
Slow Life In Anime Fantasy World

This is the story of a soul called Error 404, a soul that was reincarnated in the fantasy world of anime. He offered to be a hero or a demon king if he wanted to but, he rejected all of it, and said. "I'm sick of tiring stuff, if possible I want to live a slow life in another world, become a farmer or anything, as long as I'm away from those tiring kinds of stuff" And so here his story began. -=-=-=-=- This is a wish fulfilment fanfic I created to relax, just like the title says, the pacing of this book is slow, if you like so many actions and events then this is not for you. This book is a mix of many fantasy anime, expect some from novels and anime such as Tensura, Moonlit Fantasy, and more. I don't own any of the characters here except for the oc. The cover is not mine :) Updates are from Monday to Friday. which means 5 chaps a week. Hope you guys enjoy

World_Mayka · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 7- Christmas!

"Merry Christmas Honeybuns!"

Ruu said to Wisp who was making something.

"Eh? Christmas exists in this world?"

Wisp was surprised.

"Yes, today is December 25 which is the birth of Christ"

According to Ruu, Catholics exist in this world, and it was the same as Wisp's past life, though he felt sorry for Jesus because even in the other world that guy got crucified, poor guy.

And since Christmas exist in this world, Wisp, of course, decided to celebrate it, he was not a catholic in his past life but he always celebrated Christmas with his family in his past life.

Wisp immediately called everyone in the house and celebrated it, even Zafu who was hibernating was called, Christmas was meant to be celebrated with your family, though, their feast is not that grand because Wisp didn't prepare but it was good that everyone is happy.

But there was still Christmas eve, Wisp is going to prepare for that one, while he was at it too, he gave gifts to everyone, he did not just make Manga's in the past few days but also made some other things.

For example, chess, instruments, and some furniture, Chess went to the dogs, they were very intelligent and learned how to play after Wisp explained it once, the two dogs like to play with each other and gathered around to play chess, Wisp modified the chess pieces since dogs move the pieces with their mouth so he made it easy for them, they are still learning so they weren't playing with Wisp for now.

Next is Zafu, Zafu liked the Mannequin that I made which is made the size of Wisp and Ruu, as expected of the fashion designer of the village.

Next is Ruu, she took all of the Manga that Wisp made for the past few days, she became really addicted after reading the King's Ranking manga, anyway, after drawing the King's Ranking, Wisp also made a few more respectively, One punch Man, Inuyasha, Slam Dunk, Clannad, and lastly, Detective Conan.

Yes, almost all of them were very old manga's, the reason why Wisp draw One Punch Man was to see how detailed he could be in drawing things, well, there is more detailed manga such as Berserk but it was too dark for the taste of Wisp.

So he went for One Punch Man, anyway, for the instruments, no one really has any interest in it other than Wisp, so he used it for himself, Wisp loved listening to music in his past life, it was just a blessing for the soul.

Wisp made 2 instruments, Erhu, and a flute, as for the other instruments, Wisp doesn't have enough materials to make them, Wisp then took the Erhu, The erhu, is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, more specifically a spike fiddle, which may also be called a Southern Fiddle, and is sometimes known in the Western world as the Chinese violin or a Chinese two-stringed fiddle.

Wisp made it using Zafu's strings wi the different densities.

"Hmm, what song should I play?"

Wisp looked around him, he then noticed Ruu reading the Inuyasha and suddenly remembered its OST, which is a piece of very good music.

"it will be incomplete since there is no piano but..."

Wisp closed his eyes and started moving his hands, slowly, the music was being heard by everyone, they looked towards Wisp playing the Erhu, they all stopped what they are doing and went in front of him.

(To Love's End - Erhu Cover)

The sound of Wisp's childhood flashed before his closed eyes.

"How we wished to remain young forever, in the end, we were having fun without knowing we were also making memories"

He whispered under his breath but it was heard by everyone, they all closed their eyes as if reminiscing their past, after a while, Wisp finished playing and had a smile on his face, he opened his eyes and saw everyone was sleeping around him with a satisfied smile on their faces.

"Good night to all of you"

Wisp gave a kiss to every single one of them, even Zafu was given one, there is no disgust in Wisp eyes, in his eyes, every single one of them was his family, he went to the storage room and took a bunch of blankets and covered everyone, he then laid beside them and also slept.


It has stopped snowing and the dogs were the first ones to run outside and play, Wisp followed them and looked around, it's not the end of winter yet but it was not that good to hole up inside the house for a long time.

The snow was very thick and it reaches up to the knees, Wisp summoned his AFT and turned it into a shovel, he then created a pathway to make it easy walking around, after he was done, Wisp decided to play and make a snowman.

Yes, acting like a kid but it was great to have fun, he also played freebie with the dogs who loved running around the snow, after a while, as he was playing, Wisp noticed figures not too far away running towards him.

When he saw they were, Wisp was beyond happy, it was the dogs who went out to find their partners! and they came here with their partners, Wisp immediately welcomed them back with a hug and also met their partners.

The dogs were full of bruises but they seemed to be proud of it, anyway, they had a tiresome journey so Wisp made them rest towards their houses, due to the increase in numbers, Wisp decided to make more dog houses for them.

Anyway, Wisp decided to give the dog's partner names.

Ryan's partner is Iris

Reyna's partner is Aris

Ray's partner is Firis.

Roy's partner is Eris.

Reen's partner is Uno.

By the way, Uno is the one who became the most familiar with Wisp the most compared to the other newcomers.

When he is playing with the Dogs, Reen bites Uno's neck to drag him.

During those times, Uno has an "I don't care anymore" face.

Hang in there.

One thing Wisp also noticed is that, the dogs don't sleep inside Reynolds and Sabrina's house anymore, it seemed like they also established their hierarchy, those two are considered to be the leader of the dogs now.

Their horns also started to fall from their forehead, Wisp collected all of them since the horns are made out of metal, he now doesn't have to worry about mining, he can just smelt these things and turn them into ingots.

The dogs also don't seem to mind.

Anyway, Wisp made a lot of dog houses because he knew these dogs will soon give birth to new pups.

Wisp thought of expanding the fields for future needs…

On the opposite side where the river is, he made a large space that can fit 16 fields, a four by four field, and enclosed it with a log fence and moat.

Thinking about the future, the number of their children will increase so this space is necessary.

Wisp left the log fence between his place and the new one but he fill up the moat on that side.

They might feel that they are isolated if they left the moat as it is.

Because Wisp used the AFT, the supposed to be hard work became easy.

In the blink of an eye, it started snowing once again, but Wisp wore up a coat, boots, and a scarf.

"Where are you going Honey Buns?"

"I want to go out for a bit, I'm just going to see something"

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, just stay here"

Wisp kissed Ruu on the forehead and went out, Ruu looked at her husband and decided to follow what he said, she just hopes nothing happens.

Wisp went outside, he wanted to go out alone today because he felt there was something calling him, but just as he got out, he noticed the group of dogs was already waiting for him.

And they seemed to want to follow him very much, nothing he could do, Wisp decided to bring some of them, at least with them with him, his safety is guaranteed.

Wisp then made his way towards the west, he doesn't know why but he felt like he will see something if he goes there, it was just a feeling but it was so strong that Wisp could not ignore it.

It was snowing heavily and it was very dark, but in Wisp's eyes, it was bright as the day, the snow somewhat made him slow but it was bearable, there are also no monsters in the vicinity, Wisp traveled for about 2 kilometers seeing nothing but trees until he noticed an open area and for some reason, there is no snow in that open area.

Making his way towards that open area, Wisp noticed that the dogs seemed to have frozen, not literally but they seemed to not dare to move forward, seeing this, Wisp immediately took his AFT and turned it into a spear.

He then noticed a huge shadow looming over him, looking up, he was very shocked.