
Sinbad the eliatrope in One Piece

None of the series mentioned are mine only my OC's are. I was a nobody in my last life but In this one I'll have my own empire and destroy those who stand before me.

Sleepyheadedauthor · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Getting a Reward and hostilities

"Were here Sin." Miro's voice got me up from my criminally comfortable hammock and tasting wood. A thud echoed from my room as I lay their for a moment trying to understand my predicament in why the hell I was on the ground.

I got my thoughts together and got to my feet, which I made a portal under to the bowo f the ship where I proceeded to take a leak. I looked up to see marines looking at me incredulously. I quickly realized my situation and called out to them, still while pissing in the water in their harbor.

"My bad I really had to go!" In the most charming voice I could muster. Most of them sneered at me and turned in line formation, before saluting a man wearing a white jacket with a black tank top underneath. He had baggy jeans and a white cap to go with it all in all ten outta ten drip.

" Who are you? And before you answer cover yourself up please." The pale man who was most likely the captain of this base could only sigh as I struggle awkwardly with my pants. Of course my shoe would get stuck now. After an embarrassing minute my pants were up and Miro was rolling on the deck, cackling like a madman.

"We are a couple bounty hunters who want to cash in our first check." The Marine captains eyes narrowed at that. He probably saw or was informed of my portals because I was being an irrational and lazy. Damn morning me.

He probably thinks I'm a threat. And he isn't wrong. This is the Era of Rocks D. Xebec after all, the strongest man in One piece, anyone on the seas who looks like their on the rise to power is a threat to the world government. But he had a job to do and I have some cash to get.

" Come in and show me the head of the bounty you wanna claim." After that the tall man walked back into the base and the marines got back to their post.

Miro was bending over himself, weezing. " Ha ha very funny. Now come on we have some cash to get." " Ay ay Captain Flash!" And it was back to the cackling.

" I'll kick your ass Miro!" I punched him in the chin and into the air, letting him drop to the deck.

" Ok, ok I'm done." I didn't do any actual damage just sent him into the air. "Here." He said and handed me the bandaged head of Burns. Both me and just climbed the beach until we got into town. We had officially set foot on Cornaco Island. Other than it's position were the marines can get out to the surrounding islands quickly, It was known as the place with the most corn in the world. Weird thing to be known by right?

We walk through town, grabbing a few corn on the cobs from street vendors. It was delicious, sweet corn with a sauce glaze outta this world. I almost considered trying to recruit the cook but I need one that can fend for themselves to. I couldn't risk my future crew like that.

We finish up our food and walk straight towards the marine base at the center of the island. The marines at the gates let giggles escape their lips when they saw me. Man that was embarrassing. They let us through when I showed the week old wrapped head to them, the gates opened and they shut their traps.

Miro and I were told the directions of the captains office. *Knock Knock* " New bounty hunters right? Come in and bring the head in with you." So we strutted into his office, unwrapped head of a dead man in my hand.

" Captain Burns eh? Nice catch kids. He would burn through any restraints before we could get the seastone on em. We usually want them alive so the bounty is cut by 5 thousand Beli, so your grand total is... I'll hand you it after you hand me some answers as to how two fifteen year old's got a ship and killed a man whose killed over 50 trained marines." And the power trip is incoming. Brace for inflated ego impact!

" Nah ah bucko, I don't give a damn about your rank we killed him fair in square. We didn't do your job just to get interrogated. So you sir can suck it!" My snappy comeback pissed him off so much slammed his fist through his nice mahogany desk and stared at us with the eyes of a blood hungry maniac. Growls could be heard from his grated teeth, each even sharper as a fishmans.

"What did you say 'Bucko'? I'd like you to repeat it so it lands on your tombstone." Oh my how very edgy of him but he wanted me to repeat it so badly...

"He said give us our money and suck it!" Miro was the ideal right hand man, he was a glorious partner to have when purposefully enraging people.

" Thats it I'm gonna rip you to-" " You won't be doing any such thing Captain Pankuri or you lose your rank and we get a new Captain." This brave soul was over 8 foot tall, was extremely cut for someone of his size and had curly black hair going to his back.

"You two boy's were owed something yes?" " Yes sir." " And this man tried to deny you that?" " Mhm" " WOOHOOO, thanks kids you just gave me the final straw to get this douche trashed from the force!"

For a dude that big it was almost scary how his bellowing laughter made the walls shake a bit. He seemed like an alright guy for sticking up for us so it didn't matter to me.

" No let me give that bounty of yours an inspection." He drew my attention to the human head in my hands and I turned it, looking it dead in his lifeless eyes that seemed to be burning a hole through my head, I almost let guilt wash over me but I remeberred how shitty he was in life and I shrugged most of it off but some still crawled up my neck, giving me chills.

I had a lump in my throat, looking at the man I beheaded and my complicated expression was obvious to the tall Marine. " This was your first kill wasn't it kids?"

"Uh yeah, it was." I answered truthfully, Miro didn't have as big a reaction to it, he had seen people die and he killed just like I did. He was used to it though.

" Listen kid before you continue to sail these see's were everything is life and death...