

What could romance mixed with gravels and bitter waters taste like? When love comes at the wrong time, tears of joy could turn tears of blood and agony. 'Single moms' brings to humanity the story of what it feels like to exit in a lone world - different from every other, the challenges of existing as a father and a mother and at the same time the stabbings of ex lovers who bring torture, the possibility of finding love and being loved again. What will it feel like, what will be the battle of new lovers trying to love moms who have become scared of being loved again? Here, the battle of character and emotional balance is what to look forward to. Written for and dedicated to Single moms the world over - Single moms solution tablet by favourite author, Anee A David

AneeDavid · Urban
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28 Chs


"Dear, Tony has come." Mrs Peter reported to her husband who sat tired on the cushion, watching the 8pm news. Already, he had made inquiry about Kpadoo and was informed that she was responding to treatment, although still unconscious according to the doctors.

"Which of the Tony?" He asked.

"I am talking of daddy Yuhwen."

"That he-goat of a bastard. Why do you call him daddy? That's a dishonor to parenthood, especially fathers. I am just waiting for an opportunity to deal with that fool some day.

What is he doing outside." He calmed and asked quietly, trying hard to control his beast.

"I was outside filtering pap when he entered and went straight for the door which he met locked. He was then yelling at why the window was broken down." She explained.

"Wait, I need to teach this young man a lesson." He said standing up.

"Daddy Vic, I am begging you to calm down. The landlord has already said he is going to get him arrested. Please o, I know what you can do." She pleaded.


Peter was such a man that loved giving it to people the way they deserved, in other to correct their stupidity. He could be so tough that when he is being begged, that's when the anger in him would arouse.

Mrs Peter knew about this, but it was always incorrect to watch her husband handle people without her interference.

Before she could tie her wrapper properly and catch up with him, he was already outside approaching Tony.

"Greetings Mr peter." Tony greeted disrespectfully on sighting him.

"What is good about your greetings young man?" He questioned.

"Okay, I am sorry. I was phoned and told that Kpadoo committed suicide." He asked.

"Yes she did." Mr Peter gave him a straight respond.

"But what led to the breaking of the window? Was there any need to break down the window in other to save her life?" He asked arrogantly.

Mr Peter smiled and moved a step backward.

Gently, he folded his fist and jumped on Tony with a mighty blow to his neck.

Tony struggled. The weight of the blow from Mr Peter, who just finished a bow of pounded yam threw him to the ground.

He struggled to his feet as if to ignore but his demon resisted his attempt to make peace.

He came after the angry Peter who was blazing with fire from his eyes.

As he approached him and tried to engage him, Mr Peter's awaited left hand fist swung in on his cheek and a tooth flew out of his mouth in a hurry.

Blood gushed out,

Tony was on the ground battling to gain balance.

Neighbor's rushed in, Mrs Peter in particular fought to separate her husband but to no avail. She screamed and shouted for help from those indoor who came running to the scene.

"Please you people should do something, please o, before my husband murders somebody." She cried out knowing what her husband was capable of doing.

As the saying goes; "God most often give peace loving wives to men who are tough hearted."

Such was the case of Mr and Mrs Peter. If the two where the same as Peter was, it would have been a hell on earth. But Mrs Peter was a calm, easy going and peace loving woman who was always on the side of putting her husband to a balanced attitude.

She loved God too and wanted to have a personal knowledge of him, but it seemed there was none close to her enough to have her achieve such a purpose.

As neighbors gathered pleading with Mr Peter and engaging their strength to separate them, he was on Tony pouncing him with heavy blows until he lost consciousness.

"You bastard, I will teach you a lesson you won't forget your entire life. You made a woman commit suicide and here you are speaking trash." He queried while giving Tony the beating of his life.

When he noticed that he was out of consciousness and lay motionless, he gently released him and stood off his body.

"Ewoo, Peter has killed somebody o. Ei, Peter you want to finish me. What are we going to do now?" Mrs Peter cried out.

"Please bring water, pour him water." A neighbor said as he examined Tony's breath.

A bucket of water was brought and poured on his body. Immediately, he was resuscitated, but lacked strength to rise from his pool of blood.

"It's good for him. Such a useless man. He has made life unfair to Pkadoo. Now she committed suicide because of him. Who knows what thousands of women are going through the world over." Chinenye poured her anger on Tony amidst other neighbors.

"Hmmm, it's true o my sister. My elder sister is a single mom. That one, her son's father has not even called for the past five months. He left for Benin claiming he would be supportive.

I know what she is going through with the little boy. It's because of all these that I have vowed not to have anything to do with any man. I prefer to leave my life this way because all men are scam." A neighbor by the name Queen responded to her.

"Not true Queen." Gabriel, a young man who was a next door neighbor of hers came in.

There are good men everywhere, just as there are bad ones. Largely, your character determines the type of man you attract."

"So, are you now saying that all single moms are character bankrupt?" Queen asked.

"Not at all. Maybe that was an oversight. What I mean is that there are good men.

All men are not scam. There are men with good hearts who are not after hurting women. Most times, women attract the bad ones by lack of proper examination." He defended.

"You have a slight point in saying not all men are bad, but to say women are attracted to the bad ones largely by character deformity is an insult to womanhood.

No man has the right to be bad, to be a beast or to make hurting women an attitude, whether they are character deformed or not.

In most cases which I have discovered, women who fall prey to these beasts are only not being opportunistic. I blame single parenting on lack of opportunity. It has nothing to blame on women's character deformation." Chinenye tutored.

"Chinenye, it's obvious you don't know much of what you are saying." Gabriel answered.

"And you are the one who is right, isn't it?" She asked.

"Well, i guess I and you don't know much about single moms. We both could learn to be better informed." He submitted.

"Please, you people should help this man to the clinic, please." Mrs Peter pleaded.

"Mommy Vic, nobody is helping him to the clinic. Thank God he is revived. He will find his way to the clinic. That's if he wants to live." A neighbor said and everyone turned away to return to their apartments.

"Aya, I love daddy peace o. He is a man of action. I am happy he pulled a teeth out of the bastard's mouth." Another neighbor mocked as he walked in pair with a group of others.

Tony tried severally to lift his head, but he lacked strength. His nose popped blood as he breath heavily.


Mommy Vic who had gone out of sight, soon returned with warm water and treated his bleeding mouth, nose and all the parts that were hit the most by her husband's blows.

"Woman," Mr peter called out from the window.

"It seems like you have found a new husband. If you don't leave that idiot on the floor and come in, I would have to divorce you for him." He yelled.

His words compelled her. She quietly helped him to his feet and watched as he stroll away with a broken flesh.

"Poor soul." She said as she cleared the compound and went in to her husband;

"Haba daddy Victoria, that was too much. You would have murdered him. At least he is still Yuhwen's father. What if he died and you were arrested?"

"See, I needed to teach him a lesson. He has caused a lot of trauma to Pkadoo. You and I know to details what goes on in the house.

He is not responsible for the welfare of the young woman and her child, but anytime he comes around, he comes to make trouble and abandon her." He narrated bitterly.

Moved by his words, Mommy Vic sat by him and held his hand. Then she smirked and Mr Peter gave her a gaze.

"Wait o, dear, the night earlier, I was begging you to check on Pkadoo. Now you've carried her case on your head." She said.

"I didn't know it was to this extend. I feel really sorry for her, but more sorry for a bastard father." He insulted.

"No na. You see why I have been disturbing you to be attending church. You are such a terrible soul." Mrs Peter said placing a finger on his nose.

Gradually, the discussion fainted into romance.

Mr Peter who understood the game stood up and locked the door, meanwhile his Mrs. checked on Victoria and Yuhwen who were fast asleep.

The couples then proceeded to the inner chamber to complete the game they had begun playing under blue heavens.