

What could romance mixed with gravels and bitter waters taste like? When love comes at the wrong time, tears of joy could turn tears of blood and agony. 'Single moms' brings to humanity the story of what it feels like to exit in a lone world - different from every other, the challenges of existing as a father and a mother and at the same time the stabbings of ex lovers who bring torture, the possibility of finding love and being loved again. What will it feel like, what will be the battle of new lovers trying to love moms who have become scared of being loved again? Here, the battle of character and emotional balance is what to look forward to. Written for and dedicated to Single moms the world over - Single moms solution tablet by favourite author, Anee A David

AneeDavid · Urban
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28 Chs


The driver drove into the estate's express way and two other streets to come to a large golden gate where he horned.

The gate man quickly opened and he drove into a large mansion.

Its formation had three stories, flowers planted on each.

Tabitha descended down with her daughter, all staring around, fighting to certify what their eyes saw.

The driver brought out their bags from the car and beckoned on them to follow him in.

"Let's go ma. Madam is waiting for you inside." He pleaded with a smile.

At the sound of madam, Tabitha's heart skipped a bit. She became a little scared and imagined what sort of woman she was again.

She followed behind the driver, staring passionately at the massive edifice.

"Mommy, is this our new home?" Joy who was looking tired asked her.

"Let's go in first. We are here for a stay." She whispered into her ears.

The two were ushered into a gigantic and spacious sitting room, accustomed with all the exotic things of life. The shocking thing was the fact that there was no one in it. Everywhere felt calm, except for the giant plasma television that was showing an animal documentary, mute.

"Please take a sit ma. I will inform madam that you are here. She will be with you soon." The driver said handling the bags to a lady who appeared to be the house keep.

Tabitha fell into one of the less bigger cushions with walls of costly curtains stretching from above her head.

As she sat quietly with her daughter, her heart skipped fast. She turned and looked at joy who was glaring around passionately and wished it was just her. Reminding herself that she was a single mom made her wonder how she was going to be addressed by a woman who would soon assume responsibility as her boss.

Soon, she had steady footsteps approaching the sitting room, then she heard another, following. The later were a bit in a rush, maybe trying to catch up with the first, she guessed.

"Hello!" Mrs Eze Ngozi greeted, with a glaring smile.

"Good afternoon ma." She greeted on her knees and did same for the husband as she sighted him within close range, with his wife.

"How are you? I hope your journey wasn't stressful?" She asked giving her a hug and bringing her to her feet.

"Please sit down." She said and did same herself.

The maid came in again and went for Joy and carried her away.

"Don't worry. She will be with her until we are done talking." Mrs Eze Ngozi quickly explained.

"My name is Mrs Eze Ngozi, and this is my husband. My brother Peter spoke so well of you. We are glad to have you.

Darling," She turned to her husband.

"This is the lady Peter told us of."

"Alright. You are welcome. So let's know you." He said with a smile.

Tabitha quickly explained herself. It was hard trying to figure out her bitter life story to strangers who appeared to be helpers, but it was necessary she hid nothing, and be sincere as much as she could be. if it was the will of God to see her through, it would be so.

"...Okay, that's enough. You have said just more than what we needed to know. The best part is that you have found Christ. That's all we wanted." The husband said and turned to his wife for her consent.

"I have fallen in love with her already. At least she isn't a child we should have doubts of. She has experienced life in different ways. I believe she should be able to chose which way is the best now. The moment I saw her, it felt like I have seen my own daughter.

Welcome Tabitha.

As I believe my brother must have informed you, we are traveling overseas on a vacation that would last a year plus.

A month before that time would be dedicated to your training in the things we would need you to keep watch on and take care of in our absence.

It's going to be a tasking training so you get acquainted, we hope you are able to endure it."

"Yes I will ma.

Take me as your daughter. I promise by the grace of God to make you proud and not disappoint you." She answered.

"That's good. Well, the training begins now with you in the hands of the maid." She told her and called for the maid who came in running.

"Call all the house workers to me." She instructed and the maid went and returned with about six domestic workers.

Mrs Eze Ngozi then introduced Tabitha to them and instructed them to consider her their little madam;

"She is no different from I and my husband. Treat her the way you would treat us. I don't want to hear any complain from her.

Patricia!" She pointed to the Maid.

"Take her to her room and make her comfortable.

Tomorrow, you have a duty to show her around the house and attend to her questions. Is that clear?"

"Yes madam." She answered.

"My daughter, please follow her. She will make you comfortable. Please make sure my baby girl eats enough before going to bed. I will spend more time with her tomorrow."

"Thank you so much ma." She answered and followed the maid.

"She was shocked. It amazed her. To the degree she was to be treated no different from Mrs Eze Ngozi. it was the greatest moment of her life yet. It felt like she was dreaming.

When she arrived the place she would call her room, it was bigger than the entire self-contain she stayed in before. The bed was unmatched. The place seemed to her like what words couldn't describe.

Without wasting time, she fell down and began to glorify the name of the Lord.

During the course, she fell into a trance.

A man appeared to her and told her a few words and disappeared.

"You will be tested hence, be humble and loyal, do not allow the glorify of the moment hinder you from what is ahead, for if you shall overcome this test, then your promotion shall be great. Humility!!!" His voice echoed in her ears as she was awakened by Joy.