
Sinbad the eliatrope in One Piece

None of the series mentioned are mine only my OC's are. I was a nobody in my last life but In this one I'll have my own empire and destroy those who stand before me.

Sleepyheadedauthor · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Officially my first mate , Miro Hotai!

I'm tryna get to chapter ten ASAP so I'm gonna rapid fire chaos as soon as I finish them

Ciao enjoy the chap


After the man in the coffin awoke we talked for a bit and he gave me some info on who he was and where we were. The guy wasn't really a man but puberty hit him fast and hard as he was only 15 like three months older than me. But he was six three with a good amount of muscle for someone who slept for a few weeks in a coffin.

How do I know my birthdate even though I wasn't birthed? Simple. I used the same separation technique I used to awaken my wakfu to find all physical things about it such as the birthdate and how close adolescence was for me. So as of now I'm fourteen about to turn 15 in a few months.

I got off track anyway his name was Miro Hotai, anyone who looks at him and knows the original people of the redline would piece together the fact that the dark skinned teen was really a lunarian. That alone made me want him on my crew. But then I asked why he was sleeping in a pharaohs coffin and I wanted him on my crew even more.

The reason he was here was because him and a rag tag group of adventures found the mummies tomb. When they found the coffin and opened it hoping for gems and riches it was only a mummy that attacked them viscously. None but Miro survived the initial attack because of his high regeneration as a lunarian. Eventually he bested the mummy. The mummy wasn't all that durable as a couple of well placed dagger slashes and it was on the brink of death.

The mummies bandages that surrounded the head unveiled to a man that was sickly and weak looking.

He thanked Miro for freeing him from the pharaohs curse and told him to look into the coffin for his treasure. The man passed on soon after and Miro did as he said and looked into the coffin. When he did the coffin slammed shut and he heard the voice of the pharaoh spoke to him through the coffin, trying to convince him to give the pharaoh his body and be free again for unlimited power which was an obvious lie.

But Miro wanted none of it and found the so called prize that came in the form of a grey fruit with eye like patterns all over it. Seeing it as the only food he would get for a while he took a bite.

Then he says that information on what he just ate and what he could do with it appeared in his mind. He had eaten the hito hito fruit: model Mummy.

Soon enough Mira got tired of the pharaohs ramblings about ultimate power and promptly fell asleep for weeks until I opened the coffin.

Now we're back to the present in my bachelor pad.

" Do you know what what race you are Miro." I ask the taller teen.

" Yea but as strong as we lunarians are our pride is just as great. So my people outcasted my family as my Lunarian father fell in love with a human and the remnants of the tribe we stayed with banished us seeing us as a stain in their great bloodlines history." He responded.

Well that gets that out of the way.

" Well now that that's out of our way why do you think of being my first mate?" I ask " We can travel the world, fight strong enemies maybe even figure out what happened to the rest of your people. When we set out will have freedom like no other, as pirates of course when we do."

He looked at me with anticipation in his eyes and an ambition like no other.

" So I want to ask you Miro Hotai, will you be my first mate?" I had a wide smile on my caramel skinned face as I popped the question.

" Sounds like a helluva good time! Count me in captain!" He said as we bumped fists.

" Alrighty than you need to train your devil fruit powers as I build us a big enough ship. I shit I'm gonna have to make a wakfu absorption unit to keep that big a ship airborne." I sigh and make my way to my workshop to get started on the task of making the unit that would keep the ship I have a mental blueprint on.

If it was just me I would make a compact aircraft that I could fuel myself but if there are anymore people involved my design has to be resized completely.

" Hey Sinbad I'll be out training for a bit I'll be back at sundown. Your right if you meant what you said about how strong the people of the sea can be compared to that mummy than I need to work my ass off." He said as he jumped out of the window with a chuckle.

' He could've just used the damn ladder.' I could feel the tick mark on my forehead bulging right now.


Miro Pov

After landing on my feet I hit the ground running. My muscle have severely lessened due to not having anything to eat for a few weeks so now that I ate with Sinbad I felt a lot o energy return to me.

He saved my life and for that I am grateful. but when he spoke of freedom there was no doubt in my mind he was serious about it. I started adventuring with people to hopefully find out more about my people the remnants on the clan that my father grew up with barely knew anything more than a few legends of our race like the sun god Nika.

I'm betting on you Sinbad because even though I'm a half ling, my people don't deserve to die off in the shadows never to be heard of again.

Anyways my fruit turns out to be pretty busted when compared to your average zoan.

I ate the ancient zoan mummy fruit. The abilities are as simple as controlling razor sharp bandages and can bind and attack targets in my full transformation. Or place curses and hexes on somebody that can turn someone sickly or just straight up curse them with misfortune or tragedy.

Time to get to training some badass special moves. What I'm still a teen don't look at me like I'm some nerd.

( AN: Stop breaking the forth wall before tragedy befalls you...)