
Chapter 1


"Miss Bennet, you have guests," said the doorman.

"I will be down in a minute," I said.

I walked down the gloomy stairs, putting on my strict face and coming to meet my guests.

"Now look who we have here. New residents in Mystic Falls."

I walk up to Emilia and whisper in her ear, asking what they have done. When I hear her answer, my face goes red with anger as I walk up to the new vampires in town, casting a pain inflict spell on them.

"Sorry to be rude, but I do not accept witch feeding vampires in my town so if you want to stay here, you must obey my rules," I spat with sarcasm to the guests.

I take down the pain infliction spell.

"Rule number one: Never feed on a witch Rule number two: The cemetery and witch house is off limits to all vampires unless you are called in. Rule number three: No sabotaging others

If one of these rules is broken, there will be consequences and you will be punished for it."

One of the vampires gets up and runs up to me, trying to attack me but my reflexes do not disappoint me and just in time, I say a spell

"Motus!" I say and the vampire goes flying across the room.

"Ad somnum," I cast, putting the vampire to sleep.

"Take him away to cellar, I will deal with him later. Now, the rest of you, go back to your homes and if any of you are caught breaking any of my rules, you will end up like this one," I point to the sleeping vampire who is dragged towards the stairs to the cellar.

By the time I'm back in my room, it's 11pm and I lay in bed. Oh how good it's like to not feel anything!

I wake up the next day and get ready for the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. I sit in front of my dressing table doing my make up when I hear his voice.

"I didn't think you could get any prettier Isobel," he says.

"And I thought you were supposed to be back 20 years ago," I snap to him.

"I can explain-" he says but i cut him off.

"You will not explain anything! I waited for you damn 20 years to come back and you never bothered, now you expect everything to be like it was? I have changed. I don't care about you anymore Josh so just leave and don't come back." I say to him with confidence and turn away, not looking into his eyes.

"You've turned it off, haven't you? You flipped the switch while I was gone."

"I said LEAVE! MOTUS!" I push him with a spell, making him fly out of the window.

"I WON'T GIVE UP! I WILL BE BACK AND I WILL GET YOU BACK IZ!" he shouts from outside.

I put on my lilac dress and leave the witches house, wearing matching heels and a glimmering silver handbag.

I here a someone say, "AD SOMNUM" and then everything goes black.

Hi guys! I hope you like my first chapter. I have ben planning this story for a while so I hope you like it!



Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Julia_Olesinskacreators' thoughts