
Chapter Two


I wake up, tied to a wooden chair, a weak light bulb hanging above my head.

"Valto," I whisper, to not be heard, trying to untie myself with a spell, but my magic has been disabled in the room. I hear footsteps, and I see Josh walking towards me.

"Did I not tell you to stay out of my way?!" I yelled at him.

"And did I not say that I won't give up? Since your humanity is off, I brought a little friend to compell you," he answered back.

From the shadows, I see Hope Mikaelson walk up, silence around us.

"I can't believe you sold me out! No one was meant to know I'm a heretic!" I almost scream at him.

"Isobel Bennet," says Hope, her pupils shrinking, "turn your humanity back on."

My eyes close and then, it all comes rushing in. Every emotion, every love ,every kiss, every tear, it's all back. That's when I realise the person I love most is back.

"Oh God! I'm gonna be late for the pageant! Please let me go," I almost beg. Hope unties the rope and within seconds I'm in the Lockwood Mansion. I go help the contestants get ready.

"Our first contestant is Stefanie Salvatore accompanied by Jayden Gilbert."

As I come to the end of the list, my eyes widen when I see the name.

"And our final contestant is Hope Mikaelson accompanied by.." my voice croaks.

"...Joshua St. John."

Josh? Why is he at the pageant with Hope?

I stay calm and ask one of the town residents to take over my job because I'm not feeling too well. I try to run towards the forest but someone grabs my arm.

"Why won't you just leave me alone Josh?"

"You really don't know?" he asks, a smirk on his face.

"No, I don't," I lie.

"Well, then I guess you'll never know," he cuts in shortly and speeds off.

I knew exactly what he meant.