
Sinbad the eliatrope in One Piece

None of the series mentioned are mine only my OC's are. I was a nobody in my last life but In this one I'll have my own empire and destroy those who stand before me.

Sleepyheadedauthor · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Journey to the South

After I woke up, on the Star Buster because Miro used his bandages to reach up and bring us on to it. Me and Miro cleaned out their ship including a map with a tracked route to the nearest marine base, to no doubt attack it and take their recourses. We got back to land to finally talk to the villagers. Once I opened the portal in front of the people everyone in the village, even the village chief bowing to me in thanks.

" Thank you very much young man. You saved my family and my people. How can we repay you? Anything at all?" The old man didn't have any ill intent he was completely sincere and emotional. Two boys around 7 were behind their grandpa with stars in their eyes. His grandkids and everyone he had spent his life with were alive. Except the three or so soldiers who already knew what they signed up for.

His words didn't go unanswered. " It was no problem for little ol' me. But would you mind giving us two rooms at an inn for tonight and then me and you can discuss this further? I'm still tired from that last move." Which was only a lie to get a few sympathy points.

The lady who had the best inn in town brought me down to my temporary residence. She was pretty beautiful for my worlds standards. By that I'm mean make models seem like cheap hookers.

" Well, it seems this town is as gorgeous as it's women. Your beauty is as astounding as the flaming peacocks here. " My conversation starter took and dazzling smile took her for a loop until she shook herself out of it. I hit a sweet spot by one, saving and then complimenting the island she has lived on all her life and boosting the milfs confidence despite her getting older.

" My, my who knew that the young generation had gotten so bold? But I'm sorry sweetie, your way too young to be on the table." Damn it was worth a try.

" Well I'll be off now. Come down to the bar if you want anything." And she left swaying her hips. Huh it seems my sweet talk isn't enough to get passed the strong morals of some people.

" Are you done staring at her so we can get started on our planning?" Miro said waking me from the trance her curvy figure had left on me.

" Fine, we are gonna be staying here for a couple days scout new information on bounties in the area then go straight to the marines and cash in the hot head." And I thought that would be the end of it but boy was I wrong. Now I know why I chose Miro as my first mate. He's a great strategist and thought of everything I left out in my generalized scheme.

" We have to use a different ship to get there. The Star Buster will draw too much attention and cause a full scale search on both of us." He was right I was being too flashy with my powers and if any marine saw that it would put me on the WG's radar for a potential threat and have cp0 all over me before I'm ready.

" Well the entire village is indebted to us. But at the same time if they don't have one we'll have to make another from scratch. Not all decked out but it'll still take out time." Miro had a point... so we won't build a ship.

" We'll just get a ship from the people here. They literally can't refuse." And even after that Miro still kept going on with contingencies and what if's while dealing with the marines. At this point I'm pretty sure his mind would implode on itself if nothing he said actually happened.

It took a while but I finally got him to just move forward and out of that paranoid spiral. So we met up with the village chief and convinced him to lend us a boat pretty easily, brownie points were a powerful currency.

We used a ship about half the size that burns had. We gave a goodbye to the villagers, we weren't leaving forever, not without the Star Buster but we didn't want them to worry if we just sailed away.

It was surprising how long it took me to adapt to sailing on the water, the constant rocking of the boat startled me but it was okay once I got used to it. The ocean blue sure was beautiful in this world, It's almost crystal surface sparkled magnificently during sunset. As beautiful as it was I had things to do. I stood up from the lounging chair out front and stood on the bow of the ship. I brought my hands together through a circular motion and trying to widen the portal but all it did was dispel it.

I knew that it wouldn't be that simple but when starting on anything its important to look at it in it's most simple form and specify when you start making discoveries. While I was trying to enlarge my portals Miro was in the back creating seal tags with hieroglyphics, each one imbuing different curses and debuffs. He made a couple of trap cards too. So both of us were working while I kept steering the ship. It came as an instinct, were as soon as I touched the rudder I had confidence that any storm or tidal wave wouldn't even need to registered as a threat anymore. It was amazing really.

Miro came out with the map, and even though it was dark a bit of wakfu fire brought an old school lantern to life. " We could be there by tomorrow noon at this pace. But your to impatient for that so how are we gonna speed this up and get there before it gets too late?" Miro thinking ahead, what a great right hand getting to know me so well.

" Well we can be near if I just learn to enlarge my portals. Got any fancy, schmancy glyphs that can help me out?" My answer came as he smugly pulled a piece of bandage from inside of his arm with a glyph I won't even pretend I understood.

" Flow a bit of your life force into it and throw it at the edge of the portal. You gonna teach me how to use it too one of these days?" Hmm... could he even use it? He had it yes but every living organism has it. " Maybe, if you teach me some of those fancy glyph's." He rolled his eyes as I chuck the seal into my portal.

And... It only made it broaden about two meters. We still got some way to go huh?