

What could romance mixed with gravels and bitter waters taste like? When love comes at the wrong time, tears of joy could turn tears of blood and agony. 'Single moms' brings to humanity the story of what it feels like to exit in a lone world - different from every other, the challenges of existing as a father and a mother and at the same time the stabbings of ex lovers who bring torture, the possibility of finding love and being loved again. What will it feel like, what will be the battle of new lovers trying to love moms who have become scared of being loved again? Here, the battle of character and emotional balance is what to look forward to. Written for and dedicated to Single moms the world over - Single moms solution tablet by favourite author, Anee A David

AneeDavid · Urban
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28 Chs


[...a young man walked into the house with a fascinating gaze on Tabitha. He was tall, fair to look upon and had calm countenance]

"Good morning ma." Patricia greeted as she entered with three sets of well ironed towels and some other things for the womanhood."

"Good morning Patricia. How was your night?" Tabitha greeted back, collecting the items from her hand.

"It was fine ma. Madam asked me to inform you that you should meet her and the rest of the family in the sitting room when you are done." She informed.

"Okay, let me hurry up please." She said, rising from her feet into the bathroom.

When she was done and was properly dressed, she came out and struggled a bit to locate the sitting room again.

As she sat down waiting for Mrs Eze Ngozi to come over, into the sitting room, she could see Patricia making the dinning table at a far left.

She quickly rushed to join her in setting the table.

"No ma, if madam sees you here, she will kill me." She pleaded with Tabitha.

"I will explain. I don't find it easy sitting and doing nothing. Let me just assist with a few things." She pleaded.

Against Patricia' s will, she pulled some napkins from her hands and began to arrange them on the dinning table.

"Tabitha!" Mrs Eze Ngozi came into the sitting room calling out to her with a charming smile.

"Good morning Mommy," She rushed to where she was, greeting with her knees bent.

"You must be hard working. I can see you are already busy at the dinning table." She said patting her hand on her back.

"I want you to meet with my two children. They are all grown, but they have refused to marry and leave my house." She laughed.

"They must be waiting for the right time." Tabitha responded jokingly.

"Patricia!" She called out.

"Please get everyone to the dinning. Hurry up! I and Tabitha will be leaving for the office shortly.

"Yes ma." Patricia answered and left.

She and Tabitha went to the table and Mrs Eze Ngozi showed her where to sit.

Soon, the husband came in and assumed his place. As Tabitha was greeting him, a young man walked into the house with a fascinating gale on Tabitha. He was tall, fair to look upon and had a calm countenance. "This must be Mrs Eze Ngozi's son she spoke about." She thought to herself.

"Where is Tera?" She asked

Let me get her." He answered. As he turned to leave to fetch her, he sighted her coming from the sitting room with her fingers busy on the phone.

"Tera, must we wait for you on every occasion before eating?" She asked with a stern look at her.

"Sorry mommy, I was trying to make some flight bookings online, for my business tour in Asaba." She answered worriedly.

"What happens to our airline?" Mrs Eze Ngozi asked.

"Mommy I don't know. They are telling me that the only available flight tomorrow is 6am and 2pm." She answered.

"That's fine, you can book for 6am and make a quick stay in any of the hotels before going for your meetings."

"Okay mommy." She responded and gave her a side hug.

"Good morning daddy." She went over to Mr Eze and did same.

"Put off your phone and let's get eating. I am hungry." He said with a smile.

"Alright daddy.

Please mom, is this Tabitha you told us about?" She asked turning her gaze between faces.

"Yes! Sorry, I couldn't make the intro yesterday for some reasons. This is Tabitha. Tabitha, please meet my two apples; Dike and Tera."

"Wow! I'm happy mom. At least you have a daughter beside me now. Attention will lesson from me. I will have some space." She said with humor.

"You are welcome Tabitha. We are happy to have you as part of our family." Dike greeted with a stern look into Tabitha's eyes.

"She looks beautiful. I can't believe mom said she is a single mom." He reasoned in his mind.

"Paul (the name his father calls him), can we eat?" His father called out to him.

"Alright dad." He answered.

"They are all fascinated by the presence of Tabitha. You people should not worry. Tabitha is here to stay. Let's eat. Tabitha, please pray for us."

"Okay mommy." She answered and began praying immediately. When she was done, the family began to eat actively.

"Tabitha, how about my little one?"

"Patricia is taking care of her." she answered.

"That's fine." She said and called Patricia to her.

"Has my baby girl eating?" She asked.

"I just finished dressing her ma. I'm about to feed her." She responded.

"I think she can feed herself?" She asked Tabitha.

"Yes Mommy." She answered.

"That's good. Then let Patricia bring her to the dinning. Let her eat with us here.

Patricia (she turned to her), get a small sit and a table. Let Joy eat with us." She instructed and Patricia left, carrying out the instructions.

"Tera, we are checking in, to shop some items for Tabitha."

"Wow! That's fine mom." She screamed with much excitement.

When they were done eating, Mrs Eze Ngozi had a quick time with Joy and she went outside showing Tabitha around the house herself.

When they were done, Paul drove them out for shopping. It was more of like an outing, so the driver and other domestic workers did not rally round them for anything.

Those who went were Mrs Eze Ngozi, Tera, Paul also called Dike, Tabitha and her daughter Joy.

They returned back with all that were needed to be bought, specially for Tabitha and Joy.

On their way back, Mrs Eze Ngozi had Paul passed by one of her restaurant and a private company that deals with the exportation of African products, ranging from food, clothing, etc. This was additional to the key position she occupied in the government as the acting director of Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission. Her vacation came as a result of her new appointment as the director. Before assuming office, the government would have an acting director installed, while she goes on a year and six months vacation. The vacation would also see her through with some international studies to equip her for the task ahead.

All her fame was beside her husband's who was also a business magnate of international reckon.

It was later on that Tabitha would get to realize that Mr Peter was actually working under a reputable government position made possible by Mrs Eze Ngozi, her sister.

Tabitha could not perfectly fathom why she was the favorite for all the opportunities at hand, but the summary of it was the favour of God over her life.

Later that day, after all the business of the day, Mrs Eze Ngozi came into her room and called on her attention for have some private discussions;

"I and my family will be away for a year plus. You are going to take responsibility for a whole lot of things. There is nothing to be afraid of. We already have friends and heads of our business corporations in place. Your duty is to take care of our private properties and as well watch over everything we will be introducing you to. Everyone will get to know you. For the next month, you will have to sit up so as to get acquainted with everything.

I am not saying this to scare you, but it is necessary you know.

We won't tolerate betrayal. If you need anything, let us know. Don't do anything and run away. You will be hurting yourself through legal proceedings.

See yourself as my daughter. Let's work together and trust God for a better future. When we are back, your disposition would be well discussed. We want you to move forward as well; it's our priority."

"Thank you Mommy. I still wonder why it is me that the Lord has found worthy for all these privileges." She said sobbing.

"It's okay Tabitha. I understand. I went through hell in life for good twelve years. I starved of what to eat, slept outdoor and walked out naked, until God showed me mercy. Don't worry, things have changed already, only don't allow distraction on your way." Mrs Eze Ngozi consoled her.

"I promise by the help of the Lord that I will not disappoint God and you. My coming will contribute positively." She established.

"That's what I want to hear. I can see that you are an intelligent woman. I can clearly see that. Well, be ready, I will be sending you on errands shortly, to see how you are getting acquainted with." She told her and stood to leave he room.

"Tabitha was thrown aback. She sat down on the bed staring at the items she brought from shopping. It baffled her how within a short while of intense challenges, God came through for her, transforming her life in the twinkling of an eye.