
Simple System in Solo Leveling

Can our protagonist, Raido Kubo survive in a world full of Dungeons and Hunters? Monarchs and Rulers Beware! -- Patreon -- www.patreon(.)com/MisterRen Just remove the parenthesis! -- Cover Art -- Created By: Subaru_sama If you want it remove please message me.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 009 - 1st DG Raid Pt2 (Edited)

"Nice to finally meet you, Pico," Raido with still surprised expression.

"Hmm?" Pico cutely tilts her head, "Did we know each other? your voice seems familiar."

Raido cleared his throat then said with an epic voice, "Pico! quick, use stealth to backstab the boss, take his aggro for a second. I need to prepare my spell."

Pico's eyes went unrealistically wide then said, "ThunderGod!!!! OMG, what a coincidence!"

'Yeah, still a tomboyish voice, no wonder I mistook her for him,' Raido thought.

Raido got a feeling that Pico wanted to jump and hug him but quickly removed that thought.

Raido and Pico talk for some time, before going into the dungeon.


"Let's go first, ThunderGod!!!" Pico said with a smile.

"I said don't call me ThunderGod in real life," Raido said with a slight cringe then follow Pico inside.

Inside they are just waiting for all the members to enter.

"Don't be so nervous Rai, It's just a D-rank dungeon, I can protect you all," PIco said while showing her lean muscle.

"Yeah, certainly, what is the worst that can happen in D-rank dungeon," Raido said.

After the final member enters, the gate suddenly disappears. Hinting that the dungeon mutated and became a red dungeon.

Raido points to his face and said, "I think I shouldn't have said that."

Pico's expression turned serious, "Everyone, be alert, We are in a red dungeon, this is gonna be bad."

"Fuck, This is it...we all going to die!" Some weak will person said before running without direction.

BOOOM! The ground spews fire that instantly turns the C-rank hunter to ashes. Even an A-rank hunter will be killed by that fire.

Right now, only Pico is an A-rank hunter, the others are all C and D-rank. They have a miniscule chance of surviving this dungeon and even less chance if they want to keep all the members alive.

"Don't move everyone, I will use my skill to detect the traps!" Pico seriously commanded.

Pico used her [Trap Detection Wave] skill which allows her to scan traps around 50 meters wide.

The skill acts like a sonar that gives detailed information to the caster about the location of the traps.

They are in an area that is full of mountains and trees. The temperature is slightly above normal. That is why Pico didn't expect that this to be a Red Gate.

It is known by every hunter that Red Gates are at least B-rank. 1 Day in this gate equals 1 hour on earth. It will take 7 days on earth before a dungeon break can occur.

It will take approximately 5 months before they can get out because of the dungeon break or they have another option of beating the dungeon boss to get out earlier. The only question is can they beat it?

Pico detected more than 15 traps in the east, west, and south. So their only choice is to walk through the north.

"Follow me, we need to discuss our plan before deciding what we are going to do next," Pico said, still casting her [Trap Detection Wave] to be safe.

"Kyahh!" A woman from their group screamed as multiple burning arrows just killed four people in front of her.

"In the trees!" Raido shouted while watching out for other attacks.

"Dude! Forrest Monkeys! they are B-rank Rangers," Pico said with hopelessness in her voice.

Pico maybe can survive but she definitely can't protect everyone.

Right now, the chance of them surviving is close to none but their nightmare just got worse.

"Pico what is that thing..." Raido said while pointing to the monster in front of them. He didn't even know how that monster arrives here.

A centaur, lower half horse, upper half human. Raido used to inspect to see how strong that monster is.

[Name: Tyrrox]

[HP: 2000]

[MP: 1600]

[Class: Assassin]

[Hunter Rank: S-Rank]

[Race: Centaur]

[Strength: 100](A-Rank)

[Vitality: 100](A-Rank)

[Agility: 120](S-Rank)

[Intelligence: 80](B-Rank)

[Sense: 80](B-Rank)

[Skills: Fire Domain(500mp), FireBlade(10mp/s)]

The centaur is holding a machete in both hands. The machete has two red zigzag lines near the back of the blade.

Since Raido obtains his power, this is the first time he sees an S-Class personally and its sheer presence is overwhelming.

"Defend yourself! Sorry Rai for dragging you into this, but let's enjoy our first and final adventure!" Pico said with bloodthirst in her voice.

'Stretching: Tentacle Cage,'

Raido quickly wraps the S-Class monster with his stretching, "Pico kills all the monkeys! Before they wipe out all of us."

Without a second thought Pico dash towards the monkeys. 'Please keep the monster just for a minute,' This moment Pico forgot that Raido is just a C-rank hunter.

Pico used [Lightsteps] to increase her agility. This skill also removes the sound of footsteps, a perfect tool for assassins.

[-200 HP]

[HP: 8800/9000]

[-200 HP]

[-200 HP]

[-200 HP]

[-200 HP]

[HP: 8000/9000]

Raido is still keeping Tyrrox inside his stretching. 'I can keep him inside for at least 5 minutes.' He thought.

But Tyrrox is proving that he really is an S-rank by damaging Raido. His arms are already metallic black proving that his body defense mechanism is at maximum.

The C-rank and D-rank adventurers are defending themselves but their numbers keep decreasing while Pico kills the monkeys one by one.

Right now, there are only 5 alive including Raido and Pico, 10 are already dead because of the arrows.

Aside from Raido and Pico, the other hunters have already given out hope and just run all around the area making them a juicy target for the monkeys.

Raido didn't produce fog because they are fighting rangers and assassins. Fog can hardly stop the rangers while assassins can fight with their eyes closed.

Tyrrox roars in anger and uses [Fire Blades] to cut the tentacle cage.


[- 1500HP]

[HP: 6500/9000]

Raido's stretching got slash a burning blade causing the centaur to get out. The centaur quickly dashes then delivers a strong kick to Raido making him fly away.


[HP: 6100/9000]

"Fuck!" Raido said when his back hit a tree.

[HP: 6000/9000]

Raido quickly went up but the Tyrrox didn't give me the time. Tyrrox Slash neck with a burning sword [Fire Blades] effectively separating his head from his body.

[Critical! -3000 HP]

Tyrrox kicks Raido's head away then leaves for the other survivors.

[Critical! -800 HP]

[HP: 2200/9000]

Tyrrox moves fast and Raido Sense stat can't catch up with the monster and this is the result of that.

Raido loses its consciousness.

[Host got decapitated, Beginning self-repair function.]


Pico saw Raido get decapitated and thought, 'See you in the next life buddy.' She skillfully kills numerous monkeys and she does it with grace like she was dancing in a tone of blood before the Centaur reaches her destination.

"I want to avenge my friend but I don't think I can even hurt you," Pico said while panting, she used too much mana in lightstep.

She is the only one alive right now, of course, excluding Raido.

The centaur exhales hot air from its nose, Its whole body is covered with bulging muscle while holding 2 intimidating machetes suitable for its rank.

Pico's mind is working overtime to think how she can survive in this situation even if it is impossible to survive. She will fight and won't give the monster the satisfaction to see her break.

Tyrrox grins like it was enjoying the staring contest.

"Can You climb trees?" Pico said even if she knows that the monster can't understand her then used a light step to run and hide from it.

Tyrrox roars in anger and chases Pico who skillfully moves from tree to tree.

After five minutes the centaur can't take it and starts to cut every tree Pico landed in causing more chaos and in effect he loses sight of Pico.

Pico is on top of the tree holding her knife. She activated Lightstep then jumped from the tree to the unsuspecting Centaur.

Before her knife hits the head of the centaur, she uses all of her mana to cast the final skill she can cast in her life [Poison Slash].

But the centaur senses her slightly turn his body to avoid the attack but Pico's attack still made contact.

"Arghh!" Pico's knife manages to graze the centaur's right arm and in return the centaur catches Pico in mid-air then quickly stabs her stomach.

A sizzle sound resounds in the area as the burning machete disembowels her.

"Hehehe, I managed to avenge him, you're already dead, " That is Pico's last words before light fades from her eyes. She died fighting.

The poison slowly spreading turning Tyrrox right arm purple, The centaur throws Pico's body like trash.

Tyrrox uses his burning blade to cut his own right arm without a second thought. The heat helps to cauterize the wound and prevents it from bleeding out.

And with that Tyrrox started to wander around the dungeon again basking in his victory against the hunters.

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