
Shokugeki: The Demon Chef [Completed]

What if Soma and Erina meet during their childhood and they become friends. How does their childhood friendship influence the plot of Shokugeki no Soma? To find out follow the story of "The Demon Chef" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may find this fanfic in fanfiction.net. You can say I was sort of co-author for this fanfic. We (Me and Kira) have written this fanfic and another one-shot 'Sorina'. You can find that in fanfiction.net So, you guys don't worry about copyright issues. I will be uploading it in WN whilst improvising its grammar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover pic doesn't belong to me. I found it on Google Images. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally, have fun reading the fanfic and don't forget to RATE and POWER it.

Im_Groot · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Shokugeki Starts

The days go by before the time for the Regiment de Cuisine Shokugeki match came upon them

"Quit being so gloomy guys. We're here to cheer on Yukihira and the others as they win." Alice said to her group as they made their way inside the stadium.

Everyone was gloomy because they were challenged by the Elite Ten and they lost. Which resulted in their expulsion.

The worse was Hisako who was muttering Erina-sama and look like a zombie as she walks around.

Alice had thrown a tantrum about having rights to see the Régiment de Cuisine due to the fact Erina was her cousin, and her attendance of Totsuki was on the line. In the end, they were allowed to attend. So Alice followed Erina's group as they made their way to Rebun island.

"You guys!" Alice said in a loud voice. "How long are you going to be mopping around? We came here to cheer on Yukihira-kun and everyone else didn't we. We've got to look sharp!" Alice said in hopes to get everyone in a positive mood.

"B-but Alice-chi…" Daigo began.

"Even though we all promised to survive through this together, we went and lost," Marui said.

"Ano, but should I really be here?" Hayama said. "I mean, I did betray you guys…"

"You're still going on about that!" Alice shouted. "Get over it Hayama!"

Things for the rebels weren't going well. Their only and last hope rested with the Régiment de Cuisine in defeating the Elite Ten. However, the odds were not in their favor.

They walk in the stadium and could see many first years were taking their seats. Almost two hundred of them. They could see Central personal staff getting everything set up. Some were speaking to each other as the first bout was about to begin.

"Talk about a crowd," Isami said.

"Yeah, they must be the original students who cleared the final exam," Hisako said. 'Which would mean no one failed but us.' "They're here… to cheer on the Azami Administration for victory."

"Talk about being deep in enemy territory," Ryoko said.

With the first bout about to begin the students in the stands were talking about a clean sweep from Central.

"Of course the Elite Ten is going to win." One student said.

"The rebels will be crushed by the Elite Ten." Another said.

"I doubt the rebels will even force them to bring out the third years. I mean, let's face it. The third-year won't even waste their time with a bunch of rebels. This is a good chance for the second year to show off." One student said.

"Are you ready everyone?!" Urara said into the microphone. "It's me. The idol of the 92nd class: Urara-chan!"

At the sight of her, the boys started cheering for her. The girls glared at her in hatred. "Alright, everybody! Let's pray for the victory of our beloved commander Nakiri Azami. Now please stand up and welcome in the strength of Central and the best chefs of Central… the Elite Ten!" Urara said. The left side of the doors open and the Elite Ten, lead by the first seat, Tsukasa Eishi. Rindo Kobayashi was walking beside him. One by one, they came out. The eight remaining Elite Ten of Totsuki.

The crowd cheer, screaming the names of their senpai's and urging them on. Many were chanting Central over and over again.

Nakiri Azami walks out, causing the crowd to cheer at him like he was their savior.

"Yes we all want a beautiful Central Victory!" Urara said. "Let us get a clean sweep and crush those rebels. Now, to introduce those insolent noes better than vomit rebels who have the gall to defy the noble Central! Allow me to introduce those detested scoundrels! Get your asses in here already you sum and prepare to suffer a crushing defeat by the might of Central!" Urara shouted into the microphone.

The right doors open. Lead by Yukihira Soma and Nakiri Erina they step forward. Eight people walk forward and stood there in all glory. All the rebels had a white bandana tied to their right arm as a symbol of unity.

"Isshiki-senpai?!" "Subaru Mimasaka!" "Terunori Kuga and not to mention…" "Former Third Seat Tosuke Megishima!"

"Yo, I'm here to claim back my seat," Kuga said with a grin on his face.

"I can't think of anyone more reliable for the job. These guys are reliable to the max and they're all on our side!"

"Wait a minute!" A student said as he cried out. "That's Erina-sama!" He shouted. "Erina-sama is on the enemy team!"

"What? Why Erina-sama? Why are you with the rebel scum?" People began to shout at her. Erina ignores them.

"Miraculously, this match has turned into an eight vs. eight. It's an evenly numbered showdown! But their still no match for Central. Without further ado, both team captains will determine the number of people they will send for the first bout." Urara said.

"There are eight competitors on each side. So we could see eight vs. eight. Or it could be a one on one. Whatever the case, the team leaders are about to decide each bracket!"

Nakiri Azami and Eishi Tsukasa made their way forward. They stop at the center and look at their opponents.

Soma and Erina stood beside each other as they look back at them

"How does a three on three sound?" Erina said.

"That is fine," Azami said.

"In that case, both teams choose your three chefs to represent the first bout," Urara shouted.

Erina returns to her team while Soma stayed at his spot.

Tsukasa turns and returns to his team as well with Azami.

Megishima and Isshiki step forward beside Soma as they are the first three opponents of Central

"Isshiki… the two of us should come at them with the intention of destroying them completely." Megishima said.

"It seems like you're not at all lacking in motivation. How reassuring, Megishima-senpai." Isshiki said.

Three second years, the Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth seats step forward.

"Now then, please choose your opponents," Urara said.

"I want Satoshi!" Julio Shiratsu, the Eighth Seat said pointing a finger at Isshiki. "I will crush you and show you why you should have stayed with Central!"

"Very well," Isshiki said.

"In that case… I'll take her… the other new member of Central's elite ten." Megishima said.

"I have no objections." Kaburagi Shoko, the Fifth Seat said.

"In that case, Yukihira Soma, I'll be your opponent." Kinokuni Nene said as she adjusts her glasses. "I do apologize if I bring you to tears."

"really now, Senpai?" Soma asked as he lifted up his front bangs and showed Nene his golden glowing eyes "I might be the one who is going to make you cry instead"

"Now then the cards are… the First card is our beloved senpai… Kaburagi Shoko against the Rebel Scum Tosuke Megishima. The second card is our beloved senpai Julio Shiratsu vs. rebel scum Satoshi Isshiki. Finally on the third card. We have our beloved senpai Kinokuni Nene vs. the rebel scum, Yukihira Soma." Urura said. "now they will choose the theme of the battle."

"You all can choose," Nene said. "We're going to beat you regardless so we might as well give you some dignity."

"very kind of you, senpai," Soma said before looking to Eizan who felt Soma's stare "unlike a certain someone"

"Of course. You're all the challengers, so you can pick the theme. Central prides itself on beating chefs in any theme. It doesn't matter what you choose." Nene said.

"Very well," Soma said as he walks towards the lottery machine and pulls out a card.


Nene was surprised. As was everyone else.

"Hell yeah!" Urara shouted. "As luck would have it, Kinokuni-senpai's specialty was drawn! We have this match in the bag!"

Isshiki walks forward and enters the lottery machine. He pulls it out and shows it to Julio.


Megishima walks forward and pulls out his.


"Alright, the theme has been set. Participants have one hour to gather their ingredients and prepare their meals. Let us pray for a swift Central victory." Urara said.

With that everyone went to their station and prepare their dishes.

Nene started making her noodles in a very large mixing bowl

Her hands mixed around the flour into a dough as it started to become dough in just a few seconds

"Time hasn't started yet but they are allowed to start on making any preparations they need for their cooking," Urara said.

Everyone began getting the ingredients ready.

Soma watches Nene making her noodles before he went prepping up

As he was about to prep his dish, he notices his friends who were expelled were in what appeared to be a jail cell.

"What are you guys doing in there?" Soma asks with a sweatdrop

"They're making our stay in here during the Régiment de Cuisine!" Yuki exclaimed

"Yukihira-kun!" Alice shouted. "Don't lose!"

'The first bout is the most important. We have to win all three cards. Because if we win, we can cripple Central's momentum.' Erina watches the battle as Soma took his flour and then some eggs

"The Time limit is two hours. Each chef must prepare their palate within that time frame. With that said: let the Régiment de Cuisine… begin!" Urara shouted.

A bell rings and the main screen showed the time limit of two hours and began to count down. Everyone got to their cooking.

"We got this match in the bag. There is no way the transfer student can match Kinokuni-senpai in Soba."

"That's right, die you transfer student!" another shouted.

Nene's soba dough was forming up fast as Soma was doing the same but in a rather smaller mixing bowl

"if senpai going to make traditional soba…" Soma said as he lifted his black knife as it shines in the light "…I'll be making instant Yakisoba then"

"instant Yakisoba" the rebel team all thought of the dish as considering its Yukihira Soma, they think that the man was crazy

Nene eyes Isshiki and realized he was smiling happily at Soma.

'Isshiki, what are you smiling about? Given the theme is Soba… what could this boy possibly do? You know no one is better than me at Soba… so why do you smile?' Nene wonders.

Nene knew she would win. She's been trained in Soba handling since she was four years old. What could a second-rate chef who came from so no name diner do?

"My beloved students, watch closely. You are watching… a true artisan." Azami said as she began to explain Nene's abilities.

"Instant Yakisoba was it?" Nene said.

"Hm? What's the matter senpai?" Soma asks.

"Yukihira Soma. You were able to continue to win up until now… by weaponizing your instantaneous creativity and unorthodox ideas. And maybe a few novel bluffs threw here and there… but those methods will get you absolutely nowhere in this battle. Carefully accumulated experience and knowledge of the rich history of Soba alone are what allow its true deliciousness to be drawn out. And you lack both of those." Nene said. "If you think you can even hope to match me with Soba, you are sorely mistaken."

The crowd began to cheer and jest at Soma while they agreed with Nene's statement.

"appreciate the warning" Soma said as he holds his soba dough in his hand before he throws it upon his floured up counter and slashed his knife at it. The dough turned flat before it was shredded into soba noodles perfectly "but this Soba is no ordinary Soba"

This got the crowds to be shocked on Soma's ability as it takes years for pros to make soba by hand but he just did it in a matter of seconds

"Yukihira didn't give up, did he?" Daigo asked

"No," Erina said who was close to the jail cell. "He hasn't given up. He's waiting for his chance to seize victory." Erina said.

Nene watches with interest and knew something was off. She couldn't explain it but she could feel a shadow behind her and it scared her.

'This boy, with no experience or skills in Soba… and yet… it's clear… he's closing the gap in this race.' Nene thought. She then scuffs at the idea of him actually making a better soba dish than hers. 'Hmph, as if I need to worry. The skills between us are worlds apart. It doesn't matter how much you struggle, your defeat is inevitable.'

Soma stretches his noodles as they started to get longer and a bit thinner

He continued on this action before he stopped when he turns to see Ishikki looking at Soma's cooking with a smile

"Very nice Soma-kun. You're so calm and composed." Isshiki said.

"shouldn't you be cooking, Isshiki-senpai?" Soma asks.

"Oh don't worry about me. I'm just waiting for a charcoal fire to start up. Besides, encouraging the other members is also a part of teamwork! Really brings me back to the times we spent during that extra training under the moonlight. And of the youthful days living at the Polar Star Dorm!" Isshiki said as he was crying tears of joy at the thought of it.

"Isshiki! I've had enough of your inattentive attitude!" Julio the eighth seat shouted. He began to ramble on as the crowd got excited about his signature technique.

"I hate to ask this of you," Isshiki said as Julio looks at Isshiki. "But what's your name again?"

Julio felt like the world just left him. He was shocked that Isshiki didn't even remember who he was.

"Isshiki! I'm disappointed in you! You can't even remember the name of your own classmate?!" Rindo shouted.

"Awe, Rindo-senpai. You look gorgeous with your hair tied up." Isshiki said.

"Oh! You think so?" Rindo said as she looks pleased.

"Please don't change the topic!" Julio shouted. "Isshiki, I'm going to burn this into your memory, of the great Julio!"

"you sure attract some weird people, senpai" Soma said

"It would seem so," Isshiki said.

Julio, however, wasn't done. He threw insult after insult to Isshiki who wasn't even fazed by it. Then he threw insults at Polar Star Dorm. Isshiki apparently decided to show why he was a former elite ten member.

"Would you please… shut up for a moment." Isshiki said. In saying that Isshiki cuts his eel through the gut faster than most people could see. "Never mind the insults thrown at me, but I can't stand it if you insult my dorm. Alright then, I've made up my mind. I'm going to get serious, and I'm going to crush you." Isshiki declared as everyone was stun by Isshiki's skills.

"Still I find it hard to believe he's that same n…naked apron guy," Arato said.

"Yeah," Nikumi said.

"Hey! What are you talking about? What is 'Naked Apron'. Tell me Hishoko-chan, Nikumi-chan!" Alice shouted but both girls ignore her.

"But how does Isshiki-senpai know that technique?" Sakaki wonders.

It was here, Erina began to explain the power of the Kinokuni and Isshiki families. Revealing to everyone that Nene Kinokuni and Satoshi Isshiki were childhood friends.

"No we weren't. He was just a freeloader who was training at my home." Nene protested who overhead everything.

"I see you're still as spiky as always. Why do you insist on painting me as the villain in your glasses?" Isshiki said.

"You already know full well why," Nene said as she grabs her ingredients and starts to prepare her dish.

Soma holds a plate filled with his noodles as he made quite a lot

"Make sure you make it to the second bout," Nene said as she begins to make her dish. "You'll fight me there."

"A little short-tempered aren't we? If I lose to Julio-kun, I won't be able to make it to the second round will I?" Isshiki said.

"Still insisting on playing dumb. You need to cut it out. We already know, everyone in the Elite Ten, not just me. The only reason why I was ranked higher than you in the Elite Ten, was because you didn't actually try your best. You've always been like that. Always surpassing me with ease at things I spent hourless working on. Yet at the same time, you still hold back. That really makes me feel pathetic. Which one of us is the best of the 91st Generation? I'll prove it to you in the next bout." Nene said.

"I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen," Isshiki said without turning to Nene. "Because, long before you get the chance, you're going to lose to the chef named Yukihira Soma."

Nene was shocked by Isshiki's statement.

"Yukihira Soma has taken something out. It's a giant frying pan!" Urara said.

Yukihira Soma began to blaze the frying pan and to everyone's surprise, he puts the soba noodles in the frying pan.

Nene herself was confused. She knew frying Soba noodles would destroy its delicate flavor.

"What a second, where are the judges?" Yuki shouted.

"An important factor of this. Where are the judges?" Ryoko said.

As if on cue a woman walks in with several books in her arms. She sets them down at the judge's table.

Marui began to freak out as he saw the book.

"What is it Marui?"

"It can't be." Marui manages to say. "Why did they attend a shokugeki?" Marui said as he adjusts his glasses.

"Are these judges important?" Hayama asks.

"they are! They can either boost a chef's status or destroy it. The W.G.O." Marui said.

"W.G.O.?" The expelled students said.

"The World Gourment Organization. They are renowned for evaluating countless restaurants. Every single one of them is like Nakiri Erina in having a 'God's Tongue'. The highest awareness they can give is 'three stars' to a chef. A single star alone will cause a chef career to skyrocket. Every year they evaluate restaurants and their printings are called 'The Book'. I can't believe it. I thought I would never see them." Marui explains.

'W.G.O. Now I see. Absolute fair judges.' Erina thought as she looks at the judge as they begin to take their seat. 'Truth be told. There is no one better for the job. These judges can't be bribed or bought. So Eizan schemes won't work. If he tries it, then Central will be disqualified. We really do, have to make the best dish. Soma… I'm counting on you.'

"You boy, If I'm reading your shirt correct it says 'Yukihira Diner' correct." Anne the First Examiner said.

"It's where I work," Soma replied while focusing on cooking his dish

"Don't worry, there's no reason to despair," Anne said with eyes filled with pity

"is that some sort of joke?" Soma asked as his eyes glowed

Other students began to shout out about Soma's origins. Many were disgusted with Soma's origin.

"Quiet," Anne said and the audience fell silent from all their shouts. "His origin isn't it in question," Anne said softly. "The dish he presents is."

"Precisely so. All the relevant factors for an evaluation lie in a single place: the plate." Charme, the Second-Class Examiner said.

"All will be judged fairly and truly. I swear this upon 'the Book'." Histoire said. In saying that, the three sat down at the judge's table.

Azami looks at the judge's table before looking to Soma as he looks interested in the young man

"as I thought….being Saiba-senpai's son….you inherited it….the blood of the Shura"

"Kinokuni-senpai has finished her Soba first. She presents it to the judges." Urara said.

"Awe, it's truly lovely," Anne said as she looks at the Soba dish by Nene.

They ate the Soba with a happy expression and Nene beamed with confidence. She turns to glare at Isshiki who was finishing his own plate.

'Isshiki, after seeing this, you're going to take back what you said. There is no way a first-year diner brat with no Soba skills can match me. The true test to see who is the best of our year isn't that far off.'

Nene, however, smelled something delectable coming from behind her as the smell nearly made her faint

"three Yukihira Style Instant Yakisoba." Soma said as he walks forward with three dishes of his own as he presents them to the judges. "order up"

Nene saw the soba as it shines like golden strings

The judges grab their chopsticks and blow on the soba which was steaming off heat. They blow to cool it off and take a bite.

"it won't matter what you make, Yukihira Soma!" Nene looks at the young chef who crossed his arms over his chest "my Soba is supreme!"

"It's alive!" Histoire said. "The aroma and flavor of the soba… it's still alive and well!"

"Rich flavors flow within his Soba," Anne said.

"It's what?" Nene shouted in protested.

"The oils from the duck fat are giving the Soba a rich flavor," Histoire said.

"And yet the flavors from the Soba itself are coming through perfectly," Anne said.

"It can't be," Nene said as she quickly goes over to Soma's workstation. The audience was stun beyond belief. They had a hard time hearing it correctly. The sixth seat lost in Soba. "He used third flour?" Nene said in disbelief.

"Kinokuni Nene-san, am I wrong?" Anne said.

"What is it?" She said.

"You still have Soba left don't you? Why don't you try it." Anne said.

"That's ridiculous. Why should I have to try his soba?" Nene protested.

"No. Not his… I want you to taste yours." Anne said. "Then you will see, why our decision was unanimous."

Nene pours her dish with soba and taste from it.

'Nothing is wrong with it. I've made this type of soba a thousand times. There is nothing wrong with it.' Nene thought as she tastes her soba. Then her amazement, the taste did indeed taste different from normal. This wasn't her soba.

"But… why?" Nene said with shaking hands. "I've made this countless times. I didn't make any errors. So why…"

"Because the arena itself was against you," Erina said. Everyone turns to Erina. Nene looks at Erina with a shock written upon her face. "Soba needs to be in a temperature control environment. The reason why Soma-Kun fried his soba was that the current weather conditions are actually bad for soba making."

"The flavor and armor don't live up to the soba I usually make, am I wrong?" Anne said. "The flavor of Mister Yukihira's soba came through much more directly."

"So it's ambient temperature. Soma-kun realized the effects the temperature of the room would have!" Alice said. Alice then explains the chemical compounds why Kinokuni Nene lost.

"Miss Kinokuni's soba was a dish in which you could taste light and delicate flavors intermingling with one another. That's exactly why it felt the full brunt of the effects of the room temperature. However, Mister Yukihira soba was different." Anne said. "He was able to cover these unfavorable conditions for soba aroma by intentionally adding heat! Strong-smelling oils and the savory fragrance of the scorched noodles. These factors all came together as the overall appeal to his dish!"

"That's impossible!" Nene protested. "That is nothing more but a coincidence. He just happened to use third flour without regard for…"

"No. This was no coincidence." Isshiki said interrupting Nene as she turns to her childhood rival. "Why you ask, its because Soma-kun predicted this would happen from the start. Right, Soma-kun?"

"Well I didn't realize the temperature of the room would be the culprit but I have handle soba in the past before. When I was choosing my soba flour, something felt off more than usual. Compare to all the other times I've handled soba at home or in class, the smell was off. That's why I try to fry it in oil. In order to make a dish that would enhance the aroma of the soba even further. I knew first flour wouldn't cut it. It wouldn't have been able to survive the frying process. Its seed is too thin. However third flour is much thicker and takes it. And in doing so, even in these conditions that impede the flavor and aroma of soba… I'd still be able to deliver that savory soba goodness to our venerable judges, y' know." Soma said with a small smirk

Nene looks at him in shock as she was struck by the reality that she was losing in her own specialty

"if you don't believe it, then you have to try it then," Soma said as he was holding a bowl of his own Yakisoba to Nene "my soba"

Nene takes it and looks at it. It redefines her traditional style.

"Now then, on the other hand, Kinokuni-Kun… when soba was selected as the theme, did the thought of using second or third flour even occur to you for even a moment?" Isshiki said.

Nene looks at him. "What?" was all she could say.

"The answer is no. Because as long as you've been taught, as long as you can remember, you've been taught and told, that within the Kinokuni style of soba, 'First Flour Soba' is the ultimate dish. It's the only dish you know how to make." Isshiki said in a stern voice. Nene looks at him as he belittles her for her weakness.

"You were always a diligent girl, who would steadily learn and master all sorts of techniques, however at the same time… you never tried anything new. You were merely recreating exactly what you learn and stick to that one style you've been taught. You also never once thought of the simple rule of a chef and consider the true nature of things. Will people enjoy my soba? Will the flavors really be conveyed to the people who are about to eat it? You had no regard for such things and that is exactly why… you lost to Soma-Kun before the match even began." Isshiki said.

Nene looks down and realized what Isshiki was saying was true. She was thinking so hard about all the training she did and all the times she spent perfecting her dish.

"Hey tell me…" Nene began as she turns to Soma. "How were you able to see that far ahead. I don't understand it all. This is a shokugeki! Simply trying to perform at your usual level is enough to freeze your nerves as it is! How were you able to wrap your head around such minute details in the middle of a life and death match?"

"Nothing about this is terrifying at all," Soma said as Nene looks at him in surprise. "When you're serving customers day in and day out, you're putting your restaurant reputation on the line. Doing this kind of stuff is just par for the course"

Nene looks at him in surprise as Soma looks at her before walking away

'Now do you understand. Soma-kun has followed that simple rule all his life. The same reason why facing him is so terrifying. All for the sake of his customer's enjoyment and meal, he can and will realize and carry out any variations necessary. He's constantly playing things by the ear and adapting to the moment. And that is what he cultivated for years at his diner.' Isshiki thought as he looks at Soma. 'That is the origin of his strength. Something few Totsuki students and chefs… have.'

Nene tries Soma dish and she was overwhelmed by the flavors and aroma it produces.

"The victor is Yukihira Soma of the Rebel Alliance!" Anne said.

"It wasn't much!" Soma said as he unwraps his headband.

Soma went to his team and they gave him high fives. Soma looks at Erina and she gave him a big smile

The screen for the third bout showed 3 – 0 for Soma as he was the instant winner

"Do not fear Nene-senpai! Julio is here to secure a victory and avenge your loss!" Julio shouted as he presents his dish.

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The judges ate it and it felt wonderful.

"That's impressive," Isshiki said as he presents his dish. "Here, mine, Hitsumabushi: Polar Star Dorm Flavor!"

The judges ate his dish and were taken back by the flavors it produces.

"The winner of the second bout is… Isshiki Satoshi!"

The score showed it was unanimous. 3 – 0

Julio eats his dish to see the difference but was overwhelmed by the flavors it produces. He ended up apologizing to the Polar Star Dorms residence for his insults.

"Goddamn it!" Urara shouted. "This is the Régiment may have won a couple of points but that means nothing. That has nothing to do with the final score." As the crowd began to cheer and reply that their victory was hopeless. "For your information, the one fighting in the last card in the first bout is none other than our dear senpai, the Elite Ten Council member Shouko Kaburagi! Even though she's still a second year, she mowed down her seniors one after another in the Elite Ten Battle Royal. Director Azami himself praised her talents! Her skills got her the fifth seat! So don't get carried away with two measly cards!"

"Right, right," Kuga said with a smile on his face. "However, if I recall correctly… her opponent right now happens to be the former third seat, no?"

This caused Urara and the crowd to fall silent. Everyone turns to look at the outcome of the first bout.

They quickly check to see what had happened and to their horror, the fifth seat was on her back as she was overwhelmed by the former third seat's power.

"This means… a flawless victory for the Rebels!" Alice said with joy.

"This is bad." Some Saito, the Fourth Seat said. "If we sustain another loss like that… we may be crushed by the third bout."

"There will be a ninety-minute break period. Contestants, please return to your waiting room during this period. Please use this time to strategize over who will participate in the second bout." An announcement said over the speakers.

The rebels all smiled knowing they just won a great victory over Central.