
Sing Your Heart Out

Being America's most famous pop star isn't easy, and neither is love. You're a famous pop star with more fans than most top singers combined. Going from city to city, you make it to New York City. But while your stay in the city you get saved by heroes you'll never forget, especially one in particular.

MidnightMoon8888 · TV
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7 Chs

Chapter Four: Sneaking In & Out

You wake up by someone knocking at your door, so you get up and put a long robe on before you open the door. There you see Eliana with a cart full of breakfast just for you. She immediately makes herself welcome, pushing the cart into your living room.


Eliana: I feel terrible for what happened to you last night. Your agent has let me know that you're taking the day off today. And so today I will make sure that you're in tip-top shape. I brought you breakfast, and when you finish, you can go down to the outdoor pool. But do not worry, the pool is not cold, in fact, it's warm like a jacuzzi.

Y/n: Thank you Eliana.

Eliana: Aw, don't mention it. You deserve the best around here and I will deliver it for you. I even hired you a massage therapist. She'll be here at noon and waiting outside your door.

Y/n: Thank you, I can't wait.

Eliana: Now I'll leave you be. If you need anything, feel free to call the lobby.


She leaves, leaving the cart full of breakfast. You just push the cart to your room and shut the door before turning the tv on and grabbing one of the plates. A Spinach-Mushroom Strata. Each plate had its own utensils and the napkins are on the cart.

You keep replaying last night's memories, and a part of you thinks that it was all just a dream. Because it just feels like a dream. For one, you didn't think aliens existed until you came face to face with some. You saw mutant ninja turtles that saved your life, they took you to their home, and you hung out with them. You don't plan on telling anyone that since you want to stay true to your word that you wouldn't.

Sitting on the bed, you start eating breakfast as you pull out your phone's charger to go through your emails and messages. Usually, your agent reads your emails and tells you which ones are important, but you read them so you know what to expect.

How the hell are you going to hang out with them again? Without getting caught by your fans, bodyguards, Eliana, the staff, and the paparazzi. Then an idea comes to mind. You grab the hotel phone and dial the office.


*Employee: Good morning miss Y/n, how may I help you?*

*Y/n: I need a maid to come to clean my bathroom please. Just one maid will do since it's not too much.*

*Employee: Yes miss, we are sending one up there right now.*


After hanging up the phone, you grab your purse from the nightstand. That's when you hear someone knocking on the door and you quickly get up to open it. It's two of your bodyguards and the maid standing between them with the cleaning cart in front of her.


Bodyguard: We checked for weapons. She has none miss Y/n.

Y/n: Thank you, she can come in. You two can go ahead and continue to make sure the paparazzi don't get into the hotel.


Both of the bodyguards leave as you let the cleaning maid in with her cleaning cart and you shut the door.


Y/n: What's your name by the way?

Valeria: My name is Valeria, it's such an honor to meet you in person, miss Y/n.

Y/n: It's nice to meet you too Valeria.

Valeria: Can I just say that I LOVE all of your albums? Every song you sing, I can tell there is a lot of passion behind it.

Y/n: Thank you, so how long you've been working here?

Valeria: For a couple of years now. Eliana is my aunt, and she's letting me work here while I attend community college. Now you say that you needed to have your bathroom cleaned?

Y/n: No, honestly, I need some help and I was hoping you can help me with something.


She suddenly has a look of shock and disbelief on her face, but she is more than happy to help you with ANYTHING you want her to do.


Valeria: Yes! I can help with anything you need!

Y/n: Well, first things first.


You reach into your purse and take out two thousand dollars in cash.


Y/n: I need you to go buy laboratory glassware. Here's two grand. After you purchase the glassware, I'm going to send you a text telling you where to drop them off. Any questions?

Valerie: No miss! No questions asked! I'll do my part and get whatever you need.

Y/n: You seem... very eager to help.

Valerie: You're my favorite music artist of all time. Just talking to you right now feels like a dream. I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do, no questions asked.

Y/n: Oh, well... The last thing I want is to feel like I'm using you without rewarding you. Besides this favor, I'm going to be asking for more. And so, for helping me, I'll pay for your tuition and fees for the college you're going to. Just as long as you keep this a secret between you and me.


Seeing tears of joy flowing from her eyes, her jaw drops. She then rushes to you and gives you the biggest hug she's ever given to someone. You hug her back, knowing that she's eternally grateful for what you're willing to do for her. And she knows that you didn't have to do it, but the fact that you were willing to help her out with school. Today has to be the best day of her life.


Valeria: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. (Sniff) Thank you.

Y/n: You're welcome Valeria.


As you give her the money, you exchange numbers before she gives you another big hug and leaves the penthouse to go perform the task you asked her to do. Giving someone like this a helping hand is definitely a rewarding experience. And now you have someone to help you to get you some things, not just the science stuff for Donnie. But you plan of getting other things you had in mind...




...Later In the Afternoon...




After swimming in the outdoor pool for a while, you head back inside and take a shower. As soon as you step out of the shower, you hear a knock at the door. You knew it had to be your massage therapist and so you just put on a robe before letting her in.

Now she's standing in front of you, massaging your bare back while you lie near the edge of the bed. Maybe you should consider hiring a massage therapist as one of your staff, because this is just too relaxing not for you to do again. The massage continues for an hour, and you get a text message as soon as you feel sleepy. After seeing that it's Valeria, you tell the massage therapist to go take a lunch break while you massage someone. She nods and excuses herself out of the penthouse, leaving you be for now.


*Valeria: I got the supplies right here!*

*(Sends a picture.)*


It's a picture of all the science glassware in boxes, sitting in a big blue wagon. And it just so happens she's at the location where you want her to be. There's a big yet short alley where the sewer hole happens to be. It's the same sewer hole Mikey took you out of. After she leaves, you'll text Mikey to come get the stuff. Well, he might need some help, so it's best to text him to have his brothers come with him.


*Y/n: Is that you're wagon?*

*Valeria: No, they just gave it to me for free since I couldn't carry the boxes. I don't really need it.*

*Y/n: Okay you can just leave everything there in front of the sewer hole.*

*Valeria: You got it! They also gave me two physics books for free since it was the biggest order they've ever had. I recognize these books from my college. They each cost about five hundred dollars. Do you want me to leave the books here too?*

*Y/n: Do you need those books for your classes?*

*Valeria: Nope, I'm good. Besides, I already passed my physics class, surprisedly.*

*Y/n: Alright, then leave the books there too. And there's something else I need you to get.*

*Valeria: Anything you need.*

*Y/n: You think you can get another one of the maid's uniforms in my size?*

*Valeria: Oh yeah! We still have plenty of maid uniforms since my aunt fired most of the maids. They're all clean and ready to wear.*

*Y/n: Why did she fire the maids?*

*Valeria: She told me that it was business related and told me just to mind my own. I tried talking to one of them to figure out why, but I didn't get a real answer from her. I can tell she was lying, as if she was trying to protect herself.*

*Y/n: Yeah, that's weird. But anyhow, you think you can get that uniform up to my room before night comes?*

*Valeria: I definitely can. I'm on my way to the hotel right now. Just give me an hour to get there and put on my uniform. I'll text you when to call the office and say you want your room cleaned or something like that.*

*Y/n: Got it. And thanks for doing this Valeria. I really appreciate you helping me with this.*

*Valeria: No probs! This is so cool doing this! I feel like I'm on a secret mission or something like in the movies!*

*Y/n: You are on a secret mission.*

*Valeria: I know but this feels surreal!*

*Y/n: Oh, and one more thing. Think you can get into the security's room and turn off all the security cameras? *




...One Hour Later...




You get a text from Mikey, and he also sends a picture of Donnie happily setting up the lab equipment you got him. You smile as you reply to his text, saying that it was the least you could do.

Then Valeria texts you to call the office now and you do, calling for a maid to come to clean your living room before hanging up. No later than five minutes later, you hear a knock at the door. Opening the door, you see Valeria standing with the cleaning cart and one of your bodyguards standing next to her.


Bodyguard: She's been cleared. No weapons on her.

Y/n: Good. She can come in and you go back to whatever position you were on.


Valeria enters the penthouse, pushing her cleaning cart like it's just an ordinary day at work. After you close and lock the door you lead her to the middle of the living room.


Y/n: You got the uniform?

Valeria: (Smiles) Yes I did.


Underneath the white towels were two folded maid uniforms, each had been folded to make it look like they were towels.


Valeria: I got you two different sizes in case one of them doesn't fit. But I'm positive that one of them will fit. Also, I have access the security cameras program on my phone.

Y/n: But isn't the security guard going to notice that you have access to it?

Valeria: He does, but he doesn't really care. I think my aunt is going to fire him anyway, and I think he knows this, so he really isn't motivated to do his job right so... yeah.

Y/n: Again, it's weird how your aunt is firing a lot of people and you don't even know the reason why. But at least I can go out. Wait, I need to make a distraction, so all of my bodyguards are at front of the hotel while I escape through the back.

Valeria: Maybe you can start a rumor that you'll be out front.

Y/n: I don't know... If I do that and not show up, I'll be an asshole.

Valeria: I got it! How about you have a large box set up outside and ask your fans to slip their fan mail and stuff to you. That way, all your bodyguards will be busy keeping under control and everyone will be outside in front while I sneak you out the back door.

Y/n: That's sounds crazy, but a crazy good idea!


You hurry over to the coffee table and pick up the hotel phone to call the office.


*Office Employee: How my I be of a great assistance miss Y/n?*

*Y/n: Yes, can I speak to Eliana? It's very important.*

*Eliana: Y-Yes Y/n? You called for me?*

*Y/n: You wouldn't happened to have a large box. And by large, I mean something of at least 4 feet in length. I have an idea I want to try with my fans.*

*Eliana: Oh yes! My employees are getting one right now!*

*Y/n: I'll let your employees have fun and decorate it. I was thinking of posting something that it'll out front for those who wish to send me direct fan mail. Of course, I need all of my bodyguards to stand guard out there to make sure things don't get too crazy. I'll soon come out and greet my fans for a bit. I just thought it would be a good idea.*

*Eliana: And it is an excellent idea! I'll have my employees really pour their hearts into decorating it. And what do you know? They have the box in front of me and are decorating it as we speak.*

*Y/n: Great! I'll post something, saying that I'll be out there with them, and they can put their fan mail in the box. I'll be down there in a few minutes, have all of my guards out front.*

*Eliana: Yes Y/n! I'm on it right now!*


As soon as you hang up the phone, you and Valeria begin to discuss the plan. After that, she leaves with the cleaning cart. Then you post to your social media that you'll be outside and to let everyone know that they can leave their fan mail in the decorative box out front.

You get dressed in your favorite pink pop star outfit before doing a bit of pink glitter make-up and a couple of natural touches before you head off to the elevator. By the time you get there, the employees are carrying the large box outside and you can hear your fans shouting your name outside.


Eliana: Oh Y/n, this is such a wonderful idea! Your bodyguards and come police officers are making sure the people don't get crazy and they'll make sure to collect their fan mail and drop it in the box.

Y/n: Good, would you like to come out with me?

Eliana: Yes of course! I would love to!


She brushes off her ruby red pantsuit in case there's some dust before walking next to you as her two employees open the doors for you two. Within seconds of walking out the door, people started shouting and cheering your name even louder than they had before. As the police and your bodyguards keep the people at good distance from you, your fans are waving their fan mail in envelopes out to you for you to collect.


Y/n: You might want to bring some of your employees out here to help me collect my fan mail. But first, smile for the paparazzi.


Eliana and you were already being photographed by the paparazzi before even a second were spared. Doesn't matter, cause you two starts posing for the cameras as your walking down the red carpet. You walk up to your fans and thank each and every one of them before taking their fan mail.

A few of her employees then come out and you personally take everyone's envelope before them to the employees so they can put it in the box for you. You smile, laugh and give out a few hugs to your fans. You spend about thirty minutes out there, collecting your fan mail before saying goodnight to everyone and the hotel staff will be collecting the rest of the fan mail and gift baskets.

As you headed inside, you asked Eliana if she would be able to answer the remaining interview questions. She agrees, and while everyone is outside in the front of the building you head back inside. Most of her staff should be outside and so instead of taking the elevator, you take the stairs where you'll meet Valeria.

And just like that, you see her waiting for you with the maid uniform and she helps you put it on.


Y/n: You made sure that the security cameras are off?

Valeria: Yes. I still have full control of them on my phone.


After putting on the maid uniform, which is just putting it over your pop star outfit. She takes you to the basement of the hotel and out the back door where no one is around to see you two. She gives you a scarf to wrap around the lower half of your face.


Valeria: I'll be here when you're ready to come in. Try not to stay out too late.

Y/n: I won't. I'll be out for two to three hours and then I'll come right back.

Valeria: Alright, I'll be here to keep look out for you. You don't need to knock to come back in since I'll already see you before you come near the door.


You nod before leaving the property of the hotel and unto the sidewalk. You can still hear your fans shouting your name even as you're walking away. You text Mikey that you'll be at the same sewer hole from where you guys got out of, and he replies saying that he'll see you there.




...Two Hours Later...




While their friend April talks to you about how she's a fan of you and stuff, you two were standing by the side as Master Splinter was training his sons, including Mikey.


April: If you ever need ideas for a new song, maybe I can help.

Y/n: I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

April: It's so cool to have you here! I almost didn't believe Donnie when he mentioned that you were going to be here.

Y/n: I'm just glad I could be here. I know tomorrow is going to be extremely busy.

Mikey: Hey Y/n! Wanna try training with us?

Y/n: Sure, why not.


Leo stands in front of you, getting himself into a fighting position.


Leo: Okay because you don't know much about-


Before he could finish his sentence, you bring him down to the ground with your moves of kick boxing and karate before getting him into a submissive position on the floor.


Y/n: I wouldn't that. I am a pretty good kick boxer and I'm a brown belt at karate. I also know a little bit of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Mikey: That was awesome!

Ralph: Pretty impressive for a pop star.


You help Leo stand up and Master Splinter walks over to you two.


Master Splinter: I see you are experienced in material arts.

Y/n: Oh yeah, when I was a kid I was always in kick-boxing lessons and karate classes. I guess even a few years later since I've been there I still got it.

Leo: Well I definitely caught off guard.


Your phone then starts to ring and you see that it's Beverly.


Y/n: Excuse me for a sec guys, I gotta answer this.


You exit the dojo and answer the phone.


* Y/n: What's up Bev?*

*Beverly: I'm just calling to see how my favorite client is. I'm hoping you're ready to wake up bright and early tomorrow to head to the studio. There's also going to be a couple of famous bands and music artists who all want to do a collab with you. Speaking of Collab, I spoke with 17Chainz's agent, and I think it's best for you to avoid him from now on. I just caught wind of his baba mama drama and we can't have any of that fucking up with your stardom.*

*Y/n: I'm so glad you feel the same way.*

*Beverly: So catch some sleep now. You're going to be releasing your album tomorrow, so you're going to need much needed rest. I'll call you in the morning and tell you more about it. Just get some sleep and be ready to use that beautiful singing voice all day.*

*Y/n: Alrighty, night Bev.*


When you hang up, you see the turtles and April walking out of the dojo. You tell them that you have to go and just like last time, Mikey offers to go with you, and you gladly accept. After saying good night to everyone else, you and Mikey head up to the surface and unto the roof of the townhouse. After getting on the rooftop, Mikey has his back facing you.


Mikey: (Smiles) Ready for another ride?

Y/n: Heck yeah.


You get on his back, and just like before, he jumps from rooftop to rooftop while you hold on to him. After a little while, you realize that you're about two blocks away from the hotel, so you stop Mikey by tapping his shoulder and he stops before you get off his back. Now standing near the edge, you two sit down next to each other.


Y/n: Your brothers and your father are really cool.

Mikey: Oh yeah, but those moves you have been even cooler.

Y/n: Thanks, I'm just glad I still remember those moves. I'd thought that I would have forgotten it.

Mikey: Why?

Y/n: Being a pop star takes up a lot of your time, day and night. I'm just lucky that I was given a day off today. But tomorrow I got to head for the studio. After that, its interviews, photo-shoots, events, and performing, the list can go on and on.

Mikey: You don't have much free time?

Y/n: Well, I do get lunch breaks. But even then, my agent is trying to make sure I stay on a certain diet so I can keep my shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle. And that three slices of pizza was definitely worth it.

Mikey: Pizza is always a good lunch option. Especially if it's extra cheese.

Y/n: Tell me about it.

Mikey: But hey, at least you're getting closer to your goal of being even more famous. I listened to all of your songs and they're all so catchy.

Y/n: Thanks, I just hope I can continue making good music hopefully the majority will like. Sometimes I feel like it's a competition between the music artists. We're all trying to come up with the number one hit, and have our albums go platinum. And we all want the attention of millions and millions of people love us.

Mikey: That's a lot of attention.

Y/n: (You stand up) I want to shine brighter than any star there is in the entire nation. It's my dream to make it up to the top, so high that I seem to be invincible.

Mikey: (Stands up) Even brighter than the sun?

Y/n: Maybe just as bright! I can't wait for the day that comes. I just need to keep coming up with good lyrics and make important appearances and I'll soon get there.

Mikey: Yeah! And if you need any help with some lyrics, maybe I can help. Music is one of ultimate pass times.


You really enjoy talking to him. Aside from being a great listener, his positive attitude and perspective on things are refreshing compared to what you are used to seeing. The moment you met him and his family, you almost instantly felt like you'd made some real friends.

Mikey takes you near the hotel but not too close to where anyone can see and he helps you get down on the ground.


Y/n: I'll see you around Mikey. It was fun hanging out with you guys.

Mikey: See ya around Y/n.


Almost in silence, he leaps to the rooftop as you head back to the back of the hotel. You still have the maid's uniform and you're just wrapping the scarf around your face again, so sneaking back inside the hotel without anyone looking twice at you will be a piece of cake.

Wasn't long for you to go back into your room with the help of Valeria and you take off the maid's uniform and your outfit before stepping into the shower. You think this is the first time you snuck out like that in years. It feels pretty good to sneak in and out and get away with it, kind of just like old times. But then again, those old times of sneaking out were for your own good.

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