
The Hero from Another World

Today I died. Hit by a truck trying to save a little girl who ran into the street. My name, Vale. I was always a bit of an otaku that had read a ton of stories that involve truck-kun, but I never thought I would end up in a situation like this.

I'm what most would consider an average office worker. I don't stand out in crowds, and most women wouldn't even give me a second look. Well, I guess I was an average office worker.

But not anymore, right now I'm standing in an alley, observing the people walking through the Streets. some were wearing tunics with swords on their waist, and others were wearing mage robes. How do I know it's mage robes you might ask? That's simple, the people have magic floating around them.

Looking around, I noticed most of the buildings on both sides of the street were made out of some kind of dark wood. It was around noon and they had smoke coming out of their chimneys.

[This all feels like something I'd see in a fantasy movie.]

I couldn't stop my hands from shaking, it was just too much for someone like me who grew up on a farm my whole life.

[I should check and make sure that I have all of the stuff that I was carrying before I met truck-kun.]



Pocket Knife✓


[I must have dropped most of what I was carrying when I jumped out to save that girl.]

For now, I'll turn off my phone since it isn't receiving any signal. All I have in my wallet is twenty dollars and a spare key to my apartment, and the pocket knife that I always carry with me.


After checking everything.

[Isn't this my chance!?]

[If there is magic in this world, maybe I also have some superpower that will lead me to defeat the demon king just like in the novels!]

[I have to figure this out as soon as possible.]

[First I'll need to find out how to leave town to practice, I don't want to accidentally shoot a fireball at someone.]

Even though Vale had already decided that he was the hero, he was still intimidated by all the muscular men with swords on their waist. So he waited until he could spot someone who looked kind enough, to not stab him when he asked for directions to the forest.

Tall, short blond hair, scraggly beard. He had the look of a handsome medieval guard in his early twenties.


[He would probably be good with ladies and he is helping a grandma cross the busy street someone like that wouldn't be a bad person right?]

"Hey, could you help me out I'm trying to find the gate that leads to the forest."

The young guard stopped, staring at Vale with a perplexed look.

[I must stick out like a sore thumb in this tracksuit.]

"First, would you mind following me to the guard station for some questions. We've been getting some reports of a suspicious man eyeing people on the streets."

[Oh no, at this rate, I'll end up in jail before I can even become the hero.]

"I'm not suspicious, I promise, I'm just trying to get to the forest."

While vale started explaining he was already being cuffed and dragged to the guard station.


"Put your hand on the crystal ball and we will know if you have are wanted or not."

The young guard was sure that this suspicious man had committed all kinds of crimes. He himself had watched the man, peek his head out of an alleyway watching people's movements for the last twenty minutes.

[He must've been looking for someone to rob. People always do it when they first arrive here thinking that could get rich quick.]

The guard noticed that while sticking his hand on the orb the man was still grumbling to himself about something called "Miranda rights".

Placing his hand on the orb, the orb started to grow into a radiant white light that caused everyone in the room to squint. Dimming only when Vale removed his hand.


Outside of the guard post.

"I'm so sorry!" the young guard bowed

"I thought for sure, you were a suspicious person!"

[Is he even regretting, any of what he did? Tch, I guess I'll let him off, I am the hero after all.]

"If you're trying to go to the southern forest, you were already heading in the right direction. If you keep walking for another twenty minutes to the south, you will see the gate."

The guard kept apologizing while giving out the directions.


Vale finally made it outside to the forest on the outskirts of town.

Only one word could describe this forest, gigantic.

The forest is way bigger than any he ever saw on Earth, trees so tall that they blocked out the sun, tree trunks so massive that it wouldn't be enough for 5 men to stand around holding their hands to reach the size.

The town was also huge, it nearly took him thirty minutes, just to get to the exit. While walking he took in all the surroundings, floating buildings that defied gravity, and statues so large that put the ones on modern earth to shame.

Arriving at the outskirts of the forest.

[Should I just chant something or thrust out my hands and yell a catchphrase?]


fifteen minutes later Vale was dripping with sweat

[Maybe I should have asked the young guard, he seemed like an okay guy.]

[Well, there's no helping it. I guess I'll head back.]

As soon as Vale turned his back to the forest.



two goblins walked out of the forest carrying sticks.

Vale panicked turning around.

[Oh shit, what do I do?... What would a hero do?]

[For now, I'll pull out my knife and wait.]

Pulling out his pocket knife, Vale tried to imitate a fighting stance he saw in an anime.

[When they swing, I'll dodge and take that chance to strike.]

[There's no way I can lose, a hero like me who has a proper weapon. They only have sticks.]

Vale steadily walked toward them, but as soon as there were only ten yards between the goblins and Vale they lunged at him.

Panicking, Vale wildly started thrusting his pocket knife at them. Only to pierce the air full of holes, not even getting close to the goblins who swiftly started thrashing him with their sticks.

Even if their weapons were sticks, to Vale they might as well have been divine sticks gifted by the gods.

Needless to say, Vale got the shit beat out of him.

Limping back to the town the guards quickly came out and chased away the goblins. Laughing at him the whole time.


Collapsing on the ground Vale spread out his arms taking in deep breathes.

[Maybe I'm not the hero.]

After spending a few minutes laying in self-defeat, Vale finally struggled to his feet.

[I'll start a farm!]

[I am a man from another world, a world that has technology advanced way farther than this one. If it's agriculture, no one should be better than me.]

[Even though I worked in an office, I still grew up on a farm since I was a kid.]

[When I was supposed to inherit the farm from my family I left because I wanted to chase my dreams, I never realized that my passion was always for farming until it was too late. When I gave it up and moved to the city and it's always been one of my biggest regrets.]

Striking the air with his fist.

"I from another world, shall make this world's best farm!" Vale declared

Vale made his resolve, but first, he needed to figure out where he could start this farm.

It was too late to leave the town that night and if only two goblins could kill him, he didn't even want to think about what else was in that godforsaken forest.

After determining that there was no way he could leave the town on his own Vale decided to find transportation the next day.

Luckily Vale still had most of his items. His wallet was ripped when he was beaten by the goblins, but his phone and pocket knife were still fine.


[I guess, I should start by trying to find some information about this town and the nearby villages. I need to see if there are any suitable villages around that have fertile land, so I can settle down.]

Walking around for a while Vale finally ended up right back at where he started.


[I guess I'm not the main character, after all, none of these tedious things ever happens in any of the novels that I read.]

Tired and hungry, Vale had no idea where to go anymore, but he did find out some information when he was walking around.

There was a stall on the side of the road selling meat on a stick, Vale was almost drooling seeing food for the first time in this world.

Seeing him drooling next to the food, the old grandma that ran the stall shooed him away. But during the time he was around the stall, he learned about the currency in this world.

People paid five copper coins for a meat skewer. Sometimes the people would use silver for the exchange, and before he was shooed away Vale asked the grandma and learned that.

100 copper coins exchanges for 1 silver coin, and 100 silver coin exchanges for 1 gold coin.

[Ugh, Why do I have to be so broke? and it just had to remind me that I was going to lunch before all of this happened.]


[I feel like I'm going to starve if I don't eat soon.]

[maybe I should find a blacksmith and sell my pocket knife. Surely they will think it's rare, it was made in a different world.]

[I would sell my phone since it would become useless when the battery dies anyway, but I feel like that's a dangerous route. What if they mistake it for a cursed object?]

After pondering for a few seconds, Vale had decided to sell the knife. Now he just needed to find a blacksmith who was willing to buy it.

Walking around the for a bit until Vale finally found a store that resembled a blacksmith. Loud hammering sounds, with yelling that frequently came out from the shop.

Going in through the entrance Vale didn't see anyone so he decided to wait... ten minutes later, still no one showed up.

As soon as Vale opened his mouth to call out towards the back of the shop, a dwarf with a massive beard came out from the back yelling.

"What do you want? I don't have time for you, buy something or leave." He growled at me irritated.

Vale pulled out his knife to show the dwarf

"I'm looking to sell this kn-"

Before he could even finish it was yanked it out of his hand and the dwarf started fiddling with it.

"Hmm, very interesting what kind of metal did you use to craft this blade?"

"Uhh, I'm not sure it has been a family heirloom passed down in my family for generations" Vale quickly lied

The dwarf seemed to be in deep thought.

[I think it's definitely worth something I mean it's from a different world, and it was made with machines.] Vale thought.

Vale started to sweat.

The dwarf handed the knife back to Vale.

"ten gold, it's a very interesting piece, but it's too short to be of much use in battles. Most people are looking for swords and such. I would only buy it to study."

[Nice, ten gold should be enough for me to leave this town and start a farm in a village somewhere.]

"Alright, deal" I decided to take the gold and ask for some information about the villages around the town.

"Do you know any farming villages nearby?"

"If it's farming the best around here would be Forinth village. It's not big but the people there are good, and you could find a decent piece of land." After thinking for a minute the dwarf replied.

Finishing the transaction, Vale asked for directions.


[I've decided, I'll leave for Forinth village. But traveling will have to be put on hold for the night, no one would be leaving this late in the day.]

The dwarf saw that Vale was new in town and recommended a cheap but clean inn down the road.

[I'll go their first, get some food and maybe I can get some more information this town and villages around it.]


Arriving at the Bears Den, the shop the dwarf recommended. Vale tried to look through the menu, but he discovered that he was now illiterate.

Vale called the waiter over.

She was cute, but plain. No older than 16.

"Hello miss what would you recommend? I asked, trying to sound like I was just looking for a recommendation and not totally incapable of reading the menu.

"Todays special is boar meat soup, it's a real treat"

"Alright, I'll take one special and a tall glass of ale"

[If I'm here to stay in this world, I should enjoy myself!]

As soon as she turned away, Vale started to focus on the conversations going on in the inn, thinking maybe he could hear something useful.

Two loud guys close to Vale were rather drunk, talking about some kind of dungeon opening up in the forest to the south, and how there has been a female adventurer going around alone defeating all of the dungeons lately.

"I don't think any of that has anything to do with me after meeting those ugly goblins I've more or less given up on being an adventurer." Vale muttered

[Who knows what else is out there much less meeting a female adventurer I'd probably end up in the belly of some wild creature.]

Vale finished his meal and paid for a room for the night, it was surprisingly cheap only 5 copper coins.

[Maybe that dwarf wasn't so bad.]

Tomorrow I leave for Forinth village, where I will start on my journey, to create this world's best farm!

Please be gentle <3

This is the first time I have ever tried writing and I know it's probably hot trash so leave any comments on what you think could be done better. Writing dialogue for me is so awkward.


Giggitycreators' thoughts