
Sinnocent: She Was Too Innocent, So I Got F*cked Alongside Her

They say innocence is bliss, but what happens when innocence meets corruption? Fair as a maiden, Maya had no idea what she was getting into when she first heard the one she loved speak of the 'Underworld'. A criminal organisation fuelled by drugs, sex and cold hard cash for the super-rich. Even worse, she had kept her 'nightly duties' there hidden from her for years. "Please... Mie.. I'm telling you.. I won't recover from this..." I breathed exasperatedly, rattling the chains that tied me to the bed. She was no longer the innocent and naive girl I once knew, but a wild animal pinning down her prey. "I'm not telling you to recover.." Maya's voice echoed coldly in the dark, "I'm telling you to go insane~" [Mature Content Warning: Explicit Sexual References] -- Note: If you like this novel, check out Sinnocent Dark, the mega R-18, guilty adaptation of Maya and Veronica's story. Twitter: @p_slarom Come bother me for updates! I don't own the cover, I just edited it. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section. That being said, credits go to MiraiArt, feel free to support her works!

Professor_slaroM · LGBT+
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25 Chs

Training.. complete?

Pah- With an exhausted grunt, Reta unplugged the two spinning cylindrical rods that had been jabbed deep inside Maya's two holes. 

They had grinded their full length into her. 6 Inches of sleek metal, and at some point Reta had to make sure she held the handles tight, lest the rods become unretrievable as the girl's pussy sucked them in with frightening strength.

'Holy shit- I'm so tired~' With an exasperated sigh, Reta flopped tiredly onto the floor. 

She could no longer feel her hands as she fell ass-first on the wooden floor, right next to Maya's white panties. The juices soaking it had long dried, filling the room with a distinctly floral scent.

Reta didn't know what time it was and she didn't bother to check. She had completed her duty anyway.. 

Her slave training had reached its end and the girl only needed some rest and recuperation before she was sent back, as a 'gift' to Vixen..

'Maybe I can get a promotion too' Reta chuckled, as she remembered the long list of benefits Jake had promised her as long as she converted Maya into a 'fun-loving' companion for the Inspector..

"How are you feeling?" Reta chirped, in high spirits as she thought about the fat stack of cash she was about to receive. 

She glanced up at the feet of the girl, which barely twitched in response.


The girl before her was unresponsive. Maya's two eyes were instead staring glossily at the ceiling. She could not hear, feel or think at the moment.. Everything was just.. blank.

'Well, that's understandable.. Oops.. I might have gone a bit overboard with the nipple vibrator pods..' Reta groaned as she got up slowly, reaching forward to detach the two still whirring vibrators that were taped onto Maya's nipples. 

When she had first put them on, Maya's chest had thrown itself into the air, and it took all of Reta's strength just to pin the girl's flailing body to the bed, pressing down with all her might as the girl howled out in depravity.

How many times had the girl cum? Reta wondered. She had lost count..

At some point the girl's pussy had run out of juices, and she could only tell the girl had orgasmed from the weak thrust of her hips into the air..

"That's a good slave.." Reta caressed Maya's head, brushing her messy golden hairs to the side. 

Up close, her sweat-laden face held an oddly seductive quality, and Reta couldn't help but bring her lips down one last time to kiss the girl's forehead.

"Now go back and please Vixen.. Would you? I'm going to be back in a moment.. My paycheck is waiting for me.. Hehe~ Well.. it's not like you're going to respond anyways.. Tataa~" 

Jingle- The sound of keys unlocking the door rang out, swiftly followed by the sound of a closed door. 


Maya was left alone in the dimly lit room.



Under the purple lighting, a finger moved in the darkness.

It wasn't long before a shrill whisper echoed within the chamber.


"Ladeedaa~ Jake~ I'm donee~" A busty blonde haired woman could be seen exiting the black door of the second floor, humming as she lit a cigarette from her back pocket.

Hooo- Letting out a breath of smoke, Reta leaned on the railings overlooking the floors below. 

The empty building had become a bustling paradise, and crowds of barely-clothed attendants could be seen giggling as they pulled and tugged at the Guests clothes. 

Some had just exited, holding blank satisfied looks as their wildest cravings had become fulfilled. 

Those that finished their rounds were easily identifiable, as they could be seen limping from how weak their thighs were.. 

Men and women alike, their legs were in a semi-crippled state from how much action they had experienced that night..

And some had just entered, touching and groping the attendants greedily as they were led up the central spire and into their respective rooms.

Held in Reta's right hand was the Underworld's standard communicator, a small metallic tabloid device that had functioned similarly to an encrypted smart-phone that could browse anything on the dark web.

The Underworld had gone great lengths to keep up with the modern world, spearheading its technological attempts to maintain it's precarious number one position amongst other criminal organizations. 

It wasn't easy being number one.

Always in push and shove against their second place rival - Rouge Dynasty, who employed more.. vicious tactics in pursuing criminal business, it had become harder to expand businesses across territories. 

Combined with growing public concern that have pushed governments to become more conscious of their illicit activities.. 

Resources had become a bit stretched even with the large number of Guests coming in to enjoy themselves every night.

This was all credited to one of the Underworld's most prized creations - the red pill that had been manufactured from decades of research. 

The pill, which boasted low amounts of side effects and were non-addictive by nature, had become the perfect go-to for Guests who were gentlemen and madams by day, and insufferable beasts by night.

"Reta. My god. You took ages." A husky voice crackled in her earpiece, making Reta flinch from her superior's aggravated tone. 

'Did I take that long..?' Reta took a glance at her communicator, only to realize that the time was now mid-afternoon.

'Huh?' Reta's eyes boggled. 

A standard training session should only last one night, to the next morning at most.. 

The trainee shouldn't have been able to stay awake for that long anyways..

'Stay awake Slave..' Reta groaned silently as she remembered one of her orders.. but she didn't think the girl would actually force herself so hard as to fight exhaustion for 10 hours..

"Ah.. Yes.. The trainee this time surprisingly lasted quite long.. But don't worry, she's definitely top quality attendant material- I've made sure of it." Reta swiftly reassured, afraid she would lose out on her benefits.

'There shouldn't be any complications now that the girl is asleep.. Right?' A growing sense of unease began to cloud her thoughts.

'Not good.. I need to check up on her later..' She let out another wisp of smoke as her mind wandered to the case of another trainee receiving 'training' for too long.. 

Without a doubt the trainee 'broke', and had been sent away after she had wrung one of the male Guests so dry that they had passed out for a week..

"I will come and check." Jake grumbled into the communicator before terminating the call.. 

He had picked the best 'Trainer' there was, responsible for the creation of some of the Underworld's most outstanding Attendants. 

They had raked in unbelievable amounts of cash for the organization as their 'techniques' kept Guests coming back every night. 

Thus it was rare for a talented professional to do training for so long, though it was a fact that every individual's body was different.

And sometimes mindset was a thing that couldn't be controlled..

'The girl better be okay' He prayed, for Veronica's sake and his own..

Haiii- He sighed, taking one last look through Veronica's window. 

The bedroom lights had stayed on throughout the night, and even now in the afternoon, the familiar sound of alcohol bottles being thrown about could occasionally be heard from within the house.

With a reluctant twist of the keys, he ignited the engine, steering his car from the sidewalk and on towards the rugged path that headed to the establishments of the Underworld.

"Veronica, don't hate me for this.." 

Woo new chap! Been busy through the new years~ how do you find the chapter? Leave a comment and let me know~


Twitter: @p_slarom

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