

What could romance mixed with gravels and bitter waters taste like? When love comes at the wrong time, tears of joy could turn tears of blood and agony. 'Single moms' brings to humanity the story of what it feels like to exit in a lone world - different from every other, the challenges of existing as a father and a mother and at the same time the stabbings of ex lovers who bring torture, the possibility of finding love and being loved again. What will it feel like, what will be the battle of new lovers trying to love moms who have become scared of being loved again? Here, the battle of character and emotional balance is what to look forward to. Written for and dedicated to Single moms the world over - Single moms solution tablet by favourite author, Anee A David

AneeDavid · Urban
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28 Chs


"Hello dad!" Dike greeted his father as he pushed the door opened.

"Good morning son. How was your night and how are you doing this morning?" He asked.

"I am good dad. I had a blessed night each day. No more night mares, no more anxiety. Infact this days, I don't have the craven to hang around. I have this internal peace. Thanks a lot to God for bringing Tabitha into our family." He. appreciated.

"Yes son, you and her pray each night. Why won't your heart be filled with much peace and joy? I and your mother have been doing same too, just that you have gone a step ahead of us." Mr Eze said tapping his son's shoulder. The two laughed amusingly.

"Well, son, let's not get started already. What's your schedule like today?" He asked, sitting by the edge of the bed.

"Mm, I have an online meeting with some client from Ghana by 8am, that's an hour time. Aside that, I have free time until seven PM during which I and Tabitha will have our usual online. prayer service." Dike explained.

"That reminds me. I and your mother consider the entire family observing an online devotion with Tabitha at least once a week to help everyone get along spiritually."

*That's fine dad. I think Thursdays will be fine because that's the day of the week you and Mom are much less busy, beside Sundays." Dike answered.

"Alright son, we will talk more on that later in the evening.

What actually brought me to your room is to ask if we can have a lone time at the beach today. I want us to talk as father and son."

"Wow! Dad, that will be so cool. I guess Tera is coming with us?" He inquired anxiously.

"No! It's men's outing." He answered with a beaming smile.

"Alright dad. I will be with you immediately I'm done with my meeting. Thanks Dad."

"You are welcome. I will be waiting." He responded and left the room.

As soon as he was out, he met his wife turning from the other end of Tera's room.

They felt a little bit of shock seeing each other carrying out the same action.

"Ha! Someone has planned with his son and is leaving us out of the equation." Mrs Eze Ngozi said.

"And what are you two planning that I don't even know? At least you know that I am taking my son out." Mr Eze teased.

"I went to tell her to also get ready. I am taking her out." She answered amusingly.

"This is serious. women can be this jealous." He said.

"Tera baby, hurry up!" Mrs Eze Ngozi hurried Tera without speaking a word to her husband - all part of the play.

Soon, Tera was done and waited for her mother. The two then drove out earlier than did Dike and his father. Tera drove for her mother while Dike handled the wheels for a ride with his dad

[Mr Eze and Son]

Mr Eze and Dike arrived at the beach and made an order of what they were going to take while they had a beautiful time together strolling.

"Son, coming here each time reminds me how I proposed marriage to your mother. It has been Thirty three years of God's faithfulness in our marriage.

Look how you have grown into a full man." He said with a hand on his shoulder while Dike listened keenly.

"But dad, you have not tell me this story fully. You always stop halfway."

"That's true, but I will finish the story today." He answered and they continued with the tales of love.

"... My son, I brought you here because you have fully grown and no longer a child. It is time to build a life of your own. I and your mother planned that we will give you our home in Leki where you can fully start your life independently." He broke the news to the delight of Dike, whom he also called Paul.

"So tell me, is Lagos your choice? I know you have been against basing your life here abroad."

"Seriously dad, I don't lIke abroad. I always feel like a visitor any time I am back. I love Lagos dad. Thank you and Mom so much. I am dearly grateful." He appreciated.

"You are welcome son. So tell me, when do you want that done?" Mr Eze asked.

"Mm, that can be as soon as we are back to Nigeria. But dad, please, I wanted asking for a favour. It has been in my heart to be back to Nigeria next month. If that is fine with you and Mom." He requested.

"Why not son? You are a man now. You can return back tomorrow if that's what you want. I and your mother won't have a problem with that." He answered.

"Thank you so much Dad. in that case, I will think of next week. At least we have spent almost a year here already." He suggested.

"Infact, returning back will be a good idea. The empire in the hands of Tabitha is already a workload on her. We will love you to be back to Nigeria so as to ease her of much stress." Mr Dike told him.

Dike felt extremely happy. He could not know exactly how he felt at the moment. Only him knew that he wanted to be back to Nigeria because of how much he had missed Tabitha. His father telling him that they would be working together made him wild with excitement.

"Another thing is; when do you plan getting married?" He asked.

Dike smiled and went mute,. searching for the best answer to give.

"Hm, dad, I believe soon, it's on my heart, but I am still making findings." He answered.

"You mean there is none at all?" Mr Eze asked again.

"No dad!" He answered simply.

"Alright! I want my son married before I grow out of strength. You can see I'm aging day by day. Once you spot her, bring her home. I and your mother will make it big." He said, causing the both of them to smile gladly.

"Alright dad. I believe soon." Dike answered and the two men discussed on, amidst the singing of waves and flashes of the beautiful rays of the sun.

When they were back that day, Mrs Eze Ngozi and and Tera had not come back. It took about two hours later before they arrived home.

As soon as they entered, Mrs Eze Ngozi threw herself on her husband's body screaming that their daughter was getting married soon.

She showed him pictures of nobody else but Mr Eze's PA on media and advertisement, back in Nigeria; an entrepreneurship mastermind who was doing well raising his own private businesses beside working as an assistant to Mr Eze on media and publicity.

Mr. Eze was elated because the young man was hard working, humble and such a soul that he would wish his daughter is getting married to.

"Come, come, come here baby girl." He called on Tera who was falling ecstatic in the arms of Paul, overcomed by her mom's reaction.

"How long has this been going on and you didn't tell me about it?" He asked her.

"Dad!" She cried out.

"Bem (the young man's name) only made his intensions to propose, although he is really serious about it." She explained briefly.

"Then what are you two waiting for? Bem is a good man." He established.

"Well, dad, he said he wants me back to Nigeria before he will propose. I'm not supposed to be telling you yet, but mom..." She said incompletely.

"Come on, come here. It's alright. We will pray about it. God's will is what is outmost. You people should find me something to eat. I'm hungry." He said gladly and switch over the topic.

"Mrs Eze Ngozi quickly stood up and took hold of Joy as they went into the kitchen themselves. Life abroad was treated a bit differently from the one in Nigeria.

The news about Tera's relationship with Bem struck a part in Dike.

He left for his room and took his phone, beholding someone who was sticking on his heart (the name of the said person hidden). The possibility of having a life with her was going to be a difficult one.

He fell on the bed and pulled out his PC (Personal Computer) to attend to some duties, but his heart was restless.

He brought out his phone again and began admiring her pictures, asking God to make it happen.

Just then, Tabitha's call came in. He smiled broadly and jumped up on the bed before picking the call as they began talking - about nothing serious. The comfort of spending time together was always worth it.

He felt wild about Tabitha, wondering if the same chemistry was transmitting across to her as they spoke.

Well, her call came in for the right occasion. With time, he could see how the journey would go.

But he was fast loving Tabitha beyond what he could easily control or explain.