
Simple System in Solo Leveling

Can our protagonist, Raido Kubo survive in a world full of Dungeons and Hunters? Monarchs and Rulers Beware! -- Patreon -- www.patreon(.)com/MisterRen Just remove the parenthesis! -- Cover Art -- Created By: Subaru_sama If you want it remove please message me.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 010 - The Slender (Edited)

[Healing Completed.]

Raido woke up seeing dead bodies in front of him. He quickly checks his neck remembering that the centaur beheaded him.

Confirming that he is indeed alive, he stood up and began to wander around the area.

It's already night time and the area was much darker than when they arrived.

Raido walks in the direction of where he last saw the Forest Monkeys. He is hoping that he can see Pico there even though he knows that the chance of her surviving is miniscule.

"Shit, there's dead monkeys everywhere so maybe she survive after all," Raido said while looking around.

After a few minutes of walking and following the destroyed trees he found the body of his lifeless friend.

Raido swallows his emotion and caresses Pico's head. He remembers all of their time gaming together, but not even one tear escapes Raido's eyes.

It's hard but he needs to accept that his friend is dead, even though he only knows her from gaming she is still his precious friend.

[This body is still containing the soul of the owner, the Host can use his mind manipulation to enter the target's dream.]

The system suddenly informed making Raido feel hope again.

Raido quickly used [Mind Manipulation] to enter Pico's dream. There he finds himself inside a simple darkroom.

Pico is sitting in front of the computer laughing, on her wall there is a screenshot of their characters together.


"Hahaha, ThunderGod you are so awesome! That timing is great!" Pico seems not to hear Raido because she is so taken by the game.

The scene is so melancholic, as even in her dream she is still thinking about their times together. All alone in the dark room with no lights aside from the computer screen.

Raido slowly approaches her then gently taps her shoulders causing the girl to slowly look at him with an innocent and fragile expression..

"Ohh, Hello Rai, I see you died too huh? Is my time up?" Pico said with a bubbly voice. She is still smiling as if nothing will ever feel her down.

[Host can now extract the target's soul, by eating the soul Host will gain the skill Page creation.]

[Page Creation - Write the name of the eaten soul on the magical page. The soul will manifest as their original form but with a different race...they will become Enderman. Endermans cannot die as long as the page and host are safe.]

"Pico, Do you still want to continue your adventures with me?" Raido asked with a serious expression.

"Dude why are you so serious? I want to, but you know, we died right?," Pico said with high energy.

"I am not dead yet, just answer the question," Raido said pushing Pico to answer his question.

"Hmm…being on an adventure with my favorite duo? Yes I want to! Let's hit restart!" Pico said with a cheerful voice.

'Extract It,' Raido quickly commanded as he got kicked out of Pico's soul.

Raido found himself outside of Pico's mindscape a.k.a the real world.

The body of Pico in front of him melted like sandy tar similar when he is using stretching skills.

[The first soul was eaten! [Page Creation(0mp)] acquired]

Raido quickly used [Page Creation]. A single piece of paper came out from his palm. The paper is mystical with streaks of gold and red lines randomly written on it.

[Please say the name of your Enderman.]

"Pico," Raido seriously said.

Pico's name was magically written on the paper and as the process ended something amazing happened.

The black liquid in front of him quickly takes Pico's original form with all of her clothes and things.

[Pico added to Enderman's creation.]

[Name: Pico Noboku]

[HP: 1600]

[MP: 2000]

[Class: Assassin]

[Hunter Rank: A-Rank]

[Race: Enderman]

[Strength: 80](B-Rank)

[Vitality: 80](B-Rank)

[Agility: 110](A-Rank)

[Intelligence: 100](A-Rank)

[Sense: 90](B-Rank)

[Skills: Lightstep(100mp), Poison Slash(250mp), Trap Detection Wave(50mp), Teleportation(500mp)]

Raido quickly put the page in the inventory so that it can be safe from anyharm before greeting his friend,. "Hello, P...nice to meet you again,"

[Page - Pico added to Inventory.]

Pico blinked her eyes multiple times still trying hard to believe this scene and said, "Dude, what the hell was that? Are you God?"

"No, not even close, but we got a centaur to unalive, Let's team up and end him like in the old days," Raido said.

"Hahaha, you talk like an old man, It's alright I already killed him," Pico lightly giggled and proudly said.

"I don't see his body there," Raido said then point to the poisoned arm of the centaur.

"Tch! Crafty guy, aight let's kill the bastard !" Pico said while biting her lips in frustration earning her a chuckle from Raido.

After battling the adventurers the Tyrrox actually earned quite an amount of damage. Enough damage for him to sleep and recover his energy.

Right now, the poor centaur is resting his body deep in the mountain. What he doesn't know right now is he is in grave danger as two hunters are ready to hunt him down and without the Forest Monkeys to cause diversion this is a very bad situation for the injured centaur.

Raido and Pico are standing on a tree branch. "Pico you got your turn, Let me have the honor to behead him."

"Aight Rai, but let's further weaken him with my [Poison Slash]," said Pico who used her [Lightsteps] to approach the sleeping centaur and applied a small cut all over the centaur's body.

After seeing that Pico is done with her Job it is now Raido's turn so he jumps high, "[Stretching: Gigantification.]" Raido's body turns sandy black then continues to get bigger and bigger.

What's different this time is unlike before when he used [Gigantification] he is just sandy black in nature but right now he looks like a giant version of Slenderman with the suit and all.

[Strength 23 -> 138]

[Vitality 60 -> 360]

The centaur senses the change in the wind and quickly wakes up from his slumber. What he sees is truly terrifying. A giant hand is already in its way towards its direction. Tyrrox tried to dodge but the hand caught movementum and speed is faster than him and successfully caught half of his body.

Added to the fact that the poison flowing in his body is hindering its movement, Pico's poison is not enough to put the centaur in full paralyze mode but enough to make it slower.

Raido's giant hand wraps around the body of the centaur and only shows his head.


'Tch, this skill takes too much MP' Raido thought.

"Do you feel fear, Mr. Tyrrox? You will be beheaded slowly," Raido said then morph his index finger into a blunt sword.


The centaur cried out in pain as Raido slowly removed its head.

[Tyrrox, The Centaur Killed! Earned 5,000 EXP!]

[Level Up! Earned 10 Status Points]

[Level Up! Earned 10 Status Points]

[Level Up! Earned 10 Status Points]

[Exp: 800/2000]

Raido open his hand and let the headless body of the centaur fall but before the body can touch the ground Pico dashes and stabs its stomach, "Hah! Revenge is best served headless!" Pico said loudly.

– End –


[Name: Raido Kubo]

[Level: 10]




[Hunter Rank: C-Rank]

[Race: Slenderman +5 Agility per Level]

[Job: Thunder Wizard +5 Intelligence per Level.]






[Available Status Points:30]

[Race Ability: Teleportation(500mp), Fog Manipulation (100mp), Stretching(0mp), Mind Manipulation(100mp), Physical Damage Resistance, Stretching: Gigantification(1000mp, 500mp/10s), Page Creation(0mp)]

[Job Skill: Lightning Chain(50mp), Thunder Speed(100mp), ]


A/N: Imagine Pico as Historia Reiss from Attack On Titan.

The Giant Zombie that Raido fought earlier is mostly B-rank. Fighting an S-rank is a completely different thing.

It will take 10 C-Rank Hunter to beat an average B-rank.

For Example, Luffy (One Piece) cannot enter his simple gear 4th instantly.

Another Example. Raido can cast his gigantification in 2 seconds.

But the S-rank can already cut his head in less than 1.

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