
Simple System in Solo Leveling

Can our protagonist, Raido Kubo survive in a world full of Dungeons and Hunters? Monarchs and Rulers Beware! -- Patreon -- www.patreon(.)com/MisterRen Just remove the parenthesis! -- Cover Art -- Created By: Subaru_sama If you want it remove please message me.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 011 - Black Goo (Edited)

The red gate returned to its normal form.

"Ohh somebody is coming out!" Dansei shouted.

The gate closed after Raido and Pico left.

"What happened inside, Guild Master?" Dansei asked for information with worry.

"It's alright I'll wait," Raido said to Pico.

Pico nodded at Raido and proceeded to tell Dansei their story so Dansei could report it to the association.

Raido patiently waits for Pico to finish explaining. After that Pico took Raido into her car.

"So dude, what now?" Pico asked, She can feel that she is not human anymore. It's quite a surreal feeling.

"Well, do you still want to continue your guild?" Raido asked. He knows that Pico just lost all of her guild members.

"Honestly, I have enough deaths in my hands, maybe I can just join you in your adventure? Call ourselves the dynamic duo…something like that," Pico said with a slightly sad voice.

"You are very welcome to join me P," Raido said.

Pico smiled sweetly and nodded, "Wait for me for a minute." She left the car.

Raido gently nodded and after Pico left he started analyzing what status he should increase, right now [Stretching: Gigantification] is his ultimate skill. The problem with gigantification is the time it takes to be fully executed.

It takes exactly 3 seconds before he can fully expand his body. The question is: In those 3 seconds, if enough force is delivered to him will the casting be interrupted?

[Stretching: Gigantification] increases his vitality and strength by a whopping 500%, which is crazy overpowered.

(A/N: (Strength* 500% )+ Strength)

(A/N: (Vitality* 500% )+ Vitality)

[Mind Manipulation] can only be used on humans. He tried using it on the centaur but it failed or his expertise on it is too low. This skill is also twice as effective if used on the sleeping or unconscious body.

Raido after some time of thinking increased his strength, sense, and intelligence by 10.

[Hunter Rank: C-Rank]

[Strength:33](E-Rank) (Base:33)

[Vitality:60](C-Rank) (Base 30 + 30 from Slenderman suit)

[Agility:95](B-Rank) (Base 15 + 50 from race + 30 from Slenderman Suit)

[Intelligence:84](B-Rank) (Base 34 + 50 from job)

[Sense:38](E-Rank) (Base 38)

[Available Status Points:0]

Raido is satisfied with his progress. It's only been a few days and he is getting stronger and stronger. Yes, this is a very fast progress.

Right now Raido's priority is to find an instant dungeon, he can surely get equipment from there and improve his power furthermore.

After some time, Pico finally came back.

"Dude, sorry for the delay, I'm officially a free person! I don't have to manage the guild anymore! Look I discovered something cool," Pico said with high energy.

"Is it cooler than this? ThunderGod!" Raido said showing controlled sparks from his hands.

"ThunderGod! Hurray! Hurray!" Pico said like a kid, "Erm, that's not the point here, watch!"

Pico suddenly turns into black goo then returns to her original form. "See? Cool isn't it?"

As if sensing Raido's question the system laid its answer.

[The host can reabsorb the black goo to make the endermen rest inside your body]

[The skills of the Enderman can temporarily be used by the user as long as the Enderman is in your body]

"Earth to Raido, can you hear me? did you got stunned by my awesomeness?" Pico jokingly said.

"Yes Ma'am! Erm..Pico, can you turn to a black goo again?" Raido requested.

[The host can turn their page and reabsorb them whenever you want.]

'System I will not bind someone against their will,' Raido retorted.

"With pleasure Rai!" Pico said then turned herself into black goo.

"Don't be afraid okay? I will temporarily absorb you," Raido explains then extend his hand to the black goo.

Raido's body seems to have turned into a magnet as the black goo flew towards him and got absorbed.

"Woo, what is this Rai, I can see what you can see! and feel what you feel! this is awesome!" Pico talks inside of Raido's mind.

'Can you hear me?' Raido mentally said.

"Yeah, This is kinda weird to say, but it's so comfortable inside of you!" Pico said with her usual energy.

'Do you want to get out?' Raido asked.

"Not at all, it is really cozy here, the only thing that this place is missing is a computer!" Pico said.

'System can you run computer games?' Raido asked.

[Affirmative Host]

'Pico I got a solution to your problem, I will give you a computer there,' Raido said.

[Do Host grant Pico access to the computer function of the system? (Y), (N)]

Raido mentally clicked yes.

"Yes!!! this is awesome I can live here forever!" The voice of Pico in his head cheered. She really loves video games and with a computer that the system created there would be no games that it can't run.

'Good for you, you just play in there, I will go home now,' Raido said which Pico didn't even answer.

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