
Sinbad the eliatrope in One Piece

None of the series mentioned are mine only my OC's are. I was a nobody in my last life but In this one I'll have my own empire and destroy those who stand before me.

Sleepyheadedauthor ¡ Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

3,2,1 and lift off.

Yo author here, just letting you know my pet goldfish stopped breathing after I took him for a walk in the sky and the surgery to save him costs a few power stones which I unfortunately don't have so if you want Jerry the goldfish to live donate power stones🙏


I stepped back to take a good look at my magnificent work. The wakfu circuits are already pumping with the wakfu I collected with my bug drones.

The design was smooth but still only made of wood, while it is wakfu infused wood it's still only wood. My sky ship had sails reminiscent of wings that have it aerodynamic properties that will cut through the air like a fish through water.

The wakfu absorption unit is still in progress but we have more than enough wakfu stored up for multiple weeks of flight. My bug drones killed dozens of sea beasts by taking their wakfu and now we can use it as fuel.

My ship was beautiful and only two things were missing. My wakfu cannons I plan on installing, and a name for this magnificent piece of art. I'm thinking something like the Star Buster but it sounds like I have middle school syndrome. I'll cross it off the list for now.

Actually I met a god I read about in manga am in the teenage body of my favorite anime character and apart of an alien race that can create portals from their hands, I have the right to have a chunibiyu nam for the ship that I built. And if you have an issue with it, fuck off.

As of today I've been in the this world for a month and can effectively say I am strong enough to destroy anything with a durability less than steel. While my ship is still made of purely wakfu enforced wood I have found enough scrap metal to craft a few dozen big drones and saved the rest for training.

I made a dense, mostly steel training doll and installed it on the ship. My portal dash combined with a wakfu fist left a hefty dent in the steel. And I haven't just improve my old techniques I created my first named attack. [Lightning Blade barrage] is it's name and personally I don't think anyone in the blues except for maybe someone with the actual rubber fruit can survive it. As of now there aren't any known users of the Nika fruit so yeah only the actual gomu fruit could survive it.

I know of my location because Miro showed me the ship he sailed here on and belonged to his old adventuring crew. On which was a map of the south blue, the most irrelevant of all the seas but if the legendary me starts in a place like this it won't be like that for long.

Miro had respect for the people that let him adventure with them even knowing if his race was exposed a target would be painted on their back from the world government.

So even though he was a bit sad from their sudden passing he said a quick prayer out of respect to the ship as it was all that was left of the people he adventured here with. When the mummy killed them it did so by cutting them and then absorbing their bodies into itself as if to feed it self, as a result there were no bodies to bury just the belongings on the ship.

While it's a sad thing Miro wasn't that hurt because he had a month to grieve over a group of people he knew for a week, he seems over it so no need to help him cope when he was already over it.

In the ship were a few essentials which I had forgotten about. Like, a map and an eternal log pose for the island closest to us. They had a good amount of money on it and a few weapons left over. Including the dagger, like that of Sinbad's first metal vessel, I have strapped to my lower back with a belt I found in the equipment room. When I practice with it I feel like I already know where to strike, must be Sinbad's talent in the blade.

I used the ships design as a base for my Star Buster. Currently It doesn't have the fancy extra details I want to add to it but I want to make it to water seven before I make a whole new ship.

The Star Buster has 5 cabins, a meeting room, a navigations room that stays up on top of the crows nest but will probably be vacant for a while until we have a navigator. My captains room isn't the most luxurious thing ever and if I'm going to be honest is more of a workshop where I plan to make my tech.

The beds and tables and things all came from the abandoned adventuring ship. It didn't have enough beds for all the rooms so for now I settled on sleeping in a hammock. Other than that the kitchen is the most developed out of all the rooms. It wasn't hard now that I can give wakfu elemental properties to make small generators that do the same thing so now I have a working oven, fridge and freezer. Pretty dope to be starting out with a shipped this decked out but me and Miro built it with our own two hands so the luxury was earned.

And as of the ships completion we don't have anything left to do on this island so all that's left to do is get a move on to the next island and get some directions and information.

" Miro," I called over my first mate. " are you ready to really start our journey to greatness?" He grinned and looked me in the eyes with same look of anticipation for adventure he had when he first joined.

" On the ready Captain!" He answered with an enthusiasm unseen from him until now.

" Then it's time for lift off!" I say and portal my way into the navigations nest were the log pose was.

I started redirecting the wakfu into the jets on the bottom of the ship and soon enough we had flight. A giggle escaped my lips as I saw my magnificent ship gain altitude.

Once we were high enough into the air that we almost breached the clouds above I used the sails on the sides to turn and line us up with the direction of the log pose I turned the rear jets horizontally and turned them to full speed.

As of now my adventure has begun!