
Signing a Contract With The Alien Queen

Bad news, I've travelled across the world to a world with magic and dragons. Good news, I have an invincible pet-Alien Queen! An Alien Queen that can multiply indefinitely!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 025 - Group Killing Level 6 Saber-Toothed Dragon

"Roar!" A huge magical beast appeared in front of the middle-aged summoner, that magical beast was seven meters tall, its whole body was covered by a piece of fiery red hard scale armor, its huge upper lip hooked backward with two giant teeth comparable to ivory, its limbs were as thick as an alien's body, and its tail was even of an astonishing length. 


"Saber-toothed dragons."


"Oh my God!"


"Class 6 Magical Beast Sabertooth Dragon."




The onlookers let out a gasp of surprise, and all of a sudden they were busy pushing back to explain the beast to Johnsan.


The Level 6 Magical Beast Sabertooth Dragon was an earth-type magical beast that had nothing to do with the dragon race despite having a dragon race in its name. It possessed great strength and earth magic comparable to that of a high-level magician, very powerful.


Perhaps sensing the baleful aura from the alien, the saber-toothed dragon lowered its head, its two eyes the size of a human head glowing red, and opened its mouth with a roar.


"Roar!" The saber-toothed dragon's open mouth revealed two rows of jagged, interlocking, sharp teeth, which were covered in blood-stained flesh foam.


"Let me tell you what ..." that summoner because of the surprise of the crowd of onlookers and some smug, he reached out and stroked his chest wearing a symbol of the identity of the Grand Summoner's professional badge, just wanted to show off a few words, then stretched his neck and stared out of the eyes, like being strangled Like a flaming chicken with its neck pinched, he immediately shut up.


One, two, three ... A total of four aliens appeared in front of Johnsan, plus the two aliens that had thrown down York, and rushed toward the saber-toothed dragon in unison.


The three aliens facing the saber-toothed dragon spat out light bullets, flame balls and ice vertebrae, which had little effect on the saber-toothed dragon's hard scale armor. Two of the aliens jumped up in mid-air and landed on the large head of the saber-toothed dragon, their tailbones stabbed straight towards its eyes, nose, and other soft places, while the remaining two leapt up to its underbelly, stabbing out a bloody hole in its soft abdomen.


"Ow..." The blinded saber-toothed dragon opened its mouth in a scream, closing its eyes and letting the alien's tailbone clash sparks on its eyelids.


"Boom ..." dozens of thick earth spikes rose steeply from the ground, the alien carrying Johnsan urgently being pierced through the paws of his feet, leaping up violently to fall gently to the side, spilling a line of green blood.


The two aliens underneath the saber-toothed dragon's belly were not so lucky, unable to move underneath its belly, the two aliens were instantly pierced through their chests by the earth spikes that came out of the ground, and were instantly called back by Johnsan.


Magical beasts above level six could cast magic quickly, and the strong ones could even cast it five or six times in a row, but of course there was a difference in power.


While slamming his body around, trying to wrestle the two aliens leaping around overhead to the ground, the saber-toothed dragon casts another earth magic.


Earth Cracking Spell. The ground pierced by the earth spikes that broke through the ground, dozens of boulders flew up at once, whistling and smashing towards Johnsan, obviously the Great Summoner had indicated the direction of attack for his saber-toothed dragon.


And just in the moment when the saber-toothed dragon cast its magic, Johnsan had already recalled the injured alien he was riding into his mental space and replaced it with another one. Like a gust of wind, this speed-enhanced alien carried Johnsan, leaping swiftly between dozens of boulders, and instantly arrived in front of that Grand Summoner.


Sensing its master's fear, the saber-toothed dragon ten meters away raised its hooves and ran over, at the same time opening its huge mouth and roaring. This sound was also the last sound of the saber-toothed dragon.


The two aliens on its back leapt in front of it, their long tailbones stabbing violently into its mouth, not waiting for the saber-toothed dragon to cry out in pain and close its mouth before jerking its tail out again, bringing out a shower of blood.


At the same time, an ice vertebra, a ball of fire and a light bomb were swiftly thrown into the mouth of the saber-toothed dragon that hadn't yet managed to bring itself to close.


"Boom ..." the huge body of the saber-toothed dragon fell to the ground with a bang, and a large amount of fishy-smelling black water flowed out of its huge mouth, and there was even a dazzling spark burning, and it died with its eyes closed.


"Hiss ..." The onlookers, including Count Ross's escorting soldiers, drew in a breath of cold air in unison, almost pumping the air out in a vortex.


Under the stunned expressions of the onlookers, the two aliens rushed over and separated the saber-toothed dragon's head with a few clicks of their forelegs, pulling out an earth-colored magic crystal. The remaining two aliens were also not idle, using their sharp tailbones to cut a long slit from the saber-toothed dragon's abdomen, stretching out their front feet and neatly stripping off the saber-toothed dragon's entire skin, leaving behind a large spread of disgusting flesh and blood.


"Honorable Lord Summoner." The alien leaned down and passed its head forward as Johnsan came up to the dumbfounded Grand Summoner on its back and said, "Is this a qualified Summoner?"


The scene is generally dead silent, only the summoner issued upper and lower teeth knocking "clack" sound, up and down not catching air, the big summoner can not stand the excitement, flopping down to the ground fainted.


Taking the saber-toothed dragon magic crystal that the alien brought over, Johnsan casually played with it for a bit and threw it to the expectant Fate next to him, who then looked at Count Ross.


Count Ross was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that Nicholas, who was a dog's ass half a year ago, was now able to summon so many ferocious magical beasts in one breath, together with the two that were recalled, there were a total of nine in the front and back!


Nine summoned beasts, nine magical beasts with lightning speed that could defeat level six magical beasts, identical in appearance but capable of casting different magic!


Count Ross was in a bit of disbelief when he heard his personal guard, Berlant, whispering behind him.


"Master, these magical beasts are at least around level five, if we flip now, although I am certain of your safety, I may not necessarily be able to take him down."


In fact, there was no need for Berlant to say, Ross also knew in his heart that Berlant was but also the rank of Battlemaster, and there was already a vivid example in front of him.


Earl Ross had a moment of regret, if he could have stopped Shimo from releasing the saber-toothed dragon just now, it wouldn t have been ...


Regret was of no avail, and the old and cunning Earl of Ross recovered instantly, clearing his throat and clapping his hands in loud praise, "Nicholas, your parents would be proud of you, and as your elder, likewise, I am proud of you."


"Thank you, Mr. Ross." Johnsan smiled weakly and said through his tongue, "There may be times when we are blinded by the darkness, but one day the sun will still shine in our hearts."


Ross laughed dryly a few times, glanced at the half-dead York, and raised his head to Johnsan, "I believe that there must be an inside story to your kidnapping, and if you trust me, I will quickly help you find out. As for your father's knighthood, since you have returned, I will naturally make York hand over the knighthood, what do you think?"


Johnsan frowned and sighed, "Mr. Ross, don't you think we should receive some compensation? Some reasonable due compensation."


"Little bastard, it's not over yet." Ross cursed in his heart and laughed, "Nicholas, your shrewdness makes me feel surprised. Oh, but proper compensation is also deserved, don't worry, York will make compensation when he wakes up."


"Thank you, Lord Earl." Seeing that Johnsan was still about to speak, Clare came over and bowed.


"Clare." Ross busily went up to help him up and said in a serious tone, "I mishandled this matter, letting you suffer, I heard that Linda's eyes are out of order, I'll send a priest over to take a look at it when I get back."


"Thank you, Lord Earl." Clare's eyes were slightly red. Ross patted him on the shoulder and chilled for a few moments before he had someone take Yorke and get into the carriage to leave.


"Nicholas." Clare watched Count Roth's convoy disappear around the corner before she turned to Johnsan with a complex gaze and said, "Just how much more are you hiding from me?"


Retracting his gaze from the indignant Fishy's face and watching her back disappear, Johnsan turned his head and laughed, "Believe me, Father, for the sake of your heart, I think it's better you don't know."


"Go home!" Johnsan jumped off the aliens and with a thought took all the aliens back into his mental space and put the saber-toothed dragon skin away in his space ring, drawing another gasp from the crowd of onlookers.




"Young master, where's that magical beast of yours? Why don't you ride it back."


"Young Master, I heard that you scared the pants off that asshole York, is that true?"


"Wow, young master, you're so majestic, just now many people ran back to say that you had a great show in front of our Viscount's mansion, so powerful."




It was already dark, and just as he and Clare stepped back into the small courtyard, Johnsan was instantly surrounded by a group of servants, all of whom were excited and thrilled, asking questions in a variety of ways.


Johnsan nodded to them with a smile as Fate yelled from the back, "Come over here if you want to know, I've seen it from the beginning."


The crowd hooted and hollered.


"Mr. Fate, I heard that you cast a lot of magic and beat the crap out of York's guards, is that true?"


"Yeah, I've heard people say it's still many lines of magic."


"I think I heard someone say he's not very good at magic!"




Fate clearly enjoyed being surrounded by people, cocking his head in triumph and speaking off in a colorful manner.


"This guy, open a fiat club or something to do comedy, might have a much better future than working as a wizard." Johnsan said in his mind, accompanying Crawl towards the room.


"Nicholas." Linda stepped out with Tina's assistance, and Johnsan was busy welcoming her, on her other side.


"What happened? Is it hurt?" Linda hurriedly reached over Johnsan's body, her face filled with panic.


Johnsan's heart warmed as he took her hand and put it on his face, smiling, "I'm fine, I'm not the same as I used to be, they can't hurt me."


"It's good that it's okay." A smile bloomed on Linda's face, then she slammed her face back down and said, "So it wouldn't be so gross, why did you go and get into trouble just after you got home, hearing Tina just now almost scared me to death."


"Mother." Johnsan smiled slightly and said, "I have it in my heart."


"Discreet?" Clare looked at him with an odd expression and said, "Let's not talk about the fact that you messed up York badly, killed his personal battlemaster guards, went so far as to kill the summoned beasts of Shimo, a great summoner under Count Ross, and demanded compensation in front of Count Ross in a letter."


"Young master is fantastic." Tina's eyes were filled with little stars and she excitedly jacked in, "Well played, you don't know what that big fat man's face was when he forced his lord and lady to move out of the Viscount's mansion."


"Tina." Clare frowned a bit and was about to lecture a few times when Linda spoke up and said, "Tina's right, Clare, York hasn't seen you as a brother for a long time, so why do you care what people say about him. Besides, what one thing has he ever done to deserve his cousin status."


Clare was speechless, Linda held Johnsan's hand, raised her eyebrows and continued, ''The fact that Earl Ross doesn't dare to turn his face away means that Nicholas has the strength to make him afraid. I heard just now, a Battle Master, and a Great Summoner, all lost in the hands of Nicholas, Count Ross he can't cover the sky with just one hand, if I didn't estimate wrongly, what happened today, it won't take more than a few days for it to spread to the Imperial Capital."