
Sinnocent: She Was Too Innocent, So I Got F*cked Alongside Her

They say innocence is bliss, but what happens when innocence meets corruption? Fair as a maiden, Maya had no idea what she was getting into when she first heard the one she loved speak of the 'Underworld'. A criminal organisation fuelled by drugs, sex and cold hard cash for the super-rich. Even worse, she had kept her 'nightly duties' there hidden from her for years. "Please... Mie.. I'm telling you.. I won't recover from this..." I breathed exasperatedly, rattling the chains that tied me to the bed. She was no longer the innocent and naive girl I once knew, but a wild animal pinning down her prey. "I'm not telling you to recover.." Maya's voice echoed coldly in the dark, "I'm telling you to go insane~" [Mature Content Warning: Explicit Sexual References] -- Note: If you like this novel, check out Sinnocent Dark, the mega R-18, guilty adaptation of Maya and Veronica's story. Twitter: @p_slarom Come bother me for updates! I don't own the cover, I just edited it. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section. That being said, credits go to MiraiArt, feel free to support her works!

Professor_slaroM · LGBT+
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25 Chs

Mayan Corruption (3): A Slave and Her Master [R-18]

(Maya POV)

"Tonight, I want you to forget everything about yourself" The poorly dressed maid's voice echoed ominously behind me as I stepped into a room dimly lit by purple lights.

The door closed behind her with a soft thud.


'Did she just lock it?' I wondered. Why would she need to lock the door?

At the center of the room there lay a single bed, with a collection of odd-looking tools laid out on the table beside it.

I shuddered. The scene laid out before me reminded me of that movie about a torture chamber..

Most of the tools seemed.. mechanical in nature, though some also looked soft and spongy. At the end of the table were a few flasks that contained unknown liquids and what looked like red and violet pills..

"Tonight you're the slave, and I your master.." I could feel the heat from her body as she leaned in behind me, her breath hot on my neck.

My gaze dropped nervously to the floor. I could feel them touching me.. Her soft breasts had pushed themselves onto my back as she whispered that raspy voice into my ears..

"You came looking for answers, but you couldn't possibly take without giving.. right?"

"Um.." My eyes became unfocused as she embraced my body from behind, wrapping her warm arms around me before bringing me closer to the bed..

"So let's get that body of yours ready before our main course starts~"


SMACK! "AH!" With a slap between my thighs, she pushed me onto the bed, making me yelp out in shock as I landed on the soft mattress.

"Uuuu.." My body lay sprawled on the bed as I turned back to look at her. To look into those piercing yellow eyes that took my breath away.

"Do you understand, slave?"

"Slave..?" I repeated the word dully, the word barely registering in my mind. I felt like I had heard of that word before..

Was it her alluring voice that made it hard for me to resist? Or the massage she had given earlier between my thighs?

Perhaps it was the fact that her body resembled Veronica's in so many ways..

I wanted to hear more of it. To feel more of it.

And if possible.. touch some of it..

What's wrong with me?

"Yes- a slave~ you'll be a good slave right?" She giggled, flipping my body such that I lay flat on the bed.

She soon opened a bottle on the table, kneeling down on the bed as she brought the oily substance onto different areas of my body, her hands going deep into my dress.

"What.. what are you doing?!" I squeaked, my voice notably one pitch higher than before. Breath heavy from the sudden stimulation, I twisted and turned as she rubbed her oily hands all over me.

"Where are you touc- Ah!" I covered my mouth as another obscene cry erupted from my throat. She had dribbled some of that oil into my underwear.. igniting that achy feeling I had tried so hard to suppress.

It was twitching.. My dirty place was twitching..

Ver.. What's happening to me..

"Shh.." She shushed me as her hands teased around my thighs, making me whimper out in agony.

She smiled darkly as she observed that I had put my hands over my mouth to prevent another indecent cry from escaping..

"A good slave doesn't talk back to her master.."

"A good slave..?" I mumbled through the slits of my fingers, my thoughts in disarray.

Something about that oil was messing up my thought process.. wait.. was that even oil?

What I had assumed to be normal cooking oil held a slight chemical scent to it, almost as if it contained something else..

Almost as if it contained.. a drug..

Her hands soon went up from the bottom of my dirtied blue dress, flipping it upwards as her hands expertly reached to and fro between my body and that frightening bottle of liquid.

Occasionally she would lean closer into me, and I would catch a glimpse of what lay within her tight black corsette..


If her body was a bombshell than what lay within that corsette was surely the dynamite.

C-cup.. I measured, inching towards a size D.. just slightly smaller than Ver's, but the similarity made my lips unknowingly curl upwards.

If only she was Ver...

With widened eyes and a covered mouth I watched as her hands stroked up and down my body.

Each stroke held a mesmerizing quality, lathering my body with a fresh layer of that cold silky substance that clung to my skin.

Under normal circumstances my face should have become beet red with embarrassment.. After all, she was touching me in places even Ver hadn't touched me before..

But for some reason I didn't really mind.

Even though my legs had become fully exposed below me, along with that flowery white underwear I had put on this morning..

By all means I should be embarrassed.. But somehow I wasn't.

Her hands eventually landed on my belly, reaching along the sides before they slowly inched upwards onto my pink bra.

"Ohh.." I moaned as my vision became fuzzy. Everything felt.. good.. As if I was floating on a bed of clouds, my mind growing numb to the anxiety I had been feeling earlier.

The chemical scent grew stronger and stronger as she lathered more of it onto my body, making me scrunch up my nose tentatively.

I was sure of it now.. it's not cooking oil isn't it? And the more I inhaled that smell, the more woozy my head felt..

My hands soon dropped to grip tightly at the bedsheets.

I needed something to anchor me to reality, and I had a feeling I would lose my mind if I let go of the sheets.

"Ver.." I unknowingly moaned out, twisting my knees together as a wave of heat rushed through my body.

I felt like peeing.. I felt like peeing real bad as I fought the urge to let loose a flood of that sticky transparent substance I had let out on the stairs earlier..

I gasped for air as cold quickly turned into hot.

Haah- Haah- No amount of air was enough for my lungs, as I felt my blood transform into this burning magma that coursed through my veins with each heartbeat.

It wasn't long before I realized wherever the maid had rubbed the oil, that area would become sensitive beyond comprehension.

Just one touch could drive me crazy..

'What's happening to me..?'

'Why does it feel so.. hot?'


'Help me..'

Merry christmas!!~ Enjoy your christmas with this wonderful R-18 chapter!~


Like do you know how bad 'v*gina' sounds, compared to 'p*ssy'?


Twitter: @p_slarom

Don't you love how Maya calls out for Ver whenever she feels weird? It's so warm and loving.. I can't wait till their relationship changes into something even more loving.. <3~

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