
V : Truth Or Truth


‘I need to start packing because there is just one day left. We will be flying for Athens on Monday,’ June thinks.

She has always been organised, which gave a big relief to Mrs.Gold. Even in this small dorm room, June is able to keep all her stuff in different drawers of the cupboard so that they don’t mix up. This was clearly inspired by Monica Geller. If anyone ever opened her cupboard, they could see how neatly the synthetic clothes like silk and georgette were folded and how the leggings, jeans and pants were kept separated. Even her jewellery box had different compartments for small earrings, long earrings, lockets, bracelets and hair accessories.

June takes out her grey carry-on luggage from the under of her wooden bed.

‘I should check the weather of Greece, it will be easier for me to pack clothes accordingly,’ June thinks as she unlocks her i-phone and starts searching in Google.

“Ok Google,” she says, “What is the current weather of Athens?”

“The current weather of Athens, Greece is 23 degree Celsius highest and 15 degree Celsius lowest,” the machine says.

‘Okay, might as well keep warmer clothes just in case,’ she thinks.

June puts in some pajamas in the luggage at first. Then puts some belts, tees and jeans in her carry-on, her go to casual look. Turtlenecks and long cardigans go in too.

‘Should I take a good dress?’ But why would I need a dress there?’ She gets more and more confused about whether to take a dress or not.

As some seconds pass by, she ends up taking two beautiful dresses and thinks, ‘Nevermind a dress is a must have in places like Greece,’ she smiles as she imagines her wearing that bodycon dress with a fur shrug on top.

She puts inside sneakers, pump shoes, heels, one pair each. She then keeps a minaudière clutch and an Elizabeth Arden perfume, one of her favourites.

She takes out a shiny pouch from her cupboard and fills it up with three shades of matt lipsticks from Revlon, nude, peach and scarlet. She usually wears chapstick to uni.

‘But when you go on a vacation you dress up nice,’ she thinks to herself.

She puts a foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, highlighter, a compact powder, cologne, moisturiser and her lotion and of course her all-time partner Vaseline. She zips that bag up and takes out another shiny pouch and fills that up with scrunchies, bobby pins and hair bows of different sizes matched with her outfits.

And the last set of pouches get filled up with small stud earrings, hoops, lockets, chains and bracelets again, matched with her outfits.

She puts some other stuff and necessary meds. She checks the checklist that she made yesterday so that she doesn’t miss out on anything. She zips up the carry-on and keeps it standing on one side of the room.

As she sits on the bed in relief, she hears a knock on her dorm door.

She opens the door and sees Coral, Derek and Sky with a subway bag in his hand.

“Hey, I bought some subways for us, let’s do a sandwich party in the rugby field behind?” Sky asks.

“Yess, let me grab my cardigan,” says June. She slides on her cardigan on top of her pajamas and puts on a hair band and joins them.

“So to what do we owe this sandwich party?” Coral asks as she and June walk together.

“Nothing special, I thought, let’s eat together,” Sky says.

“Nice thought, bro,” says Derek.

“Hey let’s sit on the grass,” says June.

“Oh yeah and let’s also play a game,” Coral proposes as the four sit on the grass.

“Truth or truth?” says Sky.

“That’ll be fun!” says Derek.

“We will take turns one after another and we all have to answer the question we will be given, fair?” says June as she takes out the sandwiches out of the bag.

Coral takes a bite from her sandwich and asks, “So let’s start with you June, “What is the name of your best friends back in school?”

Suddenly the happiness on June’s face starts to dim.