
Slow Life With My Daughter Raising System

Bautista died in front of his daughter's corpse. In the next morning he woke up in a unfamiliar place. "I should've have died with her!" [Ding! Host's has activated daughter raising system!] "There's still a chance to find my reincarnated daughter?" [Yes host, but first we must raise your strength!] ~~~~~~~ It is a slow life novel with a good world building with no cultivation cliche, although this is not an action novel but a slice of life genre, I will not be stingy and add necessary action episodes.

TheUnknownPen · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Hidden Expert

Another morning arrived. Bautista wanted to explore the Forest of Doom.

"System, why did I reach the Sovereign God Realm yesterday?" Bautista asked.

[Ding! The host's physique and talent are already Heaven Defying, living your past life in a non cultivation world is truly a waste of gift from the heavens.]

"My old body must've had that physique did I bring that physique here when I got reincarnated?" Bautista was confused.

[Ding! When the host is still on Earth the system was already bounded on the host's soul the moment he died. Therefore the system extracted the physique in your body by creating an exact copy of your bones. After that the system followed where the host's soul will be reincarnated.]

[After the host's soul entered this universe the system searched for a suitable world and location to reconstruct the host's body.]

"So that's why I ended up in the middle of the forbidden place" Bautista muttered.

[Ding! Congratulations host for learning about how you have come to this world.

    Reward: Main Quest System]

[Do you want to start your Main Quest?]

"Yes please" Bautista answered.

[Main Quest "Reunion" has been started

   Reunion (1/10) : Establish a friendly relationship with the locals of this world to ensure a peaceful life when you get reunited with your daughter.]

"This.. Maybe I should consider going out of The Forest of Doom."

He was about to leave his courtyard when he felt a dozen presences belonging to a human entered the Forest of Doom.

"2 Dao Emperor Realm and 10 Dao King Realm" he muttered.

'I should wait for them in this courtyard then' he thought to himself.


Outer Area - Forest Of Doom

A large tent and a recently put out campfire can be seen.

Only a few meters away from the large tent where 10 men in silver armor and two middle aged men with golden armor gather.

"Jiro, Kairo, Hiro, Gairo, Muro, Taro, Reto, Dago, Pugo, Kubo" The man with Golden Armor called, His name is Kuro, The leader of Omega City's Expedition Corps.

"All of us must stick together, The highest cultivation of a mutated divine beast in the Forest of Doom is a powerhouse of Dao Emperor Realm. And take in mind that there's not only one or two, but thousands of them!" Another man in Golden Armor spoke, his name is Waro the Vice Leader.

They all came from the same orphanage, despite not having blood relations they formed a bond akin to brothers. They've been through countless missions and encountered many life and death situations. They will not leave anyone behind, they once was stuckes in the middle of a canyon outside the Omega City and only half of them can escape. Despite the situation no sacrifices were made, they created a deep cave and reinforced it with treasures holding their ground for 2 weeks. No help arrived, only when they achieved breakthrough they got out of the canyon that housed millions of Deity Beasts!

The 10 of them nodded, then they proceeded to venture deeper in the forest. Along the way they encountered Dao King divine beasts but they were easily taken care of. Similar to those few Dao Emperor Beasts.

After 8 hours and the sun was already setting.

"We only have a couple of hours before evening"  Waro said.

"Hurry up, I remembered that there was an open field in the middle of this forest, if we don't stop we'll arrive there in half an hour." Kuro added.

Thus, they fastened their pace.


Half an hour later

Bautista opened his eyes, he spent the whole day consolidating his cultivation. He then saw Kuro's group arrive at the stone path.

'They're here' he muttered.

Meanwhile, Kuro's group was shocked when a stone path appeared in front of them, as they continued to follow the path, they saw a courtyard and a small hut.

"Stop, as you can see, someone actually managed to build a courtyard and a small hut in the middle of this forbidden place. That means whoever is residing in it must be a hidden expert" Waro explained.

"Let's take 10 steps forward and greet the mysterious expert." Kuro added.

They immediately took 10 steps and shouted in unison.


Suddenly a young man appeared before them, the young man emits a strong but calm aura, it is not suffocating nor oppressing, Instead, he was like a Deity who descended to the mortal realm from the heavens.

Indeed, they were not wrong about him being a Deity as he was already a God Sovereign.

"Young friends, are you from the Omega City?" The young man asked in a calm soothing voice.

"Yes" Kuro answered as if the words got out of his mouth naturally.

"I see, I've been in a seclusion for quite sometime now. A lot of things have changed, although I scanned the entire world, I only knew about the general situation." The young man stated.

"Senior, if you wish to learn more about the current situation then you must ask the City Lord. He will answer your questions within his knowledge." Waro replied.

"Very well" The young man snapped his fingers and they instantly appeared in front of the City Lord Mansion.

The guards were startled at first but when they saw Kuro's group they relaxed. The expedition Corps was well known in the Omega City, their contribution towards the City were immeasurable.

"Teleportation? A God Realm Expert!" They all thought of the same thing.

"Lead the way please" the young man stated.

"This way senior, I hope you forgive us for not giving you a prope-" before Waro could even finished he was stopped by the young man.


"Stop" Bautista said interrupting Waro from speaking.

"Things are sudden and it can't be helped. I understand your situation and I am not an unreasonable one who gets easily offended by minor things" he continued.

"Thank you, Senior" Waro replied

They walked inside the mansion and soon reached the entrance.

He was greeted by an Elder who was standing outside the door as if expecting his arrival.

"A Minor God Realm? He must be the City Lord. He should've sensed the fluctuations of Cultivation Essence when I teleported the group.

Kuro's group kneeled and was left behind, while he continued to approach the elder.

"Welcome to Omega City the last bastion of Human Race. I am City Lord, Hughes, The Last Guardian mankind." The elder introduced himself.