
VI : Promise


“Well,” June’s eyes fixed at the end of the field as trying to find something important there, “I have two close friends, Sam and Andrew. They are the only friends from school. My history of friendship was always messy. People didn’t like my presence back in school. I was a topper from middle school and well that was the first reason to hate me.”

“But that should be the reason for people to like you, right?” Derek says.

“Well yeah but they weren’t happy at my success and started bullying me. The bullying went worse when I was awarded as the best student of the year for academic and co-curricular activities. But my teachers loved me a lot. I was adored by everybody in my school except my own classmates. I faced a lot of stuff in school for which I still get nightmares. I still thought of them as my friends but that hallucination broke at 7th grade when my bond with Sam and Andrew grew stronger. Sam, Andrew and I used to hang out often because our moms are friends. We knew each other from second grade. They showed me the true meaning of friendship. They helped me to come out of depression. But I was still bullied by my own so-called ‘friends’. At one point I just gave up and broke in front of Sam and Andrew. That day was when I understood the true meaning of friendship. They care for me a lot and I do the same for them,” small ray smile passes through June’s lips.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through bullying, it’s the worst,” Sky says as he slowly strokes his hand on my shoulder.

“So what did you do next? I mean did you stand up for yourself?” Coral asks, being concerned.

“Yeah, that, no I didn’t. Sam and Andrew, my two matured idiots taught me that I don’t have to be sad because some shitty people bullied me. Many people go through bullying, some break down and some rise like stars. They taught me to shine like a star and grow better into an improved self, and I did. They taught me to give them their answers back with a better self, that actually helped. I started to get even better at my studies, dancing and singing. I started to ignore them and suddenly life felt better. I started journaling and playing guitar. I was happy again, I will forever owe this happiness to Sam and Andrew,” this time June smiles for real.

“I’m glad that you were able to come out of that time. I’m sure both Sam and Andrew are great people,” Sky says.

“Yes, they are. We facetime each other everyday. They are gonna be my best idiots. They are like the brothers I never had.”

They share a smile together.

“Alright that calls for another question, I’m up,” says Derek.

“So you are the only child. Do you think you needed a sibling?” Sky asks.

“Actually, I had a little sister?”

“What? Why didn’t we know? Wait, why did you say you had a sister?” asks June.

“Few years ago we were going home after school. She was sitting right beside me in the school bus. Well, I never thought that would be our last journey together. The bus, unfortunately met with a big accident. Two people died, including my little Darla. I blamed myself for letting her die and thought that it was my fault for not holding her tightly. I will give up everything just to give her a hug one last time,” tears rolling down from Derek’s eyes.

“I’m so sorry Derek, I didn;t know that you faced such a terrible loss,” Coral says while wiping off the tears from his eyes.

“I’m so sorry man,” Sky says.

“We are so sorry for your loss, Derek. But you shouldn’t blame yourself, you were young back then,” June says.

“I understand that now. My therapist helped me a lot in those years. She made me realise that if people are born they will die too. And well, she will forever live in my heart,” Derek smiles.

“Well, I have a proposal for you. I have no siblings. Sam and Andrew protected me like a little sister when we were in school. I’d be really happy if I had a big brother here too,” says June.

“Of course, I’ll take care of you like my little sister,” Derek and June hug each other enjoying their little bro-sis moment.

“This is extremely cute,” Sky says. “Yess, we are joining too,” Coral says as both of them join for a group hug.

“Guess our past really made us strong and ready for our present,” says Coral.

“As in?” asks Sky.

“As in, the bullying helped June to understand her worth. She mistreated herself for the bullying. But then she met with Sam and Andrew who showed her true worth. And Derek got a reason to do better in life. He improved himself so that his sister could be proud of him from the sky. I’m not saying that what happened was good. It’s just what happens, happens for a reason. It’s like an illusion of fate that we don't understand always,” Coral finishes.

“You are so good at analysing,” says Sky.

“Oh the girls of our gang are good at everything, be it giving support or having each others’ backs. This is going to be the best gang ever,” Derek says.

“Agreed bro, you know what, let's make a pact, let’s promise to be friends forever,” Sky proposes, “ready?”

The four scream, “Promise,” altogether.

The four laugh and talk until the sun sets. They forget about the passing time and try to focus on each other as if nothing else was important than this friendship. June was finally relieved to find true friends in an unknown city. Truly, nothing can compare with the relationship of friendship. True friends are the one who always have your back and have faith in you no matter what. That day the field of Oxford University witnessed the never breaking promise of four amazing people.