interruptions. Even I'm getting tilted by the constant interruptions at this point lol.

Rant over!

Giggitycreators' thoughts