

What could romance mixed with gravels and bitter waters taste like? When love comes at the wrong time, tears of joy could turn tears of blood and agony. 'Single moms' brings to humanity the story of what it feels like to exit in a lone world - different from every other, the challenges of existing as a father and a mother and at the same time the stabbings of ex lovers who bring torture, the possibility of finding love and being loved again. What will it feel like, what will be the battle of new lovers trying to love moms who have become scared of being loved again? Here, the battle of character and emotional balance is what to look forward to. Written for and dedicated to Single moms the world over - Single moms solution tablet by favourite author, Anee A David

AneeDavid · Urban
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Taken to the Abyss

"Messengers of the righteous one. Give way! We have an urgent procession to be carried out in the presence of Lucifer."

"Demons of darkness, ye falling angels and stars of the realms of the heavenly. May we behold that which is carried in the casket?" The angels of the Lord who stood gate at the entrance to eternity demanded of the demons of hell.

"You have no need to examine her. She is ours, eternally ours. Release us to go now! She died of suicide, just some seconds ago. She deserves to spend eternity with us forever. Allow us to go now!" The demons of hell demanded and at once proceeded to cross the gate into eternity.

"No! Ye fallen stars. Her name was called Kpadoo, but now she is Tabitha. The Lord of host has need for her. This is the vision of her. Ye demons saw her offenses, but not her salvation." The angels defended.

"Hahaha, you angels of the Lord are to be the wise ones, since you still bear the metal plate of his righteous name. In you wisdom recites, but how come this display of ignorance and short-sightedness.

This soul, which you speak of is indeed needful by the Lord as every other out there, including those who have died and are burried in hell.

The Lord of host indeed appeared to her, just as he has been appearing to every lost sheep out there.

But if we may ask, how many of the lost sheep have responded to his call.

This one is of no difference. She has not responded to the call of the master. She is now dead, and in death, there is no salvation.

For it is written in the book of the righteous one, "It is appointed of a man to die once, and after that is judgement."

This soul has died, therefore, she stands judgement. Allow us to go!" The demons defiantly defended their stand.

"Then she must be present herself, to bear witness of her salvation." The angels responded.

"Messengers of the righteous one, there is no need to delay. We are sure her name is not in the master's book of Life. We have monitored her all her life. Not for once has her name been written down in the book of Life. This therefore means that she stands condemned and must be handed over to us to be carried to hell." The demons defended again.

"It is the protocol of the gate keepers to listen to the witness of every soul before its destination is determined. Pkadoo! Come forth!" The angel of the Lord shouted her name and at once, the casket in which she was being carried by the demons fell and she came out of it wondering where she was.

"Pkadoo,"The angel of the Lord called.

"You are before the gate of eternity. You were known on earth as Pkadoo. May we check if your name is in the book of Life?" He asked.

"Yes my lord. I am sure my name is in the book of Life. The Lord has shown me mercy." She answered sheepishly with much questions clouding her heart.

The angel of the Lord flipped from page to page but saw no such name in the book of Life.

"Pkadoo, your name is not here." He told her.

"Then it must be Tabitha. The Lord called me Tabitha. Please check for Tabitha. I am sure it is in there." She shivered pleadfully.

"Neither do we have Tabitha here. We are sorry. We would have to check the book of dead to confirm that you are condemned to destruction." He said, his word ending with the appearance of Lucifer.

"You have delayed my messengers for this long. I have her name in my book, the book of dead. Her name is now sealed because she is dead and there is no salvation after dead. MuwHahahahaaa!" Lucifer mocked.

Without wasting time, the demons which had conveyed her Immediately carried her and began to drag her away helplessly.

Then the angel turned to the other; "the sons of men are far from wisdom. She had a little time to call upon the Lord, but she died without making it right with her maker. Therefore, she wasn't saved, and there is no salvation after dead. Salvation is only to the living." He shook his head and turned to attend to the endless queue of souls that awaited him.

As the demons dragged Pkadoo to the edge of hell, a mighty beam of light appeared upon them suddenly and they all fled, leaving her in the hands of Lucifer who trembled and fell upon his knees.

"My Lord, this soul is condemned for destruction. She rejected your offer of Salvation while on earth. Why has thou bothered to come for her?" Lucifer accused.

Pkadoo turned and looked at the Lord, pleading voicelessly for her life to be shown mercy.

She wished she could open her mouth and tell the Lord how much she was sorry for all her life, but she had no strength in her to do so.

"See to it my Lord. She cannot even cry for her own soul. Allow me to take her to her eternal home, where you have prepared for me and all the disobedient ones."

"Enough! It is written of my word, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy on. I have not taken her life yet and you are aware. I have brought her here to show her the things which she must see before she goes to deliver the message I have called her to deliver to my daughters.

The banquet awaits them.

Take her to the dungeon of the abyss and show her all that she needs to see before she is restored to consciousness." The Lord instructed Lucifer.

"Yes my Lord. You cannot be opposed. I shall show her all that she needs to know. And when I am done, I shall let her be." He responded, bowing before the cherubs and the wheels which conveyed the throne of the almighty.

When the throne departed, the devil beheld Pkadoo as she trembled and he loose the chains off her hands.

"Have no fear for me any more. I am now at thy service." Lucifer instructed with his bittered soul.

"Follow me." He instructed and Pkadoo was pulled against her will.

The two descended into hell amidst millions of souls and came to the synagogue of hell where large volumes of books where kept in their thousands.

"Look!" He instructed pointing to the direction.

When Pkadoo turned, she saw a large section with the inscription; "Single Moms and Babies"

She felt her soul pulling her to the direction. So she began to strol towards it, as she was fast learning how to move about as a spirit.

For in the realm of the spirit, movement is a state of one's soul. Anywhere the soul wishes to be, the person would float there.

As she floated to the place where this ancient, rusty, large and enormous books were stored, she picked one. Immediately she picked it and opened it, she saw endless names on each page.

Baffled, her spirit began to travel into each. This happened so fast that she could not correctly express the rate at which it was fast happening.

Then she saw the picture of a woman in it and her soul began to travel into the spirit of the woman until she came to a large pool of fire that was full of people in it who were all women.

"MuwHahahahaaa. This is all my work Pkadoo. I have gone among humanity and have caused havoc.

I love making women single; I have murdered the husbands of many and have rendered them single.

I have caused divorces and made many single, thereby making it easy to pull a large number of them to the dungeon of the abyss.

"I have caused many excess stress and difficulties. Many could not stand the taste of my bitter waters and decided to take their lives by themselves.

My mission is to hunt down single moms and cause their lives frustration.

I have taken them away and chained them beyond the reach of love." Lucifer boasted.

When Pkadoo listened to him speak and the wailing of those in hell. Her soul bled in agonising torture.

"You have slipped out of my grip, but I won't give up on you. I will come after you and all those whom the sons of men call single moms. I will discourage them and take away their peace from them. MuwHahahahaaa!" He laughed.

"Has not for this purpose the Lord ordained his daughter to bring deliverance onto the daughters of God and bring them to the banquet?" The angel of the Lord appeared in the synagogue of hell and spoke to the hearing of lucifer and Pkadoo who fell on the floor weeping.

"What are you doing here, faithful messenger of the righteous one?" Lucifer asked.

"I have come to bring good tidings to the elected one of the Lord."

Then he turned to Pkadoo.

"Remember thee daughter of the faithful one, that the devil, who is the thief, cometh but to steal, to kill and to destroy. Return to life and surrender thy life to the Lord.

For as long as thou has not confessed with thy mouth and be saved, thou cannot be saved.

Return, daughter of Zion. Return in a hurry.

Tell every single mother of the love of the Lord who has called thee for this purpose.

For he has given thee power over principalities and rulers of the world of darkness." The angel of the Lord delivered his message and was out of the cloud.


Mrs Peter who was outside the door of her house was seeing making a phone conversation.

As soon as she ended the call, she ran in excitedly and informed her husband that Kpadoo was alive.

"Dear, I just finished speaking with the doctor. He told me that Pkadoo woke up this afternoon saying "yes Lord, Yes Lord."

He said as a believer practicing medicine, it is obvious She must have had an encounter with the Lord that caused her to be out of coma." She explained to Mr Peter who was very excited about the development.

It had been a long time since Mr Peter danced for the Lord, but the news called for celebration as they expressed their excitement and also sprayed the news to other neighbors.