
Sing Your Heart Out

Being America's most famous pop star isn't easy, and neither is love. You're a famous pop star with more fans than most top singers combined. Going from city to city, you make it to New York City. But while your stay in the city you get saved by heroes you'll never forget, especially one in particular.

MidnightMoon8888 · TV
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Chapter Five: Let's Talk Fashion and Charity Part One

Two weeks go by and though you haven't been in the lair since, you've spent every night texting Mikey. He would send you memes and funny videos throughout the day, and at night it's when you finally have time to see them and text him back.

It's so great to finally have a cool guy friend. Sure, he's not human and stuff, but he's proven to be a good guy so far. The reason you think that it's because you've had many guy friends who were "good guys", only for them to reveal their true colors later on. But you have a good feeling about Mikey to push that doubt.

It's night, and you and Mikey are texting back and forth, just talking about how both of your days went. But then your phone starts to ring and it's Beverly.


*Y/n: What's up Bev?*

*Beverly: Great news girl! I got you to be the star guest of a new designer store opening up this weekend! I hope you like EL VALENTINO's.*

*Y/n: EL VALENTINO's!? Heck yeah! That's literary the top three designer handbags in the world!*

*Beverly: That's right, and I even got them to throw you a little sweetener as a bonus for coming. A handbag from the upcoming limited edition, the "I Heart K-Pop Collection".

*Y/n: Are you serious?! That's so cool!*

*Beverly: Of course, I had to get myself one too. The grand opening is at eight in the morning sharp. Dress like a K-Pop girl and take lots of pictures to post! This is a real step up for you Y/n, okay I got to go, I'll call you in the morning.*

*Y/n: Night Bev.*


You hang up and text Mikey the good news. As soon as you sent that message, he sends you a gif of a kitten with its arms up and confetti in the background and the caption says congrats in a rainbow color. You giggle at the meme and text back.


*Y/n: I know right! Beverly said it'll be a huge step for me.*

*Mikey: That means you're one step closer to shining brighter than the sun right?*

*Y/n: Yup! I'll be on the news at eight tomorrow morning.*

*Mikey: Alright! Me and my brothers are definitely going to watch!*


You say goodnight to each other before putting your phone on the nightstand and getting up to sit in front of your large gold vanity. Your makeup is set beautifully in front of you, all from the best makeup brands like NYCB Cosmetics, Ruby R, Chaos, and Scarlett Cosmetics, nothing but the best for you, Beverly says.

You don't blame her; you are a star and soon to be on the Mega A-List celebrity, so you got to act like it. But umm... that local pizza you had when you were hanging out with Mikey and his brothers was really good. Yeah, you could call the staff to have a homemade pizza from the hotel's kitchen, but for some reason, the local pizza taste way better.

You walk over to the nightstand and check your phone. It's still a little early for you to fall asleep.


*Y/n: hey Valerie?*


Almost instantly, she texts back.


*Valerie: Yes?*

*Y/n: You don't have to if you can't right now, but do you think you can get some pizza?*

*Valerie: Yes! Yes I can! Do you want the hotel's pizza?*

*Y/n: No, I was thinking of something local. I'll send you the money via Cash Me.*

*Valerie: Nope, it's on me!*

*Y/n: U sure? I don't mind paying for both of us.*

*Valerie: I'm sure, so what kind of toppings would you like?*


An hour later, and tricking all your bodyguards to check outside for paparazzi, you open the door for Valerie since she's holding two whole pizzas, chicken wings, and dessert.

Now you and Valerie are eating together in the living room while watching a comedy show.


Valerie: I'm honestly kind of worried about my aunt.

Y/n: Eliana? Is she okay?

Valerie: Yeah but... I did some digging around and I know I wasn't supposed to go through her stuff, but I found something weird.

Y/n: What was it?

Valerie: At first I was curious to know why she fired all the maids, and I tried looking for their documents in her office. But I found papers about her trying to sell the hotel.

Y/n: That's not a good sign.

Valerie: And when I looked at her computer, I saw that she took out a huge loan a month before you arrived. I'm assuming she's using that money to pay the new staff.

Y/n: But why did she wanna sell the hotel?

Valerie: From what I've been seeing, things haven't been going well since her dad passed away. He gave her the hotel, and it just seems like she really didn't know how to run it or she just had extremely bad luck trying to have customers coming in.

Y/n: So that's why I'm staying here for free.

Valeria: Yeah, I'm sorry.

Y/n: It's okay, really. I'm used to this kind of thing. Besides, I can still there's still potential in this hotel. And I know that you guys are booked for the entire year and next year if I'm correct. Be prepared for celebrity parties.

Valerie: Yeah, that's true.


You are used to this kind of thing. It's all a part of being a celebrity that you've gotten used to. Besides, you're doing a good thing in helping out, and in return, you save a lot of money as you continue to make appearances and photo shoots here in the city.




...Morning Comes...




In your pastel pink K-Pop attire, you stand next to the host as he announces the grand opening of EL VALENTINO's handbag store. You're holding your new El VALENETINO handbag from the new collection, "I Heart K-Pop Collection". And you got to say, it's pretty cute.

The streets are filled with fans of you and the designer's brand. So many that police and security are everywhere ensuring your safety and controlling the people from becoming crazy. The host then hands you the big golden scissors and instructs you to stand in front of the red ribbon that stands in front of the entrance.


Host: And it is a pleasure to have Y/n cut the ribbon.


Taking the big golden scissors, you happily cut the ribbon, and the host lets the public know that they need to form a line if they want to buy something. A long line stretches out in front of the store for probably half a mile, waiting to buy something from EL VALENTINO.

Four bodyguards are standing with you, one in front of you and three right next to you as you're standing near the entrance. While the rest of your bodyguards are helping the police keep the fans behind the red ropes. Everyone is cheering your name, some are crying to be in your presence, all while you keep your smile as bright as you see them.

With your bodyguards by your side, you head over to your fans and greet them. You shake their hands, give out autographs, and take selfies with them. They all compliment you, telling you that they love you and your music.

Meanwhile, Mikey and his brothers were sitting on the couch watching you greet your fans.


Ralph: You woke us up for this?

Donnie: You got to admit she has a good sense of style.

Ralph: I'd rather go back to sleep.

Leo: Training starts in twenty minutes anyway. You can o back to sleep after training, sleeping beauty.

Ralph: (Stands up) You're about to become sleeping beauty when I-

Mikey: Guys! I'm trying to watch our friend!


Ralph lets out a sigh as he sits back down. Mikey is lying on the ground in front of the Tv while the rest sit on the couch behind him.


Donnie: You got to admit, it's kind of cool being friends with a celebrity. I can't thank her enough for the new supplies.

Leo: It's too bad she can't visit as often as April. She seems like a pretty cool person.

Ralph: Are you just saying that because she beat your ass?

Leo: No! I'm just saying that-

Mikey: Guys!


Newsperson: And just like that, the streets are filled with adoring fans of both the world's designer brand "EL VALENTINO's' and pop star Y/n. When we come back, we'll be taking a tour inside of the new handbag store.


A couple of hours go by and you had to go. As you walk to your limo, with your bodyguards following you, your fans cry out your name in hopes of getting your attention. You don't say much as you just smile and wave goodbye to them before one of your bodyguards opens the limo door for you and you hop in.

As soon as the door closes, you relax your face by no longer wearing the star smile. Your face kind of hurts from smiling for literally two hours straight. But hey, that just means you need more practice. Your phone starts ringing and it's Beverly.


*Y/n: Hey Bev!*

*Beverly: How's my favorite star! I just say the news and posts, you look amazing! And how's that new EL VALENTINO's handbag treating ya?*

*Y/n: It's so cute! I think I want the entire collection. Like, you have no idea how stunning the new collection is.*

*Beverly: Oh I'm looking at it right now online. By the way, how would you like to be the star guest of the show "Project Style Runway"?*

*Y/n: Hell yeah!*

*Beverly: Good, I already signed you up for that. They want you tonight at seven. I had the staff give you three possible outfits to choose from that fit the new episode's theme challenge. It's all in your closet. The theme of this episode is "Alex in Wonderland".

*Y/n: Ooh, that's definitely going to be more creative than anything.*

*Beverly: I know right? Even though you're not competing, I'm so sure that whichever of the three outfits you choose will be an eye-catcher for the whole season! And girl, we got to get you in the world of fashion. A few of the greatest fashion designers in the world are in New York City. I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, every time you got to post yourself in different outfits in different settings.*

*Y/n: Could you give me an example?*

*Beverly: The hotel has a pool right? Your choice of a swimsuit along with poses by the pool would be a good start. Whenever you eat at the hotel's restaurant, your attire should be along the lines of elegance. And don't underestimate a good handbag and jewelry to go along with it.*

*Y/n: Got it.*

*Beverly: And while we're on the top of fashion. I also had the staff put in a lot of jewelry and handbags in your closet. And makeup. You can never go wrong with a little bit of makeup.*

*Y/n: Thanks Beverly.*

*Beverly: Good, now I got to go. Have fun at the show!*


You hang up and lie down on the seat. With your phone on your chest, you just stare into the black ceiling of the limo and the calm blue lights around it. Maybe you should get some coffee at the hotel's restaurant before you go to the show. But then again, you have plenty of time to take a good nap when you get back.

You soon arrive back at the hotel and, as usual, the police and bodyguards ensure your safety from the public and paparazzi as you walk inside the hotel. There, you see Eliana and her two top male employees standing by her side.


Eliana: Welcome back Y/n! I have my chefs preparing your lunch right now.

Y/n: That sounds good. Can someone bring it up to my room? I need to relax a bit before I get going for tonight.

Eliana: Yes, of course.

Y/n: Oh and I'll be leaving around five. Can I also have some coffee to go?

Eliana: Yes miss Y/n, one of our staff will give you our coffee menu along with your lunch.

Y/n: Thank you Eliana.


You go to the elevator and then into your penthouse. You wonder what the three outfits Beverly sent you. But you also can't wait to see the new jewelry, handbags, and makeup she sent.

Heading into your walk-in closet, you see the three "Alex in Wonderland" outfits Beverly picked out for you. They have a very familiar style to the main character Alex's dress in the movie, but they each have different primary colors. The first one is mostly pastel pink with small amounts of glitter on every part of the dress. The second dress's primary colors are both baby blue and sky blue. There's no glitter on the dress, but there is a design of cute little light brown bears at the hem of the dress. The third and last dress's primary color is lavender. This dress's design is beautiful hand-stitched purple flowers and black ace cards. You think you'll choose...




After picking which "Alex in Wonderland" theme outfit, you walk back into the living room and relax on the couch. But just as you sat down, you hear someone knocking at the door.


Y/n: Damn it, I just sat down.


You get back up and answer the door. It was one of the hotel's chefs and not Valerie. You were honestly expecting it to be Valerie, but she did mention that she's taking classes as well as working here. The chef, standing in front of you, has a steel cart full of lunches for you to choose from.


Chef: Here you are miss Y/n, and I have our coffee menu as well.


He hands you the coffee menu as he pushes the cart into the penthouse. He doesn't go too far, just a few feet before excusing himself out as he mentions to you that when you have a coffee drink in mind, then call the hotel staff.

As soon as he exits, you take the plate with the sandwiches before walking back to the couch. As you sit down, you turn on the tv and check the news to see what's going on in the city while you eat and check out what kind of coffee drink you want.


~~Java Chip Caffeinated Smoothie~~

~~ Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie~~

~~Cinnamon Coffee Smoothie~~

~~Maple Almond Latte~~

~~Pumpkin Spice Latte~~

~~Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal Latte~~

~~Vegan Gingerbread Latte~~

~~Mocha Oat Milk Latte~~

~~Cinnamon Dolce Latte~~

~~White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha~~

~~Vanilla Lavender Coffee~~

~~Caramel Brownie Coffee~~

~~Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee~~

~~Cinnamon S'mores Coffee~~

~~Frozen Irish Coffee~~

~~Tiramisu Coffee~~

~~Brulee Caramel Coffee~~

~~Snickerdoodle Coffee~~

~~Keto Bulletproof Coffee~~


Man, you kind of wanna call for at least five of these drinks to try. But you are staying here for two months, so you have plenty of time to try them all. But the Tiramisu Coffee sounds delicious though...


Newsperson: And now, on the lighter side of the city. We celebrate Saint Mary's Children's Hospital's fiftieth anniversary of since opening. Known for treating children both short and long-term, the hospital has gained the title of being one of the top five children's hospitals in the United States.








???: Hey Y/n, can you read me a bedtime story?

Y/n: (Smile) Sure, which book do you want me to read?


You kneel down in front of her purple cubby full of books and stuff animals as you wait for her to pick which storybook she wants you to read.


???: I want... I want...




---Flashback Ends---




Newsperson: The hospital will be asking for donations to help make sure every child receives their free stuffed animal of their choosing.


You don't even think for another second about this. You quickly grab your phone and call Beverly.


*Beverly: What's up girl? Is everything okay over there?*

*Y/n: I wanna help Saint Mary's Children's Hospital.*




To Be Continued...