
Siphoner in Marvel

Jade Winward was not expecting to end up in another universe again, especially not the Marvel (MCU) universe. See how she deals with these new challenges and if she can return to her friends and new family in Andara!!!! Siphon: A Touch of Power/ Marvel (MCU), along with other Marvel comic elements. !!!!!!Disclaimer: All characters and worlds belong to Jay Boyce and Marvel !!!!!!!

DaoistsMUoYG · Book&Literature
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Chapter 8 Tree & Mysteries Woman

A little background information for this chapter: I'm going to have Jade grow a big tree for all the people who died in the attack in New York. She knows she should do this because Viscountess Delaney taught her about the tradition in her first nature lesson.


It had been about a week since the Battle of New York, and Ja was preparing for the future. She had just signed up for online college classes at Columbia University in the fall and was now looking for a job.

As Jade's gaze swept over the job listings at Stark Industries, her eyes alighted on a promising opportunity. It was an intern position, a paid one, and surprisingly, a college degree wasn't a prerequisite. All that was required was a viable idea that could be developed and sold. This seemed like a perfect fit for her creative mind, sparking a glimmer of hope and anticipation within her.

She felt terrible, but she planned on stealing Peter's web fluid. She was planning on changing it so it didn't disappear after some time, so it could be used for lots of things, such as bridge cables, which would be stronger than the steel ones, or clothes that are super durable and comfortable.

She applied for the position and sent in her dissertation. It had taken her about five days to figure out the formula for the webbing, and she was hoping it would get her the job.

She took a brack from her computer and took a minute to think of the last few days. She had Been going out as Lightbringer a lot more recently to try to help as many people after the disaster as possible. I had been interested. Some people called their angel, while others said they sent her to save them. This had made many people mad, and the Daily Bugle had been calling her a man and saying that New York would be better without her. This made many people angry that she had helped or healed, and the Daily Bugle got a lot of good and bad reviews.

She had also done something for all the dead people who died in the battle.

...Flashback 2 Days after the Battle...

Lightbringer had flown down to the mayor's office to discuss her plan.

"Mayor: Laddy Lightbringer, what can I do for you?"

"Lightbringer: I Wanted your permission and help to build a memorial for all the lives lost in the battle. My people have a cost of planting a tree over the grave of someone, and I was thinking of using my magic to make a monolith with all the people's names on it and growing a large tree behind it in Central Park."

"Mayor: That sounds like a beautiful idea. How about I show you a good place for it and get you a list of the people, and we can unveil it on live TV."

"Lightbringer: Sounds perfect."

I was the next day, and Jade was standing on a circular platform she had made out of white marble standing in front of a covered monolith so it could be unveiled.

"Mayor: Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to unveil a monument that was built to honor all the people who lost their lives in the horrible disaster that happened three days ago. Now, without further ado, the Battle of New York Monument."

The mayor turned, and an assistant pulled the cloth off. At the same time, I put a sapling in the circular bit of dirt behind the monolith, ready-made for it. I started infusing it with my magic to make it grow and change the tree. I wanted it to have an almost silver-looking bark, and the leaves were violet-purple that faded into a very light green. It also had bright gold flowers with a green center.

People Were awed as a tree shot up behind the monument. It was almost glowing with an inner light. At the same time, the flowers were letting off a calming scent.

"Mayor: As you can see, this was all done by the hero, Lightbringer. Now, I will let her talk."

"Lightbringer: People of New York, I built this monument to be a shining light in the darkness this tragedy caused. Do not despair. Remember that the people we lose will never be gone and will always be in your hearts."

...End of Flashback...

It had been a lovely day, and it made her feel better about the horrible event.

She also noticed that she seemed to be being watched, and for the life of her, she couldn't figure out who it was. As she sat there thinking about who could be watching her, a golden circle portal opened, and a bald woman in robes stepped out. As soon as the lady stepped into the room, Jade could feel the massive amount of manna this woman had; Jade knew almost instantly that this was a woman not to mess with, and that made her a little scared.

"Mysteries Woman: Hello, Jade Winward, or should I call you Lightbringer? I am the Ancient one, and I am here to talk to you about how you have completely changed the future and how we can work together to save the world."


I also want to give information about Jade's knowledge of the Marvel Universe. I have it now that one of the nurses was really into the Marvel Universe and the comics, so she talked about it a lot with Jade and got her into it, too. So she has watched most of the MCU movies but not all of them, and she knows a bit about some of the other stuff in the Marvel Universe, such as the X-men and villains such as Venom and Galactus, but im not sure im going do anything with him.

I am considering ending this story around Infinity War or Endgame, but that is up to change.

Thanks For Reading!!!!!!

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