
Slow Life With My Daughter Raising System

Bautista died in front of his daughter's corpse. In the next morning he woke up in a unfamiliar place. "I should've have died with her!" [Ding! Host's has activated daughter raising system!] "There's still a chance to find my reincarnated daughter?" [Yes host, but first we must raise your strength!] ~~~~~~~ It is a slow life novel with a good world building with no cultivation cliche, although this is not an action novel but a slice of life genre, I will not be stingy and add necessary action episodes.

TheUnknownPen · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Immortal God Realm!

"I finally reached the God King Realm" Baku muttered.

"I need to express my gratitude to that Senior, it seems like i need to go back to the surface again" with that, his body was enveloped in blue light before disappearing.


City Lord Office - Omega City

"I cannot express my gratitude enough Senior Bau, If you have any requests this old bones will surely help even if it means going through hell and back" Elder Hughes said. He wasn't joking, even if Senior Bau really told him to go to the Underworld he will definitely go just to satisfy the City's benefactor.

"I do have a request, but it doesn't involve going to hell or whatsoever" Bautista replied jokingly

"I had my daughter before I entered seclusion deep down in this world's core, I estimated that she'll get reincarnated sooner or later. Although she possessed a different body, she is still the same soul. Now i ask the City Lord to inquire about the newly born female babies in the city." Bautista said.

'Senior had a daughter? Getting reincarnated means...she died?' Elder Hughes destroyed his thoughts immediately. 'I shouldn't think about that again, I might offend Senior Bau'

"I see, Senior Bau must've treasured his daughter so much, do not worry Senior Bau. The whole Omega City will mobilize after I announce your unparalleled contribution towards us, by then the citizens will also feel greateful and searching for your daughter will be much easier." Elder Hughes said with assurance.

"It is impossible for her to be birthed by a Woman, that's your only lead." Bautista added.

"I understand Senior Bau, we will look out for a female child that will appear out of nowhere in the streets" Elder Hughes replied.

"Many thanks" After that, Bautista teleported back to his courtyard.

Before him was a dilapidated small hut inside his courtyard.

[ Congratulations host for completing the missions, "Friendly Neighbors" and "Daughter needs a safe environment" ]

[Do you want to claim your rewards?]

"Yes please"

[ Ding! Rewards distributed successfully

   +5 Cultivation Essence Sphere

   +1 Unparalleled Chaos Cultivation Technique

   +1 Chaos Maiden Cultivation Technique.         ]

Bautista checked his rewards, it seems like the system is really generous.

(Cultivation Essence Sphere: A sphere that contained a dense and pure Cultivation Essence. Can increase one's realm depending on their talent.)

"My daughter might need this, with my Sovereign God Realm Cultivation there's no one in this world who can defeat me." Bautista complimented himself.

( Unparalleled Chaos Technique: Chaos is one of the Primordial Essence that is responsible for the birth of countless universes. This cultivation technique can only be learned by the host.

  Requirement: Newly Ascended Heaven Realm. )

"What a mysterious cultivation technique" he then looked at the final reward.

( Chaos Maiden Cultivation Technique: Chaos is one of the Primordial Essence that is responsible for the birth of countless universes. This Cultivation Technique allows the user to cultivate the power of chaos. This Cultivation Technique can only be learned by the host's daughter. )

"Another mysterious cultivation technique again, and it is for my daughter instead of me." Bautista was left in deep thought.

After a few moment, he opened his mouth and asked the system.

"My system, can you tell me more about these two cultivation techniques?"

[Ding! Please explore them by yourself host.]

"Right, I can't expect the system to spoon feed me everything."

[Ding! The host is right, the system will only act as your support and guide, not your cheats.]

"But you helped me reach the Sovereign God Realm"

[Host that's Because of your good karma, even if you didn't have a system, you will still reach Sovereign God Realm in 50 years.]

"I understand" Bautista then started to cultivate the technique he got from the system.


Elder Hughes was sitting in the office when he suddenly felt a familiar presence.

"Ancient One Baku!" Elder Hughes exclaimed.

"Elder Hughes, did you know where the expert who helped us with our breakthrough" Baku asked Elder Hughes.

Elder Hughes shook his head "Although i know, i am not sure if we can disturb him."

Elder Hughes seemed to have realized something, "Wait...help us?" He then checked his cultivation level.

"Immortal God Realm!" Elder Hughes was shocked

"It seems like you haven't noticed your breakthrough, hey old bones are nearing your limit?" Baku teased.

"Limit my ass! But to help us breakthrough without realizing, his cultivation essence was very pure" Elder Hughes said.

"By the way Senior Baku, I need your help with something." Elder Hughes begged Baku to help him tell the citizens of Omega City about Senior Bau, and the task about finding Senior Bau's reincarnated daughter.

"Alright, isn't it just distributing his image and telling his contributions. That's easy as drinking a water hahaha" Baku laughed

"I thank you, i will handle his daughter's affairs" Elder Hughes replied.


Forest of Doom - Center Part

Bautista opened his eyes, he looked at his surrounding and a thought suddenly came into his mind.

[Ding! Main Quest Mission has been issued]

[Daughter needs a better home: Transform your small hut and courtyard into something better. Host you surely don't want to let your daughter in this run down house right?]

Bautista felt that his sysris scolding him by giving out missions.

"I was just thinking about that and you issued a mission, are you reading my mind?" Bautista asked

[Host...the system is bounded to your soul, naturally I know all the things you had in your mind.]

"W-what? Everything?" Bautista seemed unconvinced.

[Those twin peaks and perfect crevice, your daughter's mother is so beautiful that you're still thinking what happened on your dirst time with her.]

"..." Bautista was speechless

"System, stop teasing my me please" Bautista sighed.

"I just need to find the best carpenter in the city" but again the system interrupted him.

[Host, you are a Sovereign God Realm, conjuring things out of thin air is the least you can do.]

"Oh, right i forgot it could be used that way Hahahaha" Bautista laughed at his own ignorance.