
Siphoner in Marvel

Jade Winward was not expecting to end up in another universe again, especially not the Marvel (MCU) universe. See how she deals with these new challenges and if she can return to her friends and new family in Andara!!!! Siphon: A Touch of Power/ Marvel (MCU), along with other Marvel comic elements. !!!!!!Disclaimer: All characters and worlds belong to Jay Boyce and Marvel !!!!!!!

DaoistsMUoYG · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4 Battle Part 1

As Jade was flying towards the action, she heard a ding noise and a notification from her system popped up.


Quest Alert

Help the Avengers stop the Chitauri and Loki.

Reward: ????



Jade quickly accepted the quest and joined the fray of battle.

Jade was firing spell after spell, and she got out her main knife to get up close to siphon some. But after a few attacks with her knife, she realized it wasn't doing much, so she added wind magic to make her knife sharper and added Chi Augmentation to make it stronger, and it started really doing damage.


You have touched Chitauri Soldure, Siphon activated. Assessing stats and experience

Choose a stat to siphon:









A skill to siphon:


Ciborg Agmentation(A)

She saw all she needed to see and quickly decided to continue fighting.

She was mowing her way through the army like it was nothing. After a while, she noticed a small group of civilians being chased by a group of the Chitauri, and She sped down as fast as she could and sliced them apart with wind blades. After the Chitauri were taken care of, she flew over to the civilians.

"Lightbringer: Are you ok? Does anyone need medical attention?"

A woman holding a little girl that Jade could tell was in a horrible shape. She was missing part of her arm and had some really bad burns.

"Woman: Please save my daughter. She was hit by one of those things, guns. Please, please, she's all I have left."

Jade walked up to the woman, lightly touched the little girl, and infused healing magic to heal her. To everyone else, it looked like the girl was shining. You could visibly see the girl's injuries and see the girl's lost hand growing back.

Once it was done, you could see the mother crying even more than before, but they were happy tears.

"Woman: Thank you, Lady Lightbringer. Thank you!!!"

"Lightbringer: No Problem, ma'am, It is my pleasure. No child should ever be hurt. Now, let's get you guys to a safe place."

Jade brought the civilians to a pardoned-off area that cops and some soldiers were protecting. Captain America was also fighting a group of Chitauri in front of the area. She helped him dispatch the enemies.

"Captain America: Ma'am, Thanks for the help."

"Lightbringer: No Problem, Captain America Sr, but an intelligent man once said With great power comes great responsibility, and I have great power, and I plan to use it to help people."

As they were talking, they shook hands.


You have touched Steve Rogers, Siphon activated. Assessing stats and experience

Choose a stat to siphon:









A skill to siphon:

Enhanced Strength(A)

Enhanced Durability(A)

Enhanced Speed(A)

Professional Sketch Artist(A)

Master Shield Fighter(A)

As Jade was checking out Steve's Stats, a large group of Chitauri and one of the leviathan.

"Lightbringer: Well, it looks like they sent the welcoming party our way."

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Sorry for the short chapter

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