
Sinful Union

Dive into a world of mystery, unexpected romance and discover the secrets that lie within. With its diverse cast of characters, heart-pumping action sequences, and thought-provoking themes, this book is a must-read for fans of dark romance

Lunaaa_Night · Urban
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Chapter 4: Captivated by Desire

Being stuck here feels like torture. I'm a prisoner in this luxurious prison, confined to a life of idleness. All I do is eat and sleep, feeling like my life is slipping away. The mystery surrounding my family's secrets is suffocating me, and I can't bear to think about it anymore. I need a release in more than one way, l need something to distract me from this frustration that's building up inside. I long to let loose and have some fun, maybe go clubbing, but Viktor's grip is tight. How can I convince him to give me the freedom I crave? 

I have a plan in mind, but first, I need to freshen up. Luckily, I have everything I need right here - thanks to my captor's unexpected

thoughtfulness. I must admit, I'm impressed that he considered my needs and tastes, providing me with clothes, jewelry, toiletries, and even lingerie. He certainly has a good eye for detail... and a hint of romance, it seems. I walked into Viktor's office wearing a fitted white tank top, its hem riding high on my hips.

My distressed denim jeans hugged my curves in all the right places, and my feet were clad in black ankle boots with a subtle heel. A silver necklace with a tiny pendant gleamed in the light, drawing attention to my cleavage. My hair was messy and undone, framing my face with loose waves. I had minimal makeup on, but my lips were painted a deep red, inviting and provocative. The overall look was effortless yet alluring, a perfect blend of casual and seductive.

He looked up from his desk, his eyes narrowing slightly as I approached.

"Ava, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice firm but hinting at a softness beneath.

"I need to get out of here," I said, my voice soft but firm. "I can't just sit around and do nothing. I need to feel alive, Vik."

Viktor leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving mine. "I understand how you feel, but it's not safe out there. You're still in danger."

I took a step closer, my heart racing. "I don't care about the danger. I care about living. And I can't do that trapped in this house."

Viktor sighed, his expression unyielding. "Ava, I can't just let you go out there and risk your life."

I took another step closer, my voice dropping to a whisper. "But you can't keep me prisoner forever, Vik. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to convince you to let me go."

Viktor's eyes narrowed, his gaze burning with intensity. "What are you proposing, Ava?"

I smiled, my heart racing with excitement. "I'll do anything, Vik. Just name it."

Viktor's eyes seemed to gleam with challenge.

"You'll have to persuade me, Ava. Convince me that you're ready to face whatever dangers lie outside these walls."

I took a deep breath, this just got interesting real fast. I knew I had to be bold, to seduce him into agreeing. I took another step closer, my body inches from his.

"Persuade you?" I whispered, my voice husky.

"Or seduce you?"

Viktor's eyes seemed to flash with desire, his face inches from mine. "Both, Ava. Convince me, and seduce me."

I smiled, my heart dancing around us in ecstasy. I knew I had to be bold, to take a chance. And so, I leaned in, my lips brushing against his.

"Let me out, Viktor," l whispered, my voice husky. "And I'll make it worth your while."

As our lips met, I felt the tension between us ignite into a passionate flame. Viktor's arms wrapped around me, pulling me close, and our tongues danced together. I melted into his embrace, my fingers tangling in his hair.

I couldn't resist the urge to nibble on his earlobe, my teeth grazing his skin. Viktor groaned, his hands tightening around me, and I felt a thrill run through me. I licked his ear, my tongue tracing the curves, and he shivered, his body responding to my touch.

Our kisses deepened, hungry and demanding.

Viktor's hands roamed, exploring every curve, every inch of me. I arched into his touch, craving more, lost in the intensity of our passion.

In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of us, lost in the all-consuming fire of our desire. My hand drifted down his chest, feeling the contours of his muscles. I reached his waistband and slipped my hand inside, feeling his hardness. I stroked his length, my fingers wrapping around him he groaned in pleasure making me want to please him even more, l have to admit I've never felt such a strong desire to please a man before. I long to hear him groan my name as he buries himself deep inside me. The mere thought sends shivers down my spine and escapes my lips with a soft moan. Apparently, it doesn't go unnoticed, as he swiftly lifts me onto his desk, removing my pants and thong with urgency. He kneels down, his head diving between my throbbing pussy He groaned and 

I gasped when he grabbed the back of my calf and pulled my leg up to rest over his shoulder.

His eyes were now level with my bare pussy and he gazed at me with a mesmerized expression, his lips slightly apart, taking a moment to appreciate the view. But as the silence stretched, I started to feel a twinge of self-consciousness and attempted to move my leg from his shoulder, "Uh-uh, don't move ." He warned grabbing my thigh hard and placing it back in its prior position.

"So pretty," he said as his finger reached up to swirl my wetness around. "And so ready for me." I moaned, barely able to think straight as he played with my clit sending waves of pleasure through me.

I nearly lost it when his head ducked underneath me and his warm mouth enveloped me. My head fell back on to the wall as a whine emitted from my throat.

He bit the soft pebble gently. He devoured my pussy l've never felt anything like this , l have never had a man eat me like this as if l am his last meal. l couldn't help but cum he continues to eat me as if my pussy isn't sensitive enough, tears slowly starting coming out l couldn't take it anymore, "please Vik..., it's too much ", as if he couldn't hear my cries he continued . "please..." now l don't even know what l'm begging for the pleasure is just too overwhelming. "please Vik..." l cried. "What are begging for Красавица" (beauty). "I want you, all of you" I could barely even register my own words, he stood and look me l couldn't help but drown in his blue eyes. "I want to hear you scream my name while I fuck you how you so badly want me to." He whispered and bit my earlobe sending a shiver down my spine. My eyes fluttered closed involuntarily. At that point, all I could think about was filling myself up with him. He helped me up and his hand reached up, clasping around my neck and causing my eyes to shoot open. "Tell me how you want to be fucked, Ava"He teased me with a sly lick of his lip, his blue eyes intensifying with a fierce passion. His gaze was predatory, fueled by a raw desire that left me breathless. My rational thoughts gave way to unbridled passion, and I surrendered to the overwhelming lust. I smiled, inviting him closer, as his hand grasped tighter, his intensity electrifying every nerve in my body.. "fuck me however you want." A self-satisfied smile spread across his face, his eyes gleaming with delight at my response, conveying a sense of triumph and pleasure. "You've got a feisty streak, don't you?"

Viktor pinned me against the wall of his office, his sudden move causing me to lose my balance, my feet tangling together as I struggled to regain my footing.

"Your skin is incredibly smooth, it's like velvet" he whispered grabbing the thick bare ass. "And you smell so good, Красавица."