
Signing a Contract With The Alien Queen

Bad news, I've travelled across the world to a world with magic and dragons. Good news, I have an invincible pet-Alien Queen! An Alien Queen that can multiply indefinitely!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 024 - Abuse and Murder

Battle master's strength is really different from the general, Johnsan head to head with someone for the first time, he did not practice any kung fu in his previous life, and came to this world even more did not learn the skills, in the battle master's stormy attack for a time his hands and feet in a mess, and can only rely on the speed of the two three-meter-high stone lions around the avoidance of the two.


"It seems that one really isn't a Battlemaster, it's just that time when one activated the genes that had been modified by the aliens."


After he tried his best to raise the hot stream called Dou Qi in his belly, there was no Dou Qi glow appearing outside his body at all. Johnsan thought this in his mind during his busy schedule.


"Don't care about the stone lion of the town hall." Seeing that the personal guards were a bit intimidated, York covered his mouth and shouted, "Kill this little beast for me."


The War Master's spirit was invigorated, as he let out a furious shout, the purple sword aura at the tip of his sword instantly rose to more than three meters in length, he slashed across his sword, and with a loud bang, the two huge stone lions cracked from the middle and fell to the ground with a loud bang, and rolled down the stone steps in front of the mansion to the street.


Johnsan's face suddenly changed, losing the cover of the stone lion, the War Master's sword aura stabbed straight towards his head. There was no weapon in his hand, Johnsan simply bent down and picked up the base of the stone lion, and threw it towards the Battle Master with a whoosh.


"Unconscionable." The Battle Master laughed coldly, in the face of the astonishingly loud stone throwing, his figure did not lag at all, and his sword chopped vertically. With a loud boom, the stone lion base was instantly split by the Battle Master into a sky full of broken rocks, splashing out in all directions.


After throwing out the stone lion base, Johnsan's body traveled like a cloud, quickly retreating towards the street. While he was certainly fast, that Battle Master wasn't slow either, his feet stomped on the ground and a half inch deep footprint appeared on the ground, only to see his body rushing over like a stump, his purple sword aura stabbing Johnsan straight in the chest.


Johnsan concentrated, will be raised to the highest spiritual power, often in the incredible between the war master can avoid the sword, looks as if the swimming edge of round and comfortable, in fact, his heart screamed bitter, simply not even the opportunity to fight back.


Fate was drying up on the side, York and the other soldiers were paying attention to the battle between the Battlemaster and Johnsan, and no one was paying attention to him for a while, knowing that his magic had little effect, and fearing that he might accidentally injure Johnsan, Fate could only stare at him dryly.


"Why don't you use summoned beasts, big brother, even if you leave your bottom card, the black dragon is enough, how come you don't even put out ordinary summoned beasts." Fate thought in his heart and couldn't help but sweat profusely.


Suddenly hearing a clamor from the side, Fate looked back in his busy schedule and froze.


A group of people appeared on the street, more than a hundred soldiers wearing heavy helmets rode their high horses in great numbers, and in the middle of the cavalry was sandwiched a luxurious wagon, and pulling the wagon were actually two extremely rare pure white elk.


York obviously noticed it as well, only to be greeted with a smile on his face as the carriage came to a far stop and an old man in a flashy costume stepped down, talking to York about something with his head bowed.


"Count Ross." Fate hadn't spent much time in Folo City before, and immediately recognized the old man as none other than Count Ross#Harriman, the patriarch of the Harriman family in Folo City.


The heart still hope that Count Ross can administer justice, Fate heard a loud boom, heart shocked busy turning his head to look, only to see Johnsan diagonally rushed out dozens of meters, behind him on the ground appeared a half a person deep crater.


"Nicholas watch out. Stop!"


There was a shout from afar, but it was Clare who received the news and rushed over, seeing that scene just now from afar, he couldn't help but have his soul broken and rushed over with a shout.


The Battlemaster didn't care about Crawl's appearance, still moving to prepare for the kill.


"I was hoping to experience more, but now it seems inappropriate." Johnsan dodged another of the Battlemaster's sword slashes and smiled at him.


The Battle Master didn't seem to have heard it, just as he was about to chase after it again, steeply, a strange magical beast suddenly appeared in front of him, he was shocked in his heart, but he still didn't stop his body, and with a turn of the longsword in his hand, he smoothly slashed down towards the magical beast.


The Wraith didn't stop once it appeared, like pyrotechnic fireworks violently released after the explosion of a pyrotechnic storehouse, its figure was irregular, like a ghostly stump surrounding the Battlemaster, from time to time, it reached out to grab or stabbed with its tailbone.


"Dang!" The longsword in the Battle Master's hand occasionally collided with the alien's tailbone, making a sound of gold and iron clashing. The Battle Master also looked like he had been through a hundred battles, he simply stared and stood still, ignoring the lightning-like alien, only extending his sword to block when it launched an attack.


"Looks like one isn't enough." Johnsan stopped Crawl on one side, ignoring his rambling persuasions, and shouted out towards the Great Swordmaster.


The Battle Master ignored it, the purple sword aura of the longsword in his hand suddenly flourished, and with a fierce stab, the alien couldn't help but let out a miserable scream, and was hit by a sword in his chest.


Johnsan's complexion was cold, sensing the pain of the alien, fearing that he would lose one for nothing, he couldn't care about letting it attack with its blood, and he was busy recalling it back to the spirit space. With a slight movement of his mind, the three xenomorphs were released again and simultaneously lunged at the Battle Master.


Once the Battle Master saw this, he could not help but draw in a breath of cold air, and it was the people watching from afar who could not help but let out an exclamation of surprise at the same time.


Not allowing the Battle Master to think carefully, the three aliens swiftly pounced over, the one in the center spat out a blue ice vertebrae as soon as it opened its mouth, and the left and right two encircled the Battle Master on both sides, their long tailbones biting down on his neck like poisonous snakes.


The Battlemaster did not expect the beast in front of him to know magic, and hastily reached out his sword to block the ice vertebrae while his body leapt backward to dodge the tailbones of the other two aliens stabbing at him.


"Dang!" The War Master's sword grated the ice vertebrae into two pieces from the air, his body narrowly avoided the two tail bones, only to feel his face being hit by the splashing ice shards, followed by a sharp and unbearable pain that came from him, and he by cried out in misery.


Fighting aura shield, battle saint only have that ability, this battle master did not expect that ice vertebrae even have a strong corrosive, an inadvertent hit, instantly the skin on the face festered, was corroded out of a hole, the bones are exposed.


The war master threw down the sword, let out a mournful scream reached out in the face messy buckle, ten fingers stained the black water at the wound, suddenly also corroded, instantly revealed the Sen Sen finger bones.


Two of the aliens reached out their mouths to bite his arms and gently pull them apart, the other one stuck its head in front of the screaming Battlemaster, its huge mouth that dripped saliva from time to time opened and the tongue in its mouth poked out violently.


"Puff." The Battle Master's head was stabbed through a large hole like tofu, and brain matter flowed out.


Onlookers just sounded alarmed, the three aliens instantly decomposed the body of the war master into several pieces, open mouth chewing up, "crunching" sound of bones, the alien's eyes look at the direction, the people there will be cold, subconsciously avoided a few steps.


To the horror of the crowd, Johnsan smirked and walked over to the alien, pulling his hand around the alien's shimmering metallic tailbone, which the alien obediently wrapped around him and gently placed on his back.


"Fat ass." Driving the alien over to the dazed York, Johnsan probed, "I think you live in the wrong place, don't you? I remember this used to be my house."


Watching the alien's mouth chewing on the Battlemaster's leg bone make its way to his face, York's heart and guts split, and with a strangled cry, he turned and tried to run.


"Puff!" The other alien pierced York's leg bone with its tailbone, leaving him screaming and yanking back hard.




Suddenly there was a female voice.


"Unbridled!" Earl Ross on one side also bellowed out.


"Nicholas, no!" Clare rushed over as well.


Johnsan ignored it and was thinking about what to do with the fat yokel when suddenly a young girl appeared in front of him and jumped on top of yokel.


That young girl was wearing a light purple magic robe, the hand holding the magic scepter was wearing white gloves, her face was exceptionally beautiful, white reflecting the sunlight, even more crystal clear than jade. At this moment, the young girl's face was furious, glaring angrily at Johnsan.


After searching his memory, Johnsan recognized this young girl, she was York's daughter Fishy and his cousin. Since Nicholas understood, this Fissie had been studying magic at the Imperial Magic Academy, rarely staying in Folo City, and had no impression or interactions with Nicholas.


Ignoring Fishy's mumblings of "stop, let go, get out of the way", the other alien tailbone swiftly reached out and pierced York's other leg, and the two aliens took a step back, pulling the plump York up in the air.


"Fishy." Johnsan looked at her coldly and said, "If your magic spell goes on any longer, I guarantee that the next thing to be pierced will be your lips, which are as wonderful as flower petals."


"Unbridled!" Earl Ross on one side could no longer look on, and with an iron-clad face, he shouted and scolded, "Take down this asshole for me."


"Wow." Over a hundred soldiers driving snorting steeds, well-trained, surrounded Johnsan instantly.


"Put down York." Ross said coldly, "Although I don't know how you became a summoner and were able to summon three ferocious magical beasts, if you dare to act recklessly in front of me again, I guarantee that you'll be chopped to pieces in no time."


"You're here too." Johnsan turned his head as if he'd just seen Ross, and he wondered, "Why don't I see you calling a halt when I'm a kid who was nearly hacked to pieces by that Battlemaster just now?"


"The thing that gives the face ..." Earl Ross choked, and then broke out, and before he could finish his sentence, Johnsan exploded.


"Fuck you." Johnsan cursed angrily, "What do you think you are, old asshole. As the eldest of the Harrimans of Folo City, where the fuck were you when I was kidnapped? Was it with York discussing how to get my father to surrender his knighthood? Giving face? Speak for yourself!"


"Bastard." A middle-aged man in a brocade-coated robe saw the Earl Elder shivering with anger and hurriedly jumped out, drinking, "Unknowing brat, let me show you what makes a great summoner."


Seeing that middle-aged man come out, the soldiers surrounding the circle hurriedly drove their warhorses backward and withdrew, straightening out an empty circle of tens of meters.