
Slow Life In Anime Fantasy World

This is the story of a soul called Error 404, a soul that was reincarnated in the fantasy world of anime. He offered to be a hero or a demon king if he wanted to but, he rejected all of it, and said. "I'm sick of tiring stuff, if possible I want to live a slow life in another world, become a farmer or anything, as long as I'm away from those tiring kinds of stuff" And so here his story began. -=-=-=-=- This is a wish fulfilment fanfic I created to relax, just like the title says, the pacing of this book is slow, if you like so many actions and events then this is not for you. This book is a mix of many fantasy anime, expect some from novels and anime such as Tensura, Moonlit Fantasy, and more. I don't own any of the characters here except for the oc. The cover is not mine :) Updates are from Monday to Friday. which means 5 chaps a week. Hope you guys enjoy

World_Mayka · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 6- Winter Has Come

The name of the vampire is Rurunashi.

Wisp has tried calling her in a number of ways but it eventually becomes Ruu.

By the way, the way she addressed Wisp changed from Savage, Erotic Beast, Bastard, Village Chief, and now Honey Buns.

Because Wisp accepted Ruu, the dogs accepted her too.

Wisp was careless so when she met Zafu, she fainted.

Although she's a vampire, she's still a woman.

One would normally be surprised if she saw a giant spider with a lot of big spiders.

After she recovered, she somehow accepted Wisp's explanation.

With Ruu's addition to Wisp's place, he now didn't feel lonely, sure he felt guilty for taking advantage of her, but he underestimated his Healthy Body.

A healthy Body means his hornymones are also very active and Wisp also lasts longer in bed, thankfully, Ruu was not angry and she even forgave him.

Nothing really changed after Ruu came, but the house was now too small for two people so Wisp decided to make another house, this one is made of Bricks, it would have been difficult to make brick in the cold days but one thing Wisp found after he met Ruu.

Magic exists in this world, Ruu could summon out a flame or even those magics that Wisp saw in the movies, he was very happy so he told Ruu to help him in making bricks.


"Yeah, with this we could build a house before winter"

"Honey-buns magic is not used like that..."

"Really? it's helpful though?"

"Just forget it, how many more bricks do we have to make?"

In the end, Wisp took about 2 and a half weeks to build the new house, and it was also a good thing because winter was just around the corner, with the new house, the cold has become bearable, and Wisp also added a chimney.

Though the house is only 1 story, Wisp would turn it into a 3 story after winter, anyway, It didn't take long for winter to come and Wisp is locked up inside his house.

"Hmmm, something is different with this tomato"

Wisp said as he looked at the tomato on his hand, different from the ones he harvested, this one is pure red and Wisp could feel something on the tomato but he couldn't what it was, and so he decided to ask Ruu.

"Eh!? that is a Mana Fruit!"

Ruu exclaimed loudly as she saw the tomato, her expression was of shock and surprise.

"Is it something rare?"

"Rare? no honey buns, this fruit is close to divine! it was said that fruits like this are blessings from Gods themselves"

"Oh really?"

Wisp was surprised then he turned towards the box near him.

"I guess, gods like to bless tomatoes huh??"

Ruu looked towards the box and saw it was full of Mana Fruit, she had a deadpan expression on her face as she looked at those fruits.

"Anyway, let's give everyone each so they could taste it"


Ruu nodded and she felt light-headed, Mana Fruit is a very very very rare fruit that was said to be given by gods, those who have chanced and ate it became great figures, one of the popular ones was the Wizard King from the Clover Kingdom who was known to be able to take down a powerful demon.

But to think there were so many in front of her that they seemed to ber just a normal fruit in a basket, no wonder she felt she was dreaming, then she could not help but look at her new husband.

A man who was loved by the gods, that is what she thought of him.

Wisp ate the mana fruit that Ruu said and it actually tasted different from a normal tomato, it was crunchy, juicy, and there was this difficult to describe sensation whenever he ate one, it was like he feels his body getting energetic?

Well, that was it, Wisp then distributed the fruit to everyone, from the dogs to Zafu, but to his surprise, the children of Reynolds were already waiting for him outside, all in a single line.

"Hmm? What is the problem, guys?"


The dogs barked at the same time then scattered away, Wisp was surprised and confused.

"Are they leaving?"

He sadly thought, he then turned towards Reynold and Sabrina, the two then explained what the pups will do through body language.

And it seemed the dogs decided to look for their partners.

"Will they come back?"

He asked but he was not sure, but at least, Reynolds and Sabrina still decided to stay with him, he felt a little sad though, Wisp hugged Reynolds and Sabrina while looking at the leaving figures of their pups.

The next day, Wisp noticed that Reynold and Sabrina seemed to have been working hard looking over the field, are they consoling Wisp? well, he was happy about it.

But he really hopes they don't work too hard because it was still snowing outside, anyway, for the rest of the winter, Wisp and the other stayed up inside while Zafu hibernated.

Doing nothing made Wisp a little restless so he decided to do his favorite hobby from his past life and that is drawing manga/comics, Wisp had always wanted to become a popular manga/comic artist but unfortunately, he wasn't able to chase after it due to his poor family.

But he still tried to draw when he had a chance and created some small manga for his own, he was not very confident in his own works so he did not show it o others other than to his mother who continuedly to support him.

"Hmm, I should recreate the popular ones from my past life, I missed reading them"

Wisp smiled as he reminiscence his past, on his day, manga and comics were very popular but as technology started to move, manga and books have become less popular than it was almost forgotten, but Wisp still loved his past.

And so, he wrote the ones he loved the most.

Wisp took out a stack of paper that he made a week ago, it was as good as modern paper, he then took out a dip pen that is made out of wood, as for the ink, it was given by Ruu, he then placed all of the materials into the table and started drawing.

With God's hand that was given to Wisp, drawing was very easy and it only took him a few minutes to finish drawing a character, and his drawing was almost realistic even if it didn't have any color.

"It's done"

Wisp looked at the character he drew with satisfaction.

A small young boy of a petite figure, He has fair black hair with a single strand protruding onto his forehead, black eyes, and rosy red cheeks. He wears a blue suit, white socks, black shoes, and a tiny crown on his head.

"Hmm? What are you doing Honey Buns?"

Ruu who just woke up looked at Wisp and saw the paper in his hands, curiously looking over it, she couldn't recognize who it was, but she was surprised by how realistic his drawing was.

"Who is that?"

"His name is Bojji"

"Bojji? I have never heard of him before"

"Well, he is a fictional character"

"Are you going to make a book?"

"A picture book called Manga actually, do you want to read it when I finished making one?"

"Of course honey buns, I want to read a story that you made"

"That is great, I will continue drawing, I may probably be able to finish it by night time"


With that, Wisp started working, even though he hasn't memorized the story but the story was part of his all-knowing ability so he could recall everything from the most accurate detail.

In the end, he finished it by evening, earlier than he had thought, Wisp then dried the papers and started making dinner.

"Are you done Honeybuns?"

Ruu came and looked over the papers laid on the table.

"Yes, go on read it, by the way, read from right to left and from top to bottom"

"Eh? why is it organized like that?"

"I just felt it was right"

"Hmm... Okay, I will read it now okay?"

"Go on, I will make dinner while you are reading"

Ruu then started reading the story, she first looked at the title of the story.

"King's ranking? That is a unique title"

The story started with explaining what is the King's Ranking, To be part of the Kings ranking, a king must have a powerful army, a great wealth, and powerful individual prowess, then came next was a naked kid walking on the streets being laughed by people.

He walked as if he didn't notice the laughter of the people around him, it was as if he couldn't hear them, that kid's name is Bojji.

On one fine morning in the kingdom, Bojji meets a shadow like figure out in the forests. The shadow introduces itself as Kage. Kage tried to rob him, but he didn't have any money, so instead, Bojji gave him his clothes, which turn out to be pretty expensive. At first, they are both afraid of each other, but they become acclimated to each other by agreeing to meet every day so that Boji may give Kage his clothes. The two get extremely close, but the cost of their relationship awaits them ahead, on a perilous road littered with razor-sharp blades...


For those who are wondering, the character is based on from the manga/novel (Isekai Nonbiri Nouka) There are some parts that are copied from the novel but the world background will be different, hope you guys enjoy :)