
Sign In A D.C. Universe For Marvel World's Rewards System!

A soul finds himself in a DC Universe with the most laid-back idle and passive system in the existence of systems, a daily sign-in system! sign in in persons, places, or things, for the corresponding system rewards. wait?...why are my system rewards so familiar? what do they have in common? Aren't they all from various Marvel World's next door?

aloudtntcode · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Plans & proposals make fools of us all in front of the face of real Life."

Chapter 2- "Plans & proposals make fools of us all in front of the face of real Life."


Gotham city,

In a dilapidated public orphanage site,

In a newly built small side house on the property.

Inside the master bedroom...

Suddenly a rift in space caused the atmosphere to shake creating an opening, and seconds later, a smiling young woman bounces out of that rift in space casually, and walks over towards the motionless figure sleeping on the bed while saying:


it's time to wake up!"




"I'm up" I responded after Charlotte Radcliff dragged the quilt up and away from the mattress.

Sighing at the back of the upbeat and bubbly girl giggling as she's disappearing into the reopening portal with my bedroom sheet covers in her hands.

" .... "

I'm amazed at her personality change over the past few months.

The change is tangible to a whole new person from the previously homeless, desperately lost in revenge for her family state she was in before.

Her changing to a happily smiling homemaker girl and first-year college student is amazing.

I thought to myself powers or no powers, the world must go on, and nobody eats for free in any world of adulting, So Of course, I myself as a 19-year-old adult have a job or two for myself that I must go to as well.

If my neighbors didn't hear Charlie's roaring my name earlier, it's Markov, it's my identity now in this world.

 I work as a construction site worker and as both an adviser and as a handyman for the orphanage grounds.

  My former self was good a fixing the place up, plus construction experience since I was 16, so the head Mistress who raised me from childhood, also hired me as a handyman.

Currently, I'm living in where a small guest house exists that was built on the property by my old self, using his years of paid under-the-table construction experience.

I get a low-paying salary, but it's essentially a free room going by the low rent it takes to live here, it's a trade-off.

But recently with the addition of Charlotte or Charlie as she likes to be called, another twin bed was added to the master bedroom taking more space up.

I could be focusing on signing in on people, places, or things, but mostly I've been working hard, as I had to take care of two people lately.

Also, I discovered something that made me lazy to interact with the system lately.

As the subsequent gifts in my other daily sign-in are not as amazing as the first one given out by the system.

I think the first was a one-time special, and welcome gift, as I've been rewarded with mostly useless things ever since then.

Another hiccup is I could sign in on things but it was more complicated rules and restrictions than I had initially thought of.

To sign in on a PERSON you must touch that person or a material touching that person.

To sign in on THINGS be specific and touch a part of the thing you want to Sign in on.

To sign on a PLACE your body must be in that place and touch a part of that place to sign in after ten seconds of contact.

I can't just go around anywhere and everywhere touching people and things at random for no reason, without bringing unwanted attention of troublesome people and if somehow a pattern is noticed about myself approaching famous or super-powered people, or well-known landmarks in hero-based big cities all the time it will be interesting to see what happens.

I'll never underestimate a world full of insightful existences like D.C.

So, I've calmed down from my initial excitement over the acquisition of the sign-in DC for Marvel World's rewards system.

So I've been less than enthusiastic in the past few months and just take the Sign in task as part of my daily scheduled routine.

Essentially It's become a slightly more important passive daily routine activity like brushing my teeth in the morning.


As I arrived in the kitchen I'm greeted by this lively bubbly girl in a breakfast apron.

 It's her who was waking me up early in the morning for work and it's that same girl in the alleyway Charlotte 'Charlie' the former future Misfit.

That night we met, I had made her an offer to be my in-house management assistant for food and a roof over her head to sleep Under and after some reassurance, she agreed.

We've been getting along as two people who have got nobody else to be reliant on ever since then.

Charlie is a lone survivor of a family tragedy and I, as a lone traveler hidden in this new universal reality, we both share invisible loneliness others don't understand.

Of course, I didn't tell her or anyone where I'm from originally, that is my secret, that I will take to the next world.

We've talked and exchanged ideas, goals, worries, and shared meals together.

We did that stuff, among some "other things" two hormonal teenagers living under the same rooftop would do.

But we didn't do the main deed completely, because of my worry about a potential problem my healing factor creates.

Wolverines among other male healers are famous for their 'vitality' for lack of a better word.

Basically either they are crazy horny(see Deadpool) or super fertile like Wolverine or have both effects.

The amount of in the heat of passion romantic debts and the number of single-parent kids wolverine has fathered is unknown.

What's known in his long life is that a vast number of his fledglings were killed by wolverine himself, while the offspring of Logan continually were seeking to kill their old deadbeat dad for spreading his genes recklessly like he was Elon Musk of my past world.

So, we've done everything under the sun other than 'that 'after I explained my worries and concerns to her, she agreed as well to the arrangement, as she wasn't ready to become a new parent and neither was I at the beginning of both our new lives yet.

Thus sixty-nine became our new favorite number as we bonded with each other.

However, Before we had reached this step over time, She first had confided in me about her having powers and about being a meta-human.

I already knew about that fact being a traveler, but her opening up about it meant a bunch to me, representing her trust and faith in me during this time of getting to know each other.

It's also a big deal since in DC there are also meta-human haters, just like the mutants racist next door.

That fact was surprising to me, having hate groups despite DC having all the superhero business being so normalized here.

Among our many recurring conversations, I can't seem to rework her thinking yet to use her abilities selfishly to steal from bad people to pay our rent in stolen goods, and dirty cash.

Being she has all the traits to be a master thief, I always feel it's a waste of her talents, so I always tend to jokingly (not jokingly) remind her.

But at least under my teaching, I've had her practice what she's truly capable of, both in use and in applications from what I've seen by people with similar powers in my past life collection of entertainment and the numerous number of media memories.

I taught her:

"Don't just think about transferring yourself but use other non-living things along with you as weapons."

"For instance, you're having a tough time fighting some person,

But imagine using the teleportation power above an enemy with a semi-truck trailer behind you in the portal opening in the air above and then dropping it down on them from overhead on your target!

Also, you can't perform teleportation with living things which will kill them under the rules of her bouncing effect instantly!

If needed she could Grab an enemy to bounce with her and when she comes out the other side of the rift, they will spontaneously explode into meat sauce under her teleportation rules and restrictions.

It's a one-shot, one-killer move like no other!

It's such a powerful method, and it's effective on almost any D.C. beings under a certain power, ability, or life-level threshold.

For high-life level creatures like Superman and Darkseid, it would be ineffectual mostly, but for people with lesser or no invulnerability like the Scarecrow, Bane, Killer Croc, Two-face, Deadshot, Clayface, or even Lady Shiva herself they can all go be red apple sauce on the street pavement if Charlie is mad enough to grab then use the "Deadline Bounce" as she calls it, I wanted to name it the last ride, but you got to pick you battles with women, I guess.

She now realizes how powerful she truly is, and relied on me to help her learn her limitations and the exalted levels of her talents and possibilities.

 She now knows what she can and can't do more clearly.

But she's still naively hesitant and wants to keep from having to use killer moves in the bloody scenes I describe to her before.

Despite her earlier missteps in a quest for revenge, all she was going to do was scare and badly beat up her family's enemy; as her deep respect for life and other people's property is something I expected from her, a former future member of the birds of prey.

But when push comes to shove I believed she would do her most to subconsciously protect her life's interest under my teachings, unlike those other virgin-heart bitch heroes who sacrifice important people in their lives for strangers and are soft on their enemies.

We share a deep kiss as she leaves for school and I gear up ready to go to my second job.

It's a place I mostly sign in daily at, as the long working hours end up keeping me from traveling around the city, or the world to randomly sign in for rewards.

The pay on construction work sites is good so I have no real complaints.

My inherited memories of the construction work are comprehensive thanks to 4 plus years of experience and my healing factor makes the daily workload easy without building fatigue.

So I'm mostly busy making easy money on weekdays, Except on weekends when I got some free time to find places to sign in and get cool things like "Captain America's battle shield" for visiting the Gotham City museum.

And on another weekend I signed in and got the 'Parkour ability of the anti-hero known as Screwball as a reward for signing in on a passing villain in her civilian disguise on a corporate elevator.

As I had visited the building to originally perform a Place sign-in to the Wayne corporation affiliate convention center building.


The plan changed as I forced the interaction with the beautiful Indian woman by day and escape artist at night, who was now dressed in office lady attire for her charity organization meeting in the Wayne corporation affiliate convention center building.

After briefly touching her who has the power to duplicate herself into another separate person; which was an albino woman who dressed up in a night club Playboy bunny girl outfit for some reason, I didn't stick around to ask her about her albino duplicates fashion choices.


Because I instantly fled stealthily after the sign-in was completed in order to avoid trouble with DC characters; whether they be big or small-time figures.

She was the second powered person I came close to since my arrival in D.C., but she was the first superpower I signed in on surprisingly.

She was my first superpower target as I never signed in on Charlotte before now, as it felt wrong to do so, making her a commodity for rewards, not a person in my eyes.

She had long evolved in my heart from just added muscle or a hidden hand from when I first arrived in D.C. with opportunistic perception as my motivating factor.

I followed my feelings as it's not important to get rewards from her now, so I let the opportunity slide.

I also felt leaving it for the future as the last option to make a hail mary play or a draw from the bottom of the card deck when forced or made a necessity, as it will probably get me better rewards based on nothing but my intuition.

Another time signing in at the location of a criminal-friendly pawn shop while staring at a gun rack, I received and got a 'WW2 Hydra Energy gun'.

This reward surprised me as it seems as if the pawnbroker was a named character or an individual in the comics with a connection to big names or something.

As for the WW2 Hydra Energy gun', I continue to keep it, of course, it's been on me at all times since then in my storage space for system items.

At other times the sign-in reward it's lackluster things like 'tony starks fountain pen', 'SHIELD leather eagle jacket', Peter Parker's homeroom class notes, or things of that nature have been sent to be the rewards of the daily sign-in.

If I want better prizes, ability, knowledge, or props it seems my previous half-ass measures won't cut it anymore, and I need to get into the thick of things in this world.

I need to sign in at a special location, at clashes between villain and hero, battlefields, secret bases, or on the heroes or villains themselves.

With that resolve, I make a plan to take vacation time from both jobs and seek the glow-up of a real transmigrator should have...

What's accessible to me?

Other than public places, it seems the most public access places are Gotham library Gotham parks, and the Gotham City police department or G.C.P.D.

To be the most influential spot and most special place in GCPD is obviously either at Jim Gordon's office or on the bat signal on the roof outside.

It's difficult to gain access to either.

And Charlie can't help me by teleportation to the roof or my molecular structure may be mixed up or something in the progress.

 Of course, I'd live on by my healing factor, but my intuition tells me don't try it as I am now or I'll lose something like my memories, and truly become Wolverine status in D.C.

And also won't take an irrational risk with my god's perspective brain to become compromised as it is my own original cheat code regardless of the system, as knowledge is power.

Next, I had already asked for 1 week of time off from both my jobs and Charlie goes to school during the day and at night the den mother looks after her.

So, now it's all about me and the original plans in this new world before life here caught up with me.

With police radio stations speaking in sparse codes in my earbuds I feel like an early version of spiderman, you know without the crippling responsibility and awful prototype costume.

I walked out at the first sign of the Dawn of daylight hours to the high crime areas, hoping something or someone pops off.

Sadly things don't happen as you want them sometimes.

After nearly a whole day of searching nothing to do with the supernatural happens just petty crime.

I can only hope for the best before midnight before I'm forced to sign in to get a junk reward rather than miss a sign-in opportunity.

Suddenly I heard:

"Calling all units, Code XXXX in progress needs backup immediately!"

Leaning towards the gargoyle at my feet I gaze at the skyline below thinking to myself:

  'Is this going to be something?'

*Looks at his watch:

  'it's cutting it kind of close, but it's better than gaining nothing from not signing in today'

I used my skill 'the parkour mastery I got from the reward system from the Marvel character Screwball to leverage myself to the streets below.

This is another skill that is of a lesser-known hero of the marvel community but is more useful than the other garbage rewards I've been getting lately.

This Parkour skill might seem to be low grade but the original user used it to best spiderman, someone with actual powers.

When I arrived at the scene, I immediately Dodge to the side using my flexible body to avoid the vehicle being hurled into the air by an obvious bad guy.

I can heal, but I would still feel the pain and suffering during the body reconstruction if a car fell on me.

It is not something I wish to experience any time soon.

Until then, I will continue to move about in life like I'm totally mortal; until I'm forced to remember I'm not by my healing factor.

Looking at the named DC villains in front of me, I can't help but sweat drop at why they are both here and together with each other at all, after all this is Gotham City.

The villain in front of me at Wayne tech door were:

Metallo is tossing heavy things, LiveWire discharging electricity menacingly, a plastic-faced man on top of a giant walking rubber duckie snickering crazily is Toyman, and all these guys are Metropolis famous villains!

What are they doing in Gotham?

Looking at the large glowing green rock in Metallo's hands I know why they came here.

They must have gotten insider news of the kryptonite in the Wayne's vault and came for it.

 Is it possible superman will show up here tonight?

If so, can you get close enough to touch him to sign-in in on him in his weakened state; you know before he recovers miraculously and gives a beat down on these guys, and leaves as fast as he came, or at least it's expected to play out that way historically.

I licked my lips in hope and anticipation of the slightest possibility of signing in on the man of steel himself for Marvel World's Rewards.

All though we are in Gotham City it's still Possibly perhaps, right?




Wolverine X Gene: Healing Factor, Captain America's shield, Screwball's Parkour Mastery, WW2 Hydra Energy Gun-

Notable Miscellaneous System Rewards items In System Space:

Tony Starks Fountain Pen', 'Shield Leather Eagle Jacket', Peter Parker's Homeroom Class Notes, etc...


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