
Sinnocent: She Was Too Innocent, So I Got F*cked Alongside Her

They say innocence is bliss, but what happens when innocence meets corruption? Fair as a maiden, Maya had no idea what she was getting into when she first heard the one she loved speak of the 'Underworld'. A criminal organisation fuelled by drugs, sex and cold hard cash for the super-rich. Even worse, she had kept her 'nightly duties' there hidden from her for years. "Please... Mie.. I'm telling you.. I won't recover from this..." I breathed exasperatedly, rattling the chains that tied me to the bed. She was no longer the innocent and naive girl I once knew, but a wild animal pinning down her prey. "I'm not telling you to recover.." Maya's voice echoed coldly in the dark, "I'm telling you to go insane~" [Mature Content Warning: Explicit Sexual References] -- Note: If you like this novel, check out Sinnocent Dark, the mega R-18, guilty adaptation of Maya and Veronica's story. Twitter: @p_slarom Come bother me for updates! I don't own the cover, I just edited it. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section. That being said, credits go to MiraiArt, feel free to support her works!

Professor_slaroM · LGBT+
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25 Chs

Mayan Corruption (4): Beg for it [R-18]

"Mmmph.." I squirmed under her fingers. My whole body squirmed, my legs, my hips, all the way up to my shoulders.. but the way she pushed me down whenever I got out of line made it just so that I couldn't fall off the bed.

Haah- Haah- My gasps for air quickened as I felt a raging heat surge through my entire body. It took me all I had to fight to stay conscious.. To stay sane..

"Nyah~" I moaned out lewdly as she teased her way around the top of my bra in a circular motion, making me excessively aware of how hard and sensitive my nipples had become.

Around and around she went, each motion making me cry out in torment.

'Why isn't she touching them?' My body trembled as her fingers brushed along the soft fabric that covered my protruding brown tips again.

They were sensitive like no other place on my body, and just a gentle touch around the sides would bring a dazzling amount of sparks into my vision..

'Fuck- Fuck.. Fuck you..' I bit down on my lip as I stared up intensely at her. She looked as if she was relishing in my torment, her red lips curving devilishly upwards whilst her golden eyes twinkled with glee.

Was she doing this on purpose? Why wasn't she taking my bra off to touch them??

Touch them.. please..

Touch them.. Rub them.. Massage them..

Anything.. Just do anything to get rid of this achy itchy feeling that is taking over my mind..

"Tut tut tut-" She grabbed my hand that had ventured upwards, making me yelp in shock.

"You can touch yourself only when I let you touch yourself, slave."

'Slave.' The word echoed in my mind as she brought my trembling right hand back onto the bed. She was hammering the word into me, repeating it over and over again in our conversations..

'Me.. a slave..?'

'No..' I struggled. 'I'm not a slave..' I felt the limits of my self-control being tested as she resumed her circular motions above my bra, each circle on my nipples bringing me one maddening step closer to utter depravity.

'Shit..' My left hand had long gone pale from how tightly I gripped the sheets of the bed.

Now I was sure that once my grip loosened I would lose myself and succumb to this crazy feeling of .. pleasure.



That was it.. the weird 'something' I had been feeling all this time was.. pleasure.

Pleasure.. Such a simple expression..

Why didn't I understand it before?

"My bra.." I eventually voiced, in a tone so weak I wasn't sure she'd hear me.

'Take it off.. I can't take it anymore..' was what I really wanted to say, but chose to bite harder on my lower lip instead.

I couldn't let her know how weak I felt under her touch.. Not to this devil of a maid..

"Uncomfortable?" She smirked, speaking as if she had read my mind.

"Do you want me to take it off for you?"

"Yes.." I whispered. Take it off and rub my nipples.. Do it now..

"Beg for it then."

'Huh?' My heart skipped a beat. Something felt wrong with this situation..

Wasn't she the one doing all these things to me the whole time?

Why didn't she just continue..?

Why do.. I.. have to.. beg..?

I struggled beneath her, as if I was a fish caught by her net, squirming and wriggling to break free as she brought me closer and closer to my breaking point.

"Say it. Now."

I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop the voice that escaped my quivering lips.

A voice that couldn't possibly have been mine.

"PWEASE~ TAKE IT OF FOW ME…" I moaned out loud as I felt her fingers pinch lightly at my bra, on the area just above my goddamn nipples..

No.. That couldn't have been me. I have never spoken like that in my entire life..

"AHA~ HAAN~" I squealed out as she pinched down harder.

I can't take it anymore..

It was coming.. Something big was coming..



"UNNNNGH-" I felt something crazy explode from underneath me, my head shaking left and right as my toes dug deep into the cover of the bed.

My back arched upwards and outwards, positioning me to withstand the violent convulsions of my lower body that threatened to throw me off the bed.

"AHHHH-" My voice turned into an earpiercing scream as the world shook around me.

The explosion wasn't stopping.. Like the aftershocks of an earthquake, my dirty place trembled over and over again, releasing waves of that sticky liquid inside my underwear and onto the bed sheets below.

I shut my eyes as my world shook and spun at a dizzying pace.

Was the world ending? Am I going to die..?


After what seemed like an eternity my ass crashed back onto the bed, and as if my soul had returned back into my body, I gasped wildly for air.


'WHAT JUST HAPPENED' I was hyperventilating, but no amount of oxygen seemed to be able to calm me down as wave after wave of pure pleasure overwhelmed my mind.


And all of a sudden I could feel a hot pair of lips attach themselves onto my mouth, kissing me as I struggled for air.

"MM- MM- Mmmmm…." I managed to moan out in protest as we kissed, but my mouth followed her movements instinctively as our lips interlocked again and again.

Her hands had pushed down on my flailing body, forcing me to breathe for air everytime our lips separated.

IN- OUT IN- OUT It was like submerging myself underwater, bringing myself up for air before being forced to submerge underwater again.

The cycle repeated as I could barely find the time to breathe in between our kisses, and each kiss made me feel hot and tingly as I remembered the way those outside the car had done it..

So this was what it felt like..

In between bated breaths and passionate kisses, a whole new world was opening up before me.

A whole new world that felt amazingly good..

"Again." She eventually commanded as she pulled her lips away from mine, her voice slick with satisfaction.

'Huh? How long had we been kissing?' I wondered, time seemed to pass by like a flash as we sucked, nibbled and bit at each other's lips.

'Huh?' I peeled open my unfocused eyes to look at her. Her sexy face was just a few inches above mine and I could feel her hot breaths on my skin..

"Again, but with Master at the end~" She grinned.

I gulped as I saw that a sickening, sadistic smile had become plastered to her face as she leaned backwards before bringing her hands down again and again, pinching excruciating amounts of pleasure onto my sensitive brown tips..

I hadn't even recovered from the first explosion as I felt the second one soon arrive, making me yell out and claw at the damp sheets with all the strength I could muster.

AHHHHH- My vision blacked out for a moment as I hung onto the bedsheets for dear life. The second one was even stronger than the first, and it took all I could to keep conscious..

'Motherfucker..' 'Bastard..' 'You piece of shit..' I swore internally as my body shuddered violently.

Profanities that I didn't think I would ever consider using emerged from within my thoughts.

She was bringing something out from the depths of me, a dark side of me I didn't know existed.

"Ah- Ngggh- Shitt-" My back arched upwards and outwards as glistening beads of sweat rolled down my neck.

The oil had long seeped onto the bed sheets, dying it yellow as I lay on the drenched mattress.

I tried resisting.. I really did..

'Master', It was really just a word.. But why did I feel like I shouldn't say it?

As if once I called her by that name I would lose some part of myself.

Lose some part of my sanity.

If I called her by that.. Just what more agonizing acts would I be subject to?

Haah.. Haah.. I breathed heavily as her pinches grew heavier and heavier, she was growing impatient, squeezing the wet fabric of my bra upwards and outwards, making my knees squeeze together as I fought to keep the third explosion from breaking my mind.

Pulling and tugging relentlessly, I didn't last for long under her excruciating assault.

I wanted it off.. I needed it off..

'I don't care anymore..'

Just help me get it off.. 'Master'..

It took me ages to draft out this chapter.. what do you think?

Btw I really need feedback on writing in Maya's POV, does it work? Or is it too confusing?

I'll change it back to third person if necessary



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