
Sinful Union

Dive into a world of mystery, unexpected romance and discover the secrets that lie within. With its diverse cast of characters, heart-pumping action sequences, and thought-provoking themes, this book is a must-read for fans of dark romance

Lunaaa_Night · Urban
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Chapter 5: Lost in Pleasure

"This way,"I said, taking his hand and guiding him to his bedroom. He followed closely, our steps echoing loudly in the hurried pace.

I pushed open the door to the dimly illuminated room and pivoted to meet his gaze. He enveloped my thighs with his arms, swiftly lowering me onto the bed. My startled cry was hushed by his lips as I landed on my back, rebounding lightly. I groaned, pulling at his excessive layers of clothing. All I wanted was for him to be completely bare, his body on full display. I knew it would be breathtakingly sexy. Viktor obliged and started to undress, slowly revealing his toned, tattoo-covered chest. I couldn't help but lick my lips at the sight, he was even better than I remembered - his skin was flawless and tan and his muscles were perfectly defined. I couldn't contain my excitement and almost let out a cheer. Softly, I inquired, "You're quite industrious, aren't you?" as my fingertips caressed his skin tenderly. He let out a chuckle and replied, "I suppose you could say that." My hands trailed down his back, savoring the sensation. Suddenly, my body tensed as I felt something hard, causing Viktor to furrow his brows in concern.

"Oh, sorry-" he began, but I silenced him with a passionate kiss. Grabbing the gun hidden in his pants, I placed it in his nearby drawer. Viktor looked at me in surprise, not anticipating my calm reaction. But growing up in the mafia had taught me the importance of self-protection. Not to mention he shor someone in front of me. 

"It's alright," I reassured him, "we all have our ways of staying safe." Viktor's eyes widened with arousal and he breathed out, "That's incredibly sexy." Undeterred, I undid his belt, then moved on to his button and zip, eager to have him inside me. I twisted my body, positioning myself on all fours and arching my back to give him full access. I could feel his tip at my entrance as he gripped onto one of my ass cheeks, moving it up and down to spread my juices around. "Is there a reason why you're being so slo...ahhh" I began to ask, but before I could finish, he thrust himself deep inside of me. I shut my eyes and clenched my teeth, the initial sting causing a jolt of pain. He grabbed the back of my neck, turning my head to the side and squeezing tightly. "Don't give me attitude, Красавица." he growled in his heavy accent, glaring down at me. Despite the slight pain, I couldn't hide the fact that I was thoroughly enjoying this experience. "Can I move now?" he asked, rolling his eyes, and I dropped my head back onto the bed. "Yes," I managed to say. As he began to move in and out "mmm.."

I was consumed by waves of pleasure as he began to move in and out. My voice escaped in moans as I buried my face into my sheets. An arm reached out to brush my hair away from my face.

"Wow." He exhaled, his hands gripping my skin.

"Oh my God!" I couldn't contain the ecstatic sensation as he continued to push deeper into me, increasing in speed and urgency. My muscles tensed around him and he groaned, resting his head against my back. My vision blurred with twinkling stars.

The room was filled with the sound of our bodies colliding and my cries filled the air.

It was an unbelievably euphoric sensation, causing me to struggle with coherent speech. I closed my mouth with my hand, trying to suppress the urge to let out a loud cry of pleasure.

But Viktor didn't appreciate that. He forcefully removed my hand from my face, determined to hear my sounds of pleasure. His authoritative tone compelled me to comply.

"Viktor, please...wait, no, don't stop," I moaned as he continued to thrust into that mind-blowing spot. It was a surprise to hear myself utter such words, never before had I felt so overwhelmed and on the verge of tears from the overwhelming pleasure.

He sneered, a cruel laugh escaping his lips as he relentlessly pounded into me. It wasn't my fault that he possessed a sexually charged aura. 

"You feel incredible," he grunted, his attention fixed on the sight of himself moving in and out of me. I have to admit it's going to hard leaving such good dick. Suddenly, my climax was upon me, catching me off guard. With a final cry, I crumpled onto the bed, unable to support my weight any longer. Despite my exhaustion, Viktor did not stop, mercilessly filling me up as I lay sprawled on my stomach. "Oh my God," I moaned, gripping the sheets and burying my face in the mattress. "I'm not finished yet, be a good girl and take it" he growled, making me close my eyes and focus on breathing. He continued his relentless onslaught, spanking my ass hard and leaving it throbbing with a searing heat. "It hurts so good," I whimpered, the overwhelming sensation only adding to the mind-blowing pleasure. Finally, with a drawn out groan, he released himself onto my back and I let out a sigh of relief. "Wow," I whispered, still in a daze as I tried to come down from my high. A smile tugged at my lips as I realized that Vik was definitely a good fuck