
Sinnocent: She Was Too Innocent, So I Got F*cked Alongside Her

They say innocence is bliss, but what happens when innocence meets corruption? Fair as a maiden, Maya had no idea what she was getting into when she first heard the one she loved speak of the 'Underworld'. A criminal organisation fuelled by drugs, sex and cold hard cash for the super-rich. Even worse, she had kept her 'nightly duties' there hidden from her for years. "Please... Mie.. I'm telling you.. I won't recover from this..." I breathed exasperatedly, rattling the chains that tied me to the bed. She was no longer the innocent and naive girl I once knew, but a wild animal pinning down her prey. "I'm not telling you to recover.." Maya's voice echoed coldly in the dark, "I'm telling you to go insane~" [Mature Content Warning: Explicit Sexual References] -- Note: If you like this novel, check out Sinnocent Dark, the mega R-18, guilty adaptation of Maya and Veronica's story. Twitter: @p_slarom Come bother me for updates! I don't own the cover, I just edited it. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section. That being said, credits go to MiraiArt, feel free to support her works!

Professor_slaroM · LGBT+
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25 Chs

Mayan Corruption (5): Broken Doll or Sexy Angel? [R-18]

(Third Person POV)

"Pwease.. pwease take it off fow me master.." A desperate plea sounded from below Reta, as the golden-haired girl squeezed out the last of her strength to squirm one final time.

'It's about time you broke' Reta grinned sadistically as she watched the Maya's grip slowly loosen from the bedsheets before her hand dropped limply to the floor, signalling surrender for all the resistance she had put up.

The light in the poor girl's eyes had faded, replaced by the look that all her slaves wore- the sinful look of depravity that begged their masters for more.

'She's more than I imagined' Reta thought as she forced another moan out of the girl's mouth.

At first she was just attracted to the girl's angelic looks.. but the more she interacted with her, the more she found out the girl's mind was like an untainted blank slate.

Readily absorbing her teachings into the body, she was awakening that dirty animalistic instinct that everybody tried so hard to hide.

To an outsider, all Reta seemed to be doing was just a little drugging, rubbing and roleplay.

But what she was really doing was walking a thin tightrope that balanced her trainee's mindset with the destructive carnal desires of their body.

Do one step wrong and she risked making a broken doll with no resistance to pleasure.

Do it right and the trainee would develop into a talented Attendant who could draw out the maximum potential of their body..

Whilst both had their appeal, obviously the latter held a more sustainable approach to brothel business.

The broken ones quickly lost their minds, unable to separate pain from pleasure as they rode the Guest's throbbing cocks into oblivion..

"Master..?" The girl under her whispered, the tiny voice barely registering in Reta's mind. She had taken the necessary precautions.. but she was still wary.

This girl was Vixen's crown jewel, if she shattered there would be hell to pay.

Especially since she took the girl to the second floor first, skipping 'Attendant Training A' and directly heading for S.

Well, Attendant training A was boring anyway..

A for Amateur, those who came out of it didn't perform as well as those coming out of S. Reta justified herself.

The successful attendants who came to dominate the sex scene started from the minimum of level 2.

'Vixen herself started on level 3, so she would probably understand my decision.. right?' Reta's smile wavered a bit before she replaced it with a look of resolve.

Her job was to bring out the maximum potential of a trainee, and Reta had sensed something from the girl when she had entered the building with Bruno.

She wasn't as weak as she seemed.

"Please.. Master.. Take it off.. Take it off.. Ahnn~" The girl begged again and again as Reta's thoughts swirled, all the while pinching and tugging at her bra.

"Ah.. That's a good slave.." Reta returned to the present. She had already succeeded in breaking down the first barrier of the mind.. all that was left was the body..

"Hehehe~" Maya giggled, taking Reta's breath away from how cute the girl's laughter was.

'This was a good decision.. Right?' Reta slowly tore off the bra from underneath the girl's back, freeing the girl's hard nipples from the pressure of the fabric.

"Ahhhh~" The girl breathed a sigh of relief as her nipples finally gained freedom from the restraint of her bra.

"Alright, I've got something special just for you, slave~"

"Fow me? Hehehe~"

"That's right.. Just for you.. Open wide~"

"Aaah.." The girl's mouth opened up, releasing visible waves of hot steam as Reta opened one of the flasks to fetch a red pill from inside.

"Hehe~" The girl giggled as she unhesitatingly coiled her tongue around the pill before swallowing it, tilting her head upwards to receive another passionate kiss from her master.

'Delicious~' Reta licked her lips, a sweet and savoury taste lingered there, tempting her to pull the girl's mouth back onto hers to savor another round of the girl's flavour.

'Alright.. Let's see how she reacts to the drug..'


(Maya POV)


My heart raced at a frightening pace as my lips broke off from Master's. Was it her kiss that made me like this? Or the red thing that I swallowed from that flask she held?

Perhaps it was both..

"Haww~" I moaned out as my body was set ablaze. If a fire had raged upon my body from that oily substance, an inferno now tore through my skin.

I felt hot.. Like really, really hot. Hot to the point that I felt like my body was melting..

Was that normal? I'm sure it wasn't..

I couldn't even open my eyes as a disastrous wave of pleasure tore through me, making my hips thrust out into space as another devastating explosion blasted out from under me.

But this time the explosion felt different..

I was supposed to feel that comforting sense of relief after it.. as if I was floating on clouds that lifted me into the sky..

But.. no.. whatever master had given me turned that comforting feeling into one of yearning- my body greedy for another vision bending explosion..

"You're cumming from that? Wow~" My master teased, at some point she had returned to the tables, picking up some unidentifiable objects that lay on top of it.

Haah.. Haah.. I panted, the explosion wasn't stopping. In fact, the intervals seemed to decrease as more of those mind-bending explosions boomed from below me, soaking my white panties with my magma hot juices.

'No..' My lips were again plugged with her mouth. It seemed like whenever I breathed too loudly, my master would shut me up and suffocate me under that lethal kiss, making me ride out the rest of my explosions in asphyxiated agony.

"MM- MM-" I struggled under my master's kiss. My eyes fluttered open and shut as I was drowned between her lips.

Who knew how long it had been before my breathing slowly recovered back to normal.

Pah- She released her lips from mine, as a transparent bridge of saliva filled the space between us before it broke and fell limp onto my chin.

"Hehehe~" An unexplainable giggle erupted from my throat. Why did I find everything so funny?

"Let's make that pussy feel good"


Something echoed out below me as I felt master take off my juice-soaked panties. They landed with a wet squelch on the brownish wooden floor.

I tilted my head upwards to peek at that strange mechanical sound, my eyes soon widening as I identified the origin of the noise.

"Master.. What's that..?"

"Oh.. AHAAAA~"


Time was fleeting as the cylindrical thing rotated in and out of me, grinding my pussy walls into shmuck as I teetered in and out of consciousness.

I whimpered, I squealed, I screamed. Eventually I had gotten used to that mind-breaking feeling of penetration, as my pussy clenched down hard on that mechanical object.

"Hehe~ Pussy~ You're making my pussy feel good~" I spoke gibberish as my master mercilessly inserted that whirring rod in and out of me.

'Pussy' - one of the new terms I had learnt from master as she spoke with me time and time again, teaching me how to feel good with the different parts of my body..

"And this part is the clit.." I remembered one of my most breathtaking moments as her hot tongue found its way onto my swollen pearl.

With a flick of a tongue, my body flailed violently under my master's greedy golden eyes.

"You can knead it, rub it or swirl it under your tongue.. laike thish.."


Without a doubt, my master suffocated me again with her lips after that orgasm..

Mm.. so this must be how I taste.. her tongue was slick with my juices as she curled it around mine..

Sweet.. I tasted really sweet.. hehehe~

Master is always taking care of me.. from time to time she would pause to look at me, almost as if she were checking my response to make sure I was okay..

'Silly Master.. Of course I'm okay.. I've never felt any better..' I squealed out as she extracted another 'orgasm' from me.

I had lost count from how many I had, as more of that lava-hot pussy juice squirted out from underneath me, dying the bed with my milky hue.

"That's right~ I'm making your pussy feel good~ Can you describe to me how it feels good?" My master interrupted my recollection aa she asked me a question in a tone more befitting of an order.

An order for an obedient slave like me.

"Ehe~ Yes Master~ It feels good when your rod brushes along the sides of my small cunt~"

"Like this?"

"Hieeee-" I squealed as my master twisted the spinning rod to the side, making my entire right pussy wall feel the whirring of the machine.

Another gallon of juice exited my cunt shortly before my ass came crashing back onto the bed.

"Like that~ Haah.. Master~ Just like that~ Haah.. Haah.. And when you press it hard on my clit"

"Like this?"

"AHIEEE~" My nostrils flared as long slobs of snot exited, dribbling onto my lips before it ran down my chin and neck.

My eyes lolled back as a shivering sensation of lust enveloped me, my thighs squeezing shut to grip tightly at my master's merciless hand.

HAAH.. HAAH.. Stars in my vision, I forced myself to stay awake..

Master had ordered me to stay awake.

Like clockwork, her lips pushed themselves onto mine as I gasped desperately for air.

But I was ready this time. I was ready for my master's lips that let me breathe only when she wanted me to. That commanded me the way she wanted me to.

Wouldn't you give me more of your commands.. Master?

As our mouths latched onto one another, I had completely stopped resisting her.. I needed to breathe.. But I'll only breathe when you let me.. Master..

I'd do anything you ordered me to. I was raised to be your dirty little slave after all..

Wasn't that why I came here?

Wait.. why did I come here?


A new machine whirred as I felt a finger slip into my exposed asshole.

"Master..? Master- not there.. It's dirty-"


Happy new year~ enjoy a sexy R-18 chapter, perhaps this will bring you a new year's firework? ;)


Twitter: @p_slarom

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