
IIII : Navy Blue Blanket


Meanwhile, Sky takes June outside of the uni premises.

"What is that?!" June asks with shock looking at a Suzuki motorbike.

"This is bike stupid, now hop on," Sky says as he sits on the bike and starts its engine.

"I don't understand, bike? What's the story?"

"June, I want to take you on a bike ride."

"Why, Sky?"

"We have been really good friends, and I want to show you something really important to me, won't you come, June?" Sky's calming eyes pleading her to say a yes.

June, still a little confused, "Give me the helmet," says June.

"That's like my girl," Sky passes her the other helmet while fixing his own.

"What? What did you call me?" June tried to adjust the helmet on her head.

"That leather jacket's dope," Sky compliments June's black leather. She was wearing basic jeans and white tee but the leather did its magic.

"Denim's dope too," June sits on the behind him with two legs on two sides and hands on his shoulders. He was wearing a denim shirt and jeans.

Sky accelerates and soon hits the highway.

'Her dark brown hair is playing with the wind, she does look good,' Sky thinks as he watches her through the rear-view mirror and smiles in his heart.

"What are you looking at, Sky?"

"Beauty," he smiles. She smiles back too.

Sky takes a turn on the right and brakes in front of a beautiful lake full of water lilies and a mini forest behind it.

"Sky!" June screams in happiness to see such a beautiful scenery in front of her, "This is..."

"Beautiful, right?" Sky takes her hand and sits down near the shore of the lake.

"Beyond beautiful," June says that looking at him, "How did you know of this place?"

"Oh I was just randomly riding the bike that I rent whenever I feel like going on adventures, then I came upon this place. I never bring anyone with me on adventures."

"So me?" June puts both her hands on her knees.

"To be frank June," Sky shifts his eyes from the lake to look at her, "I have never had friends who could understand me. You're so different, in such a short time you have become my friend, you don't show anything fake. You know me, hell you know me better than my parents."

"Thanks, Sky, you have also made yourself an important person to me." They both smile at each other and inhale the fresh air of the countryside.

"So you wanna come inside the water with me? I could pluck you a flower."

"Oh no Sky, actually I can't swim," June replies, being a little embarrassed.

"Why didn't you learn how to swim?"

"Actually," hesitating but still June decides to open up, "I'm afraid of water, Sky. When I'm in water, I feel that I don't have any ground under my feet and the water is gonna take me away from everything with the power of its waves. I don't feel secure," says June thinking what would he feel about her now.

"It's absolutely fine to not like the water, I remember when I first jumped into the swimming pool thinking I will float. I didn't obviously," he chuckles, "But in that moment I could feel what you feel when you're in water."

June nods at him.

"Do you like the lilies?" asks Sky.

"I do, yeah."

"I'll get one for you then," Sky says with full confidence.

"No, not at all, it's getting late and on top of it why would you bother yourself to get a flower for me?"

"I'm getting you a flower Gold," Sky goes inside the lake and soon reaches the lilies. He takes one in hand and comes back to the shore, all drenched in water, "Here you go," he hands her the flower.

"Thank you, Sky," she says, looking at him eye to eye.

"Why are you being so humble? Has no one ever given you flowers before or what?" Sky says, shaking his head to let the water fall off his hair.

June just stares at him without saying anything.

"Wait, seriously?" Sky asks shocked.

"Yes, you're the first one to give me a flower," June replies shyly, blushing a little.

Sky smiles and pulls her up. They again wear their helmets but June sits on the bike first.


"I'm driving, come on, sit," says June with a big smile, "Hold my flower."

"Okay ma'am," Sky sits behind her. June starts the engine. She speeds up according to the speed limit and starts going behind the lake. "But this is not the way..." Sky says but he gets interrupted by June.

"I'm taking the shortcut, Rudolph, bear with me," she gives a smile looking at the rear-view mirror knowing that he was looking there only.

June goes inside the forest and soon hits the highway, a road with the mountains on one side and cliff on the other. It was evening already and the sky on the cliff's side was looking gorgeous as it was decorated with all the stars.

"Describe the sky, Sky," says June, eyes fixed on the road, "I want to see it through your eyes."

Sky takes a moment and then finally says, "There is a navy blue blanket on top of our heads. The blanket is embroidered with a variety of silver stones of different sizes. The stones are shining so that the mass of navy blue doesn't look dull."

"That's it?" June asks, still looking at the road.

"There is a big stone in the sky too, it's unique, one of its kind. The blanket is standing out only and only because of it," he says. While he starts thinking in his mind, 'Maybe that stone or the moon is you, June, as you truly are one of your kind.'

Then June interrupts his moonlit thoughts, "The blanket is really beautiful, Sky."

"But you didn't even move your eyes from the road."

"I wanted to see it through your eyes. I did and I have no regrets."

They both smile at each other, but this time their smiles had different spark in them.