
Slow Life With My Daughter Raising System

Bautista died in front of his daughter's corpse. In the next morning he woke up in a unfamiliar place. "I should've have died with her!" [Ding! Host's has activated daughter raising system!] "There's still a chance to find my reincarnated daughter?" [Yes host, but first we must raise your strength!] ~~~~~~~ It is a slow life novel with a good world building with no cultivation cliche, although this is not an action novel but a slice of life genre, I will not be stingy and add necessary action episodes.

TheUnknownPen · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Last Guardian

"I am Bautista, you can call me Bau for short" Bautista replied.

"Senior Bau, let me guide you to my office" Hughes suggested, the latter nodded and they walked straight towards the office.

Along the hallway, Bautista saw beautiful paintings in the wall and a few spiritual plants. He also noticed more than a hundred arrays made up of thousands of micro formations and large formations.

They soon reached the office as it was not that far from the entrance.

Hughes offered Bautista a seat as soon as they entered.

Bautista nodded, he gently took a seat and waited for Hughes as the elder closed the door and seated in front of him.

"Senior, I apologize if I may offend you but, may I sincerely ask for Senior's identity and Senior's objective as why a person as strong as you come to our world?"

"Elder Hughes, you don't have to apologize over such a small matter. However, you are mistaken about one thing. I did not came from Heavenly Realm, I am one of The Ancient Ones, who were the first cultivators who roamed this planet 10 million years ago. As for why I suddenly appeared, I am cultivating inside the world's core and only after I surpassed the peak of Sovereign God Realm and reached Half-Step of an unknown realm I decided to stop my seclusion and checked the events that had happened when I am away." Bautista answered his question in a polite manner.

He made up this story when he received the information regarding this world from the system. As for offending an Ancient One by using their identity, he checked the whole world and found a lone cultivator below the Omega City, the person's cultivation had reached Half-Step God King Realm.

It was when Bautista probed his secrets with his Sovereign God Eye's he confirmed his assumption that this old man is one of those Ancient Ones.

As a Sovereign God, he can stand behind this old man for an indefinite amount of time and the latter would still be clueless about him. This was the gap between a Sovereign God and a Half-Step God King Realm Cultivator.

When Hughes heard Bautista's story his heart is filled with excitement. 'A Half-Step Heaven Realm Cultivator! Such an expert from the Ancient times actually appeared in their time of need.

"I understand, Senior Bau must have reached Half-Step Heaven Realm" Elder Hughes replied.

"Heaven Realm?" Bautista asked, ever since he raised his cultivation to the Peak of Sovereign God Realm, he did not stop cultivating and he soon felt he reached Half-Step of an unknown realm.

"Yes, Senior Bau, A Half-Step Heaven Realm Cultivator are experts that are no longer bounded by the world's Heavenly Will. Only after they successfully attained Heaven Realm where they will be forced out to ascend to Heavenly Realm. As for the stages above the Heaven Realm I don't know anything about it." Elder Hughes explained to Bautista in a calm manner, making sure that no details were left behind.

"I thank Elder Hughes for enlightening this Ancient One, Although I am considered an Ancient Being, my knowledge is subpar because I spent majority of my life in seclusion."

"In that case, Senior Bau can absorb sa contents of this Jade Slip, it contains everything that happened over the past 1,000 years. At least at the time where I started as a Great Guardian." Elder Hughes summoned a jade slip in his hands and placed it on the table.

Bautista used his spiritual energy to propelled the jade slip towards him, a second later the jade slip shined brightly before it dimmed down eventually.

"You are one of 10 Guardians and undoubtedly the weakest whose cultivation is only at Minor God Realm, while your leader is at Peak God King Realm. When 3 of the Guardians died which was no. 2 and no.3 in Terms of strength. You all came into a conclusion that this war is impossible to win and you can only preserve the human race by sacrificing 6 of the last Guardians. And they ordered you to stay behind and govern the bastion they created. With the power of 6 powerful God Realm Experts, the bastion can hold up to 1,500 years later. The barrier around the City is capable of withstanding a full force attack of a Celestial God Realm Beast. The power of the barrier proved to be effective because 50 years ago a Celestial God Realm Divine Beast attacked the Omega City and the Ancient One at Half-Step God King Realm had to use all his treasure along with the barrier's energy to take down this Divine Beast ."

"You are right Senior Bau, the barrier can only last up to 350 years or even less as the Divine Beasts are growing restless, They're intensifying their attacks every day." Elder Hughes said with a solemn expression. He tried repairing the barrier but he could only extend it for a week at most.

[Ding! System Issued a Main Quest Related Mission


-Daughter needs a safe Environment: Reinforce the barrier to ensure that your daughter will live a peaceful life without the impending risk of Divine Beasts.]

'I'm planning to do it even without the mission, now I am more compelled to do it.' Bautista muttered inwardly.

"Alright, lead me to the core and I'll reinforce it" Bautista stated.

Upon hearing this, Elder Hughes brighten up, his solemn expression was replaced by joy and excitement.

He kowtowed three times and said "Many thanks Senior Bau! The Omega City and The Entire Human Race will be delighted."

"No need, No need. I am a Human too" Bautista shrugged.

Hearing this Elder Hughes stood up and summoned a blue crystal. "Senior Bau, when I crush this crystal it will directly teleport us to the formation core after an hour." Elder Hughes said.

"No need, I extracted the coordinates inside the crystal. I will teleport us there." After Bautista said that, he snapped his fingers and they instantly appeared in a large room.

Theatge room has 10 Dao Sovereign Realm Guards guarding the center where a huge floating cube emitting a faint white light can be seen.

"City Lord!" The Guards cupped their fists and bowed.

"This young man right here is Senior Bau, An expert of Sovereign God Realm, he will help us reinforce the barrier." Elder Hughes said, the Guards suddenly make a way for the two of them.

"They are trained very well, not bad" Senior Bau gave a small compliment as he approached the Formation Core.

[Ding! System has detected a Main Quest Object

  "Divine Beast Repelling Barrier (Celestial God Rank) (Remaining Energy: 23.3%) (349.5 Years)

[Do you wish to upgrade the barrier?]


[Ding! Upgrading the barrier...]

Suddenly a terrifying amount of Cultivation Essence flowed out of Bautista's body, it quickly enveloped the entire room.

Although the room is filled with Cultivation Essence, it was not harmful to others at all, as his Cultivation Essence is like a tranquil water in a calm lake, Elder Hughes and The Guards felt a soothing sensation and were lost in thought.

The Cultivation Essence was really relaxing to them.

[Ding! Divine Beast Repelling Barrier has been upgraded successfully.]

[Divine Beast Repelling Barrier (Celestial God Rank) (Remaining Energy: 100%) (10,000 years) (Energy Reserves: 100%, 10,000years).]

"W-we broke through?" The Guards were flabbergasted.

'Heavens! True God Realm!' The Guards then kneeled in front of Bautista and said, "We are eternally grateful to Senior Bau for giving as an opportunity to breakthrough" The Guards shouted in unison.

"Enough, Enough, it's only a side effect when I am upgrading the barrier, you just happened to be present here. Come on don't make me embarrass myself, get up and continue guarding."

The guards quickly stood up and resumed their post. They even liked their job even more, At first they volunteered to guard the Formation Core because they are the only one capable of doing so. They didn't hate their job, nor like it. To them it was a noble sacrifice for the Human Race.

Who knew that after decades of guarding this place, they will be rewarded for their sacrifice.

'Treat it as a gift to reciprocate your selflessness' Bautista smiled as he teleported Elder Hughes back to the office.


Deepest part below the Omega City

"Hmm? A Huge residue of Cultivation Essence?" Baku sensed the incoming residue of Cultivation Essence.

Hahaha Great! Stepping into God King Realm is not impossible anymore!

He quickly absorbed the Cultivation Essence, and began refining it.

After two hours a huge amount of energy erupted from his body.

'Middle Stage God King Realm!'