
Signing a Contract With The Alien Queen

Bad news, I've travelled across the world to a world with magic and dragons. Good news, I have an invincible pet-Alien Queen! An Alien Queen that can multiply indefinitely!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 023 - Provocation

"Young master is not the same as before oh."


"Yeah, taller than before, and less shy."


"And also and also, the young master is also talking a little more like the old master than before ... well ... ."


Johnsan and Clare walked towards the backyard when they suddenly heard the murmur of a few maids from behind the house, the two looked at each other and didn't say anything.


"Ah! Greetings Master Young Master." A few maids walked out from the back of the house with pots in their hands, and when they saw the lord and young master appear in front of them, they were shocked and hurriedly bowed and saluted.


Knowing that their own master was amiable and the young master didn't have much of a temper, those few maids were not too scared even though they were a little alarmed. Seeing the master nodding towards them, the young master even smiled a little, and when they walked past, the few maids laughed and squealed as they walked away.


"Father, if I'm not mistaken, it must have been York who kidnapped me." Johnsan whispered when he saw no one in the backyard.


"What?" Clare shifted, shocked and angry, and said, "It's really him?"


"Can't be wrong." Johnsan said, "Our family is powerless, so what kind of person would hit us. Moreover, I once heard those kidnappers say that the purpose of kidnapping me is also to break our family's back, and then make you surrender your knighthood through pressure, father."


With a sneer, Johnsan continued, "Who else but that brain-dead York could be qualified to succeed his father's title."


"Why?" Clare was a little disbelieving, but the facts now left him no choice but to disbelieve, and he said with a face of indignation and anger, "Just for the sake of a viscount title, he could do such a thing."


"Not killing me was his biggest mistake." Johnsan said in a single word, "Starting today, I'm going to show everyone in the Harriman family in Folo City that there are some people that you just can't mess with."


"Nicholas, don't be impulsive." Clare said nervously, "As long as you are safe, your mother and I will be relieved. A viscount title, we don't want it."


"It's ours why don't we want it." Johnsan laughed a little and said, "Father, I'm not the same person anymore, so here's the deal, I'm going to show you something first, but make sure you don't pass out."


"Just now, watching you take out your spatial ring, and a large pile of magical beast furs, and selling so many gold coins, and then encouraging the servants and guards in our house, I didn't even faint with such perversity." Clare laughed at herself, "This house has been in disarray since your mother collapsed, if it wasn't for relying on the old butler to take care of it, I feel that no matter you or your mother, you are more of a householder than I am."


Blown away!


Johnsan busily said, "Father, as long as you're around, you'll always be in charge of this family. If you don't believe me, go ask mother, even if she's the one who's always behind this family, you're still the sky of this family, and as long as the sky doesn't spoil, this family won't collapse."


"You're better at talking than you used to be." Clare smiled, looking less depressed, and said, "What's that, come on, let's go check it out."


Johnsan led Crowell to a corner of the backyard as he spoke, and from afar he saw a few guards standing guard on one side, and seven or eight strong servants lifting the ox-cart wagon up toward an improvised lift under Fate's direction.


"What's so secretive?" Clare asked curiously, "Covered so tightly that you have to put it in the basement?"


Johnsan smiled enigmatically and saw the carriage being hoisted down before he and Crawl headed for the basement, Fate exchanging a few words with a couple of his guards and following suit.


"The fewer people who know about this, the better." Johnsan explained to Crawl, grabbing the handlebars and pushing inside.


Clare was again slightly shocked by his strength, unable to hold back the curiosity in her heart she busily followed him. Pushing the carriage to the basement, Fate self-consciously uncovered the coarse canvas, endured the pungent sour odor, put on gloves and peeled away the magical beast carcasses on top, revealing the black dragon eggs buried underneath.


"Huh." Clare probed her neck to look over and said, "What kind of magical beast egg is this, why is it so big."


"Black dragon eggs." Johnsan laughed, "The egg of the ninth level magical beast, the Black Dragon."


"Uh..." came a strange sound from Crawl's throat, rolling his eyes and passing out.




Viscount York was very cozy, his fat body buried in the bamboo chair made of gnome weaving, enjoying the massage of the two playful maids, whose age would never exceed sixteen, and he slightly narrowed his eyes as he watched the voluptuous dancers in the hall dance.


"Confirmed?" York shifted his fat body and shoved his bare feet through the collar of the maid who was massaging his legs.


"Confirmed." A middle-aged man stood next to him and replied, he was very tall, around one meter nine, his blonde hair was slightly curled, and a pair of triangular eyes flashed with a cautious gaze.


"I have asked in detail many times, and have sent men to the house of that wretch to inquire, and Nicholas is back."


"Tony, you did a good job." York glared at the middle-aged man and said, "I told you to find reliable people to make things better, what the hell. I couldn't find anyone after contacting them for half a year, now it's good that the people I should have contacted haven't been contacted yet, and Nicholas has come back properly."


The man called Tony was sweating profusely at once and bent over, "It is the little man who has done an unfavorable job, please punish your lordship."


York also ignored it, squinting with a pair of small eyes, his feet rotating on that maid's white breasts. That maid's face was red, her watery eyes full of fear and humiliation, but she didn't dare to move.


"What's the point of coming back." York sneered and said, "What can the old loser plus a little loser turn over."


"Master." Tony had a bitter look on his face, a look of wanting to say something.


"Have a fart." York was impatient.


"I just inquired about the news, Sorak's merchant house just received a large batch of magical beast pelts, mostly from level five magical beasts." Tony swallowed and said, "It was received from Nicholas, and Sorak also saw that Nicholas had a space ring."


"What?" York sat up violently, his foot retracting too quickly, ripping a hole in the maid's corset, and his white rabbit-like breasts popped out.


Tony gave a greedy look, then retracted his gaze and said, "I didn't believe it at the time, and asked many times, and Sorak was sure he wasn't mistaken."


"A large batch of Class 5 magical beast pelts? Space ring." York muttered and suddenly stood up, saying, "Quickly arrange a carriage for me, I'm going to meet Count Ross."


Tony busied himself with running outside, when a soldier rushed in from a distance with a look of horror on his face, nearly colliding with Tony.


"Asshole." Tony raised his leg and cursed, "Blind your dog eyes, what's all the panic for."


"Master, someone ... is making trouble outside the door." The soldier, with clear slap handprints on his face and blood seeping from the corners of his mouth, struggled to climb up.


"What's going on?" York burst into a rage, lifting his feet and walking outward, cursing under his breath, "I'd like to see which bastard doesn't want to die and dares to come to the Viscount's residence to cause trouble."


When he reached the door, York couldn't help but freeze. The two large stone lions placed in the doorway, two side by side, had a man sitting on top of them, swaying back and forth as if he were swinging on two feet, with a leisurely face.


"Fat ass, surprised to see me?" Johnsan said with a smile.


"Nicholas." York's face twitched with fat, then he cursed, "Uneducated thing, is that what your punk ass father taught you?"


As soon as the words left his mouth, York only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and before he could understand what was happening, he received two heavy slaps on his face, and when his mouth opened, several teeth and blood fell out.


Johnsan finished his draw he flashed back to sit on the stone lion and sneered, "What are you a fat pig, it's not your turn to tell me if I'm educated or not."


"How did he get so fast." The thought flashed through York's mind and he jumped up in anger and screamed, "Kill, kill this son of a bitch for me."


A dozen or so guards rushed over, and as soon as they heard his lordship give the word, they swung their guns and drew their swords and rushed up.


"Bold." A furious shout rang out, and Fate stood out from behind the stone lion, only to see his lips chattering, and several water arrows appeared out of thin air, striking the legs of the two guards who ran at the front.


Two of the guards stumbled and just collapsed when two more small balls of fire floated up in the air, glowing hot and bursting over the heads of the other two guards, igniting their hair and causing a scream of anguish.


A few dirt spikes suddenly appeared on the ground, tripping a few guards.


With a zip, a tiny bolt of lightning struck one of the guards on top of his head, sending him into a spasm of electricity.


Water system, fire system, earth system, thunder system, Fate instantly cast a few elementary magic, the more he fought, the more he felt smooth, magic mnemonic in his mouth ceaselessly, fancy magic constantly cast out, for a time the dozen or so guards beat their hands and feet.


"Wizard?" York covered his mouth his eyes bulging round, and said vaguely, "How many lineages of ... this is a ... wizard?"


The drawbacks of a junior magician were quickly revealed, Fate's magic had limited killing power and only brought some light injuries to those guards, a few of the guards had rushed to his body by this time, and the lances in their hands stabbed at Fate's chest.


Johnsan moved, his alien genetically modified body swept in front of Fate in a hurry, the movements of those guards were like slow replay movie footage under the high speed of his mental concentration, he reached out with a swift and lightning fast effort, his right hand swiftly smashed a hard punch on their faces.


Before those guards could see Johnsan's figure, they only felt a huge force on their faces, and screamed miserably as they flew backwards, knocking the guards who rushed up behind them to the ground, and instantly became rolling gourds.


"Seek death." A furious shout came out, followed by a figure wrapped in purple fighting aura leaping out from within the Viscount's mansion, the longsword in his hand gulped out a half-meter-long sword aura, and stabbed straight towards Johnsan's chest.


Before the sword awnings arrived, Johnsan only felt an indescribably strong aura surging over, his hands were empty and he didn't dare to take its awnings directly, he turned around in a hurry to avoid it.