

What could romance mixed with gravels and bitter waters taste like? When love comes at the wrong time, tears of joy could turn tears of blood and agony. 'Single moms' brings to humanity the story of what it feels like to exit in a lone world - different from every other, the challenges of existing as a father and a mother and at the same time the stabbings of ex lovers who bring torture, the possibility of finding love and being loved again. What will it feel like, what will be the battle of new lovers trying to love moms who have become scared of being loved again? Here, the battle of character and emotional balance is what to look forward to. Written for and dedicated to Single moms the world over - Single moms solution tablet by favourite author, Anee A David

AneeDavid · Urban
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28 Chs


[Three Weeks Later]

"Darling! Are you still asleep? I want us to discuss." Mrs Eze Ngozi called out to her husband who struggled out of his sleep to an erect position.

"Okay, what's it? You are supposed to have been sleeping by now. Tomorrow will be an engaging day." He said and slipped away again to sleep.

"Darling, this is very important and my mind has been on it for months now. Besides, this is just 8pm." She pleaded.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm just being overcomed by sleep."

"I understand. You had a busy day doing a whole bunch of things.

Okay, let me go straight to the point. It's about Tabitha." She Said.

"Okay, I hope everything is fine?" He asked, becoming more alert.

"Everything is fine darling. You know, Tabitha is one of the rarest breads of young women I have ever seen. She is industrious, full of life, hard working, and, just everything. I am thinking if it will be possible for us to adopt her as our daughter." She made her submission.

"Mm, that's a big one there, and it's a good decision if we have to take. Infact, I have considered her our daughter. I have often thought why a good soul, such as her could have been made into single parenting at the first instance. What sort of man would hesitate in marrying he?

By the way, this is good news, but how about her family? Her both parents are still alive. That would sound like we are taking their child away from them." Mr Eze told her.

"I have thought about that as well, it's not as if we are taking her away from her biological parents. That would be wickedness, except incase where she is disowned or they lost their lives. I will contact one of our lawyers in Nigeria to know what the law says in the regard." She answered.

After a brief prayer, they both went to bed.

[Things Back in Nigeria]

Tabitha was rushing out that early Saturday. Joy was in the sitting room having a playful time with Dike, who had long returned to Nigeria.

"Joy!" She called out and Joy came running to her. They met in-between a passage and exchanged conversation;

"Joy! what are you doing?" She asked a bit angry, as if she was already aware of the answer.

"I'm sorry mommy." She responded, twisting her fingers.

"It's not about being sorry. I have told you not to be engaging uncle Dike early morning on Saturdays. I won't repeat myself. Run to the kitchen now and help Patricia with whatever she would demand of you." She instructed and Joy hastened off.

She walked to the sitting room and greeted Dike who had just switched from a cartoon Network to a gospel channel on the television he was watching.

"Hello Mr, I am off to the office." She said

When Dike turned to face her, he was astonished by her appearance in a milk colored suit.

"Wow! You look stunning." He complemented.

"Thank you sir." She answered with a smile and waited to hear what else Dike was battling to voice out.

"Can I ask for a favour?" He requested standing to his feet.

"Sure! That must be attending a program downtown together." She affirmed.

"No! This is different. You will be back by 12pm?" He asked.

"Yes! Mom sent an email that some clients will be in Nigeria any moment early morning. They will be meeting with me in the office by 11am. Anything 12, I should be done. Is there any problem? You seems restless."

"I'm fine Tabitha. Can we have an outing later today by seven?" He requested.

"That would be night already. Mm, okay, I would have preferred 4pm or anything 6 at most.

"If you won't be too tired, let's make it 4pm." He obliged and Tabitha waved him for the office.

[In Kitchen with Patricia]

The security man later came in to get his food and met Patricia preparing evening meal.

"Pat, Pat, how is it? See come o..." He started.

"Nkem, don't start! Pick your food and quietly leave the kitchen. I don't want to have a talk about anything or anybody." She warned.

Nkem quietly carried his food and that of the gate man and turned to leave the kitchen, but stopped and engaged Patricia again.

"Pat come o, it's like there is something in-between boss and madam. Their closeness of recent is making me ask questions." He said.

"And you see no better place to ask your questions other than me. See ehn, Nkem, I beg of you. Keep me out of your aimless talks. I am here to help my life. Please!" She said vehemently and turned her deaf ears to him.

Later that evening, Just as Tabitha had agreed with Dike, they drove out to a solemn place and made an order. The place was a garden, but more of like a private reservation for VIPs.

The two sat down and began talking about comic things, creating jokes and having a nice time.

"Paul," She called his other name.

"I am really blessed by your personality. Thank you for accepting me as a sister and giving me all the attention that I need. It still baffles me that I find myself in such a blessed family like this..." She went on and on appreciating Dike about almost everything he and the entire family was doing for her.

"I should be thanking you Tabitha." He said and went on;

"Your coming into this family has added to the Lord's blessings upon us. At least, I have a sister now who listens to me and gives me all the attention I want, not like Tera who is often minding her business." He offered his appreciation.

"You are welcome Dike. So tell me, you called for this outing. Is there something special you want us to talk about? or it's just to keep company?" Tabitha asked curiously, glancing around the beautiful environment.

"This place will be good for a reception." She quickly added, looking away, expecting Dike's response, but when she turned to face him, she saw that he was mesmerized by her stunning appearance.

"Dike! Are you here? What's it? You look too serious."

"Mm, actually, this place is beautiful. I planned spending some time with you when I was abroad. Thank God the moment is here."

"Thank God." Tabitha responded.

"But, he held her hands into his. I wish we could be here someday, more better than we are today." He said with a burning in his eyes.

"I don't understand Paul." She said trying with caution to pull her hands away.

"I'm sorry Tabitha. It feels sudden, but this has eaten me up for months. I feel strongly that you are the woman I have been waiting for." He broke the cord.

"Paul! What are you talking about? Is that the reason you brought me here?" She yelled and stood up, filled with fright.

"I'm sorry," She apologized calmly after some seconds, realizing that she reacted too rash.

The security that was standing by ran towards them and asked if everything was fine.

"We are fine officer. Thank you." Tabitha answered.

"Paul, I am sorry. But I don't understand. Is this the reason behind all the attention you've been giving me? Please let's get back home." She requested in a haste.

Dike stood up quietly and beckoned on her. They got into the car and he drove off.

On their way, Tabitha felt apologetic in her heart about the event but remained indifferent in making it obvious to Dike.

Within that space, a lot went on in her heart, so much that she was angry why everything about her must have to end in relationship.