
Sinbad the eliatrope in One Piece

None of the series mentioned are mine only my OC's are. I was a nobody in my last life but In this one I'll have my own empire and destroy those who stand before me.

Sleepyheadedauthor · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Our First Catch, officially bounty hunters!... Almost

Yo author here, Jerry didn't make it because we never got the donations 😭 RIP Jerry the funeral home said that for a fitting burial service we need to pay more power stones please we need them for funeral costs🙏


My wakfu infused fist met Miro's bandage covered one repeatedly. After a few seconds of the rapid paced punches we were throwing I threw a feint for his liver. He reacted almost instantly and brought his hand down to block it as well as his attention.

As soon as his eyes darted down my foot shot up into his chin causing his wavy hair to fly back and his head to face the sky but before I could capitalize on it he flipped onto his hands and dodged the kick I sent to his head. I couldn't pull my leg back in time to get away so he hit my chest with a full force donkey kick. I felt the air leave my lungs as I was flung overboard the Star Buster.

Before I fell to far down I portal dashed my way back onto the ship. Miro was sitting down on one the stairs that led to the finally installed sky approved rudder to the ship.

" Your too worried about landing hits you often don't take into account when you can get hit too," My first mate said " your arrogant style of fighting isn't smart seeing as your defenses are your weakest front."

" It's not arrogant, but I'm not used to getting that close because I'm faster with my portals." I have explained to him that I'm from a special race that can use life energy or wakfu to do things with it like create portals.

He didn't really care so no biggie. He has been teaching me better battle sense because I still haven't really been a life or death fight and really only know how to deal damage and redirect attacks with my portals. My hand to hand is lacking though.

Good thing I really don't need it. My portals and almost mastered time magic make it almost impossible for anyone in the four blues to touch me.

Speaking of such, I look over the edge of my magnificent ship, down to where I sensed wakfu signitures. Sure enough, a pirate ship was sailing beneath us. They seem to be heading to the same island as us to plunder or gather supplies. Why not gain the favor of some locals? Could probably get some decent info too. Not to mention start our name up as bounty hunters.

" Yo Miro, we got our first hit!" I yell over to my right hand man, who in turn adornes an idiotic grin of excitement at the prospect of an all out fight. Damn battle junkie, but it's what the sea does to a poor bastard!

I opened a portal right under Miro and myself that sent us barraling down towards the island and just in time I made a portal that sent us, safely onto the ground. I took no small amount of joy hearing my battle junkie crew mate scream like a pussy when we fell, I took a lot of joy in it!

Ok now that where down here the best way to optimize our gain is to simply wait till someone is publicly put in danger by the pirates then we swoop in and boom we get the bounty's, the respect and graditide of the citizens and officially becoming temporary bounty hunters.

Three birds with one stone. But first we have to get to the town. Here on Feather island the town is near the top of the feather like shaped island but I had used my portals to land near the center of the island so the people's attention stayed on the ship that was heading straight for their docks.

Both me and my first mate traversed through the jungles and forests of the bird infested island. Everything here has feathers and flies. It's just a bunch of birds, but there so damn annoying!

Luckily it didn't take long for us to reach the village, the pirates had already made it to land and the villages small but brave military stood in front of the pirates. It didn't take long for a conflict to break out with the village on the line.

Very quickly the militia was overwhelmed, all the while the towns people watch from their homes in fear and the captain of the crew watched with a smirk on his face.

"C'mon Miro let's go get us some brownie poi-, *cough* save those people in need." I say with the rightousness of a priest. Miro could only sigh in defeat and follow me into the portals I created that lead to the focal point of the battle.

" Have no fear, why? FOR I AM HERE!" I yelled in a boisterous tone that cought the attention of everyone present. My flamboyant entrance stunned both parties. Meanwhile all my poor first mate could do is sigh in exasperation.

The man that seemed to be the captain stood up, annoyance smeared over his ugly mug. That same annoyance dripped from his voice.

" The hell are you lot?! Don't you think your a bit young to have a death wish? Well either way you've pissed me the great Captain Burns, my name should proceed itself as well as how powerful I am." After his grand monologue he looked down at both me and Miro from his ships bow, expecting terror and panic to be strung across both of our faces, but he was met with confusion instead.

Both me and Miro looked at each other and said at the same time, " Never heard of ya." Causing the entire village and pirates alike to take a double take.

Regardless of that, I responded in a flat tone in the middle of the pin drop silence. " Well, would you tell me where I should know you from, seeing as it's aggravating you so much?" Burns had a blood vessel ready to burst on his forehead already, but know his whole body was turning red with heat.

" You lousy brats don't read the news?! I am one of the most feared pirates in this sea, my bounty's almost forty million berries! Now bow down and I might spare you because killing children will leave a bad taste in my mouth!" His voice was as loud as his blood pressure high. And by this point it became aparant that even anger couldn't make a body heat up like that and he had eaten a devil fruit. Seemingly the same one that Charlotte Oven would eat in the future.

Both me and my loyal crew mates bland expression turned into a sleazy smile, even a certain pink haired peanut lover would be proud of.

" My, my sir thank you very much for giving us the amount of our paycheck now if you would please stop breathing that would be wonderful!" My polite tone couldn't cover up the ice cold threat underneath it.

" You little shit I'll kill you and send your friend to he-" His words where cut off by me portal dashing to him and kicking his chest and leaving a wakfu imprint on it. Using that wakfu imprint I froze time on the shaggy bearded Captain and tried to unleash a flurry of attacks.

'tried to' being the key words as his body was literally burning to the touch. I unfroze him as it was just taking up wakfu at this point. The hits I did land sent him recoiling back. He looked to his crew for assistance but most of them were too busy getting slaughtered by Miro to notice.

He wasted no time and directed his heat towards his hands. He's to hot to touch without my hands taking serious damage, so if I couldn't hit him I'll just make him hit himself.

I stood still and let him throw his " Fire Punch" which he screamed out by the way. Right as it was about to connect one of my signiture blue portals opened up and his face, like the good punching bag it is took the blow for me.

I quickly snapped the portal shut and took his arm along with it. What followed was a scream of horrific proportions. The sight of his missing arm finally brought him to the conclusion that if he didn't use his trump card he wouldn't have a sliver of a chance to survive this encounter.

" You slimy bastard, I'll rip you apart and melt your limbs off as you watch!" As if his anger had manifested physically plumes of steam started rising from his body and before I knew it the cutless he had was red hot and trying to give my head and body a divorce. I don't have enough time to dodge and if I didn't do something my head would take a vacation.

A few centimeters away from taking head, I uppercut the blade with enough force to snap it because of how it weakend it was when it got this hot. While my neck was saved my hand was another story, all of my knuckles were black and black skin was falling off but the pain didn't last long as it burned most of the nerves in my hand which also rendered it useless.

The steaming pirate captain didn't let his lose of his swords stop him as he rushed me again. Seeing as close combat wouldn't be a good idea with him anymore I opened about 30 portals all around us and slipped into one myself. I appeared above the portals and held my hand outstretched above my head with murder and disdain in my eyes looking down below as the man kept trying to get to me in the air, which he couldn't because each time he jumped for me a portal would block his way and he would end up in the same spot he started in.

" It was fun playing with you but now the game is over, { Prismatic Light Show} . " As the last words left my mouth my hand fell as did white wakfu beams from each of the portals which crashed into each other and created the effect of thousands of deadly fireworks which tore threw my target. As he was dying he somehow launched his insanely hot fist at me through it all like a rocket which was faster than any of his earlier attacks and pierced my side grazing it and leaving a tennis ball sized hole in my side.

" Fuck you too!" I yelled out as my attack had finally finished leaving nothing but blood and debris on his half way destroyed ship. The pain in my side felt like you put a burning metal baseball bat to my side and held it there.

I looked over to Miro who looked up at me and held the head that was wrapped in bandages. I opened a portal behind his head when I felt my wakfu hit his chest and send it flying through the portal and into Miro's hands.

Ohh shit I'm dizzy as hell, probably from using that much wakfu. Man, I am sleepy...

And after that I blacked out.