
Shokugeki: The Demon Chef [Completed]

What if Soma and Erina meet during their childhood and they become friends. How does their childhood friendship influence the plot of Shokugeki no Soma? To find out follow the story of "The Demon Chef" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may find this fanfic in fanfiction.net. You can say I was sort of co-author for this fanfic. We (Me and Kira) have written this fanfic and another one-shot 'Sorina'. You can find that in fanfiction.net So, you guys don't worry about copyright issues. I will be uploading it in WN whilst improvising its grammar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover pic doesn't belong to me. I found it on Google Images. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally, have fun reading the fanfic and don't forget to RATE and POWER it.

Im_Groot · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

The Second Bout

"Right," Erina said as she begins the meeting. They were all eating a light meal to preserve their strength. "I know we want to celebrate our victory in the first bout, but we cannot let our guard down. The war is far from over."

"Even I have to admit it, but the Elite Ten must be feeling the pressure from the first bout. I mean, everyone predicted we would lose and get swept by us. So it wouldn't surprise me if they went with Tsukasa Eishi or Kobayashi Rindo." Hisako said.

"The First and Second seat." Yuki and Ryoko said together.

"Before that, where is Soma-kun? I was sure he was going to insist on fighting again even before listening to our strategy." Isshiki asks.

"He did but he had to go to the bathroom for a moment," Erina replies.

"Awe, that makes sense," Isshiki said with a smile.

"Never the less, we have to get ready for the second bout," Takumi said.

"Regardless of who the enemy is. I will crush them with overwhelming strength." Megishima said.

"I'm itching to battle. I've perfected my ability. The 'trace' and I'm ready to go anytime." Mimasaka said.

"Regardless, Nakiri-kun, you're the one to make the decision. As a team captain, it's your decision." Isshiki said.

Erina puts her finger under her chin and tries to think hard.

As Erina thinks of who should go next. Soma and Kuga walk back in. Kuga looking a bit smug than usual.

"What got you so happy Kuga?" Isshiki asks.

"Tsukasa-san just agreed to do a Shokugeki against him," Soma said.

Everyone was surprised by this.

"Senpai, I know you've love to defeat Tsukasa-san, but you need to think carefully. If you lose, then this will set us back." Erina said as she steps forward.

"Erina-chi, you don't understand. The words 'Who is Kuga' will never appear on Tsukasa's lips again. I have worked hard to perfect my dishes and improve myself to defeat him. I will not fail." Kuga said.

"very well" Erina said with a sigh "the next bout's contestants are…"

They walk out and enter the arena. Kuga, Megishima, and Mimasaka all forward towards the center.

No sooner had they walk into the arena, Central come out. Tsusaka Eishi, Rindo Kobayashi, and Somei Saito all step forward. The two teams look at one another as they stare down at each other.

"The second bout is about to be underway, once again, it will be a three vs. three matches. Now contestants, please pick your opponents." Urara said.

"Looks like you got your wish, Kuga," Tsukasa said.

"Which of you wants to fight me? Any takers?" Rindo asks.

"I will," Megishima said as he steps forward.

"Oh, I see you've changed a bit, Megishima," Rindo said with a smile.

"In that case, I'll take you on," Saito said to Mimasaka.

"I'm the one called Saito Somei… today I shall walk the path of cuisine I believe in! If you insist on standing in my way I shall cut you down where you stand!" Mimasaka said copying Saito

"What an interesting man you are. Very well, let's duel." Saito said.

They all look at each other and were ready for a fight.

"It seems like this is going to be an easy match. Consider what happened between us last time, Kuga." Tsukasa said.

"You'll find things are different this time, Tsukasa-san," Kuga replies.

"Now then… let us once again decide the theme of the match by drawing lots. You are free to pick them yourselves, rebels." Saito said.

"But I want to do it!" Rindo said as she got in Saito's face.

"What?" Was all he could say.

"I wanna do the lottery drawing," Rindo said. In saying that she goes to the lottery lot machine and reaches in with a goofy expression on her face. She looks like she was enjoying herself.

"Sorry about this Megishima," Saito said as he apologizes to the former Third Seat.

"It's not trouble." Replies to the new Fourth Seat.

Rindo pulls out her lottery ticket and looks at it. She then shows it to Megishima.

Green Tea

Kuga walks forward and pulls out his lot. He then got a very big smile on his face. He shows it to Tsukasa said.

Chili Peppers

Tsukasa said he had a blank look on his face as he stares at the lottery ticket.

Mimasaka pulls out his lottery ticket and shows it to Saito.


"The theme has been set. In the first card, we have the First Seat, Tsukasa Eishi vs. Terunori Kuga, the former Eighth Seat. The theme is Chili Peppers. In the second card, we have the Second Seat Rindo Kobayashi vs the former Third Seat, Tosuke Megishima. The theme is Green Tea. In the third card, we have the Fourth Seat, Somei Saito vs. Subaru Mimasaka. The theme is Tuna. Contestants, you have one hour to collect your ingredients from the storage." Urara said.

They disappeared into the storage and went to collect their ingredients.

Soma was standing with the rest of the rebels, anxious to know the results of the second bout.

"just wait" Soma looks at his knives' suitcase as he can feel that his black knife was calling out to him "you will get your turn"

'If we can at least score one win, it will still crush Central's momentum. If one of the top chefs from Central is eliminated, it will be a huge factor for us going into the Third Bout.' Erina thought.

They came back with only a few minutes to spare.

Kuga immediately got to work and look like he was going to make his own dish.

'The theme for the first card is Chili Peppers. This is Kuga's specialty. Tsukasa-san knows he's in trouble given how much Kuga-senpai specializes in spicy foods. Especially with chili peppers.' Erina thought as she eyes the First Card.

"Let's do this Megishima!" Rindo shouted as she pulls out a box from her personal belongings. She opens it and everyone looks at the small alligator inside.

Megishima stares at her as she prepares her live ingredient.

"If you think you're unusual style is going to win, think again, Rindo," Megishima said as he pulls out a large chashu (Japanese roasted pork) and looks at her. "I am here to win."

"Tell me though," Rindo said as she looks up from her knives. "You've never been the type to enter shokugekis. You've always hated them. So why… why would you align yourself with Yukihira Soma?"


It was three days before the final battle, the rebels trained stopped at a station for a moment to refuel as this gave some time for Soma and the others to rest a bit

"where are we going, Soma?" Erina asked Soma who walked into the middle of the snowy field

"we're going to pick up our last member," Soma said before a military helicopter came flying in

"yo! Soma! You called a chopper!?" Ginman came out of the helicopter

"osu!" Soma replied before motioning Erina to come with him

The two rides on the helicopter as it flew away to a small town

After getting off the helicopter, Erina and Soma made their way to a local ramen shop that had a large crowd surrounding it

"This is the place," Erina said.

"But what's with the crowd?" Soma said.

A couple of people turn to look at them.

"Oh, their uniforms. They're from Totsuki!"

"Whoa fuck's you two. Snitching for the enemy side ain'tcha?!" the other said.

Erina was surprised by this comment as Soma got in front of her

"Now wait a sec. which side is the enemy here?" Soma asks as he puts an arm out in front of Erina.

"The Azami Administration duh! Central!" One of the men said as he holds up a local newspaper. The title read 'Business or Blackmail' Azami was shaking hands with a food industry manager and he had a gloomy look on his face as did his associates.

"I saw we send them back to Totsuki in pieces." His partner said.

"Wait we're not with Central," Soma said.

"That what they all say." The other guy said.

"then ask your boss that his challenger came here personally," Soma said with a serious hard stare

The two guys look at each other before looking back at the pair.

"so you're the arrogant brat on the phone, huh?" the guy said before making a path for him

"Fine you can see the boss, but we're watching." They said.

Soma nods his head as he holds Erina's hand before the two walks inside as the people parted ways for them.

Several people, ramen owners by the look of things, were on their knees before Megishima as they pleaded with him what was going on.

"I understand. I'll start off by mobilizing all my connections to keep the good flowing. I will protect your ramen. Stand true and brace yourselves." Megishima said.

"Thank you, young master." The ramen chef's shouted.

"You're worth a hundred, no a thousand ramen chefs." Another said.

"Yo, senpai," Soma said.

Everyone became quiet as they look at the two.

"Totsuki." One chef said.

"Yeah, it's Totsuki students." Another said.

"What brings them here?" Another wondered.

"Yukihira Soma. I believe I've already given you my answer. The answer is no." Megishima said.

"Why?" Erina asks.

"Your Régiment de Cuisine is not the stage for my debut," Megishima said.

"They took your third seat from you. If you fight alongside us and help us win, you can regain your position." Soma said.

"I dislike the competition in general. But ever since I join Totsuki, everyone I meet only cares for battles and duels. What a depressing dog-eat-dog world. Every day, even my own classmates kept challenging me to a shokugeki." Megishima said.

"Then why did you join Totsuki?" Soma asks.

"Because I heard it was the best culinary school in Japan. Some of them wouldn't just leave me alone, so I said yes, hoping they would go away. This kept happening and then before I realized it, I had become the third seat." Megishima said. "But I'm already fed up with it all. As a chef, the only battle I care about is the battle to win my client's and customers' satisfaction. I don't make ramen to show off in public matches. I will not debate it in this way."

"I understand your position senpai, but please let me ask one more time. Our friends are facing expulsion if we don't win. We need every able chef we can get to save them and Totsuki." Erina said.

"I, too, have something to protect. That is the culture of Ramen! Sorry, but I have no intention to support your fight. I already have my hands full with my own problems." Megishima said.

Erina looks down as this seemed pointless to go on

"I feel bad for you kid, best to give up. When the Young Master puts his mind to something, he ain't the type to go back." A ramen chef said.

"Then how about this, Megishima-senpai. From what I understand Central is causing you all sorts of problems. If you help us win, then you can partiality to the Ramen Industry." Soma said as he unwraps his headband from his hand

Megishima looks at him with a long hard stare.

"I dislike battles as a whole. But I hold an even greater dislike for those who have no prowess to back their claims. Get out of my sight." Megishima said as he turns around to look outside.

"That's funny, senpai," Soma said as he wraps his headband on. "How would you know that without ever seeing my skills in person? If I can make a bowl of ramen even more delicious than yours, will that serve to prove that I'm not just all talk?"

Megishima looks back at him with an annoyed look on his face.

"Defeat me in a battle with ramen? Boy, if that's not all talk then I don't know what is. Get me, five senior ramen chefs. You meet me in the kitchen. Do not misunderstand. This is not a challenge nor a battle. But a hard lesson for my young underclassman." Megishima said.

Soma had a smile on his face.

However, that smile soon faded when Megishima easily overpowered Soma.

However, Soma didn't give up. He kept challenging Megishima over and over again.

'This is the tenth bowl. Soma hasn't gotten a single vote yet.' Erina watched as Soma's dish was defeated again by Megishima

"As usual, the Young Master's ramen is out of this world." A ramen chef said.

Four chefs voted for Megishima.

"Ano… Boss… I hate to say this. But… I think… the kid's ramen is better." The final chef said.

'That's Soma-kun's first vote.' Erina realized as it was now a 4 – 1 vote.

Megishima was taken back as he looks at Soma who stood with his knife at hand

"again," Soma said as they started cooking again and again before long

"The winner is Soma," Erina said with a smile as Soma won against Megishima Tosuke

"Why do you try so hard?" Megishima asks. "Why are you so stubborn?"

"I defiantly care about my friends. But there's something more. Something I just don't like about this. I want… dishes to show freedom in their creation. But the Azami Administration… Central is trying to enforce the exact opposite." Soma said "For Tonkatsu, Yakitori, Curry, and Hot Pots, I mean, it could be anything. Anyway, I just want to try all sorts of dishes made by all sorts of people… and compete with them in their own dishes. The more people there are that can make completely different dishes than yourself… the more fun the world is. That's what I want to protect. A world just like that. That's why… I want… one…more…match…"

Soma suddenly fell backward as he was extremely tired

"Soma!" Erina rushes forward and grabs him before he hits the ground.

"Nakiri Erina," Megishima said as he undoes his headband. "If I help you win, you will support the Ramen Industries?"

Erina looks up at the much taller Megishima before nodding

"I will," Erina said. "In fact, when we win… you can even get whatever you want for the Ramen Industries. My grandfather will agree. You can even set it up yourself. I'm sure no one will object."

"I'm not one for Shokugeki's," Megishima said.

"Megishima-senpai. Given the problems, the ramen industries are currently having… wouldn't it be safe to say… that Central is the root of your problems. If you defeat Central, you will restore and protect the Ramen Industries. You know as well as I do, that my father and Central must be stopped." Erina said.

"What did she say?" A chef shouted.

"Her father!" Another shouted.

They all made to advance on her and Erina was afraid. She's never seen so many angry chefs.

She closed her eyes unable to witness what they were about to do. She holds on to Soma as hard as she could.

But no harm came. If anything it went very quiet.

Mustering some courage, Erina slowly opens her eyes. No one approaches her or was near her. They all had stopped. She looks at Megishima and saw why. He held his hand up that caused them to stop.

"Yukihira Soma. What an interesting guy. I lost. I admit it. Therefore, if you hold your end of the deal, I will join you in the Régiment de Cuisine and I promise you… I will give you my all for the sake of victory." Megishima said.

Erina smiled as Soma's recklessness paid off.

Flashback Ends

Megishima pulls out his noodle shakers and stands tall. "Sometimes, you have to fight more for yourself. Yukihira Soma shows much promising as a chef. I will not let his talents go to waste."

Rindo smiles. "This may be hard for you to believe, but I like Yukihira Soma as well. However… you know you can't beat me. It's why during our time in the Elite Ten together, I was a rank higher than you."

"The only reason why you were rank higher than me, is because I didn't give it my all. This time… you will face the might… of the Ramen Master." Megishima declares.

Rindo smiles and looks down at her ingredient. Only to discover it was gone.

"Where did it go?" She asks.

Urara began to freak out as the alligator was running towards her and Rindo was chasing it.

Soma watches the match carefully. Erina told him to watch the best of the Elite Ten's matches so they could come up with counter-strategies against them further down the matches. Soma was going to watch the matches carefully.

"Hey Erina," Soma called out to her

"What is it?" Erina asks.

"What do you think about how these matches will go?" Soma asks.

"Hard to say. This is without a doubt our toughest challenge to date. If we can at least get one win, it will be a great benefit for the rebel alliance. However, it will be tough. These three, are without a doubt, the best Central has to offer." Erina replies.

Soma watches as everyone was handling their ingredients. None of them had actually started cooking yet.

"Oh, Kuga-senpai is starting to cook," Soma said as he looks at Kuga. He was the only one who was cooking. It was making his traditional style Chinese food that got him the eighth seat of the Elite Ten Council.

Tsukasa looks at Kuga who seemed really passionate about his cooking. He looks like he was having fun.

"Kuga, without a doubt, you are a splendid chef. However, you know you can't beat me. Even if chili peppers are your specialty you can't win. Why do you try so hard? I can already tell, just by looking at your dish, you will ruin the dish flavor with over spicing your food." Tsukasa said.

"You sure about that?" Mimasaka said as he tosses something to Kuga. It was a jar full of black liquid. Tsukasa looks at Mimasuka in surprise.

"Teammates are allowed to help one another in a Régiment Shokugeki, right?" Mimasuka said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Mimasaka-chin, I've been waiting for this," Kuga said as pours the black liquid into his meal.

"I'm Kuga, and I'm the chef who will beat Tsukasa-san!" Mimasaka said.

"Yeah, cut it out," Kuga said.

"This smell is… soy sauce!" Hayama said.

"It smells like it, but it's different than normal soy sauce," Yuki said as she sniffs it.

"That's because he smokes the soy sauce before he gave it to Kuga," Shun said.

"Smoke soy sauce?!" The expelled students said.

"It makes sense. Soy sauce goes well with chili peppers if blend correctly. Not only will it bring out the chili peppers to another level. In other words, Kuga's meal is going to be mild yet spicy." Erina explains.

"However, doesn't it seem like Tsukasa-san, is taking on two opponents at once?" Yuki said.

"That's allowed," Erina said.

"That's cheating Kuga!" The first years shouted in disapproval.

"What can I say! I'm not the kind of person who will not accept help over my pride, no sir. Besides, I have my cute underclassmen waiting behind me. and I can't exactly take it easy with them on the sidelines." Kuga said with a smile.

"I see, you really have changed, Kuga. However, you still cannot win. That I can guarantee." Tsukasa said.

Kuga smiles and places an aluminum foil over his skillet and begins to smoke his food. He pours the soy sauce over it and blends it.

"You seem to be more focused on helping your teammates than rather focus on your own cooking. If you fall behind you'll be eliminated." Saito said as he cuts his tuna. Mimasaka cuts his own tuna perfectly.

Saito was a bit surprised by his speed and abilities.

"Saito Somei is my name… I follow the way of cooking I believe in." Mimasaka said.

"As with the sword, one could learn is to imitate… your skills of copying are truly formidable, and it is magnificent! However, even I, who values bushido will never refer to myself that way. Perhaps your image training is lacking." Saito said.

"Nah, you use it all the time," Rindo said.

"He sure does," Tsukasa said.

"Yep," Momo said from the sidelines.

"You guys!" Saito said in surprise.

"He does," Megishima said.

"Megishima, even you!" Saito said in surprise to the former third seat.

"I take it he's really skilled," Soma said.

"Yeah, he's pretty eccentric too," Megishima replies back to Soma.

Saito removes his traditional bōchō and hands it over to Mimasaka.

"Use it." He said.

"H-H-H-H-Hold on Saito-senpai! What are you…" Urara began who looked nervous and scared of what he was doing.

"I am merely leveling the playing field. I will not resort to underhand tactics to win. I always win my matches fair and square. Mimasaka also used his massive frame and the large knife to take apart his tuna. However, that knife is far inferior to my sword, and its blade is likely to be chipped. Therefore, if you do not wield my beloved blade 'Isanakiri' in turn, it would be most unfair. Otherwise, it shall violate my bushido code and I must forfeit the match. That I cannot allow!" Saito said.

"There he goes again!" Rindo said happily.

"It's an annoying habit of his," Megishima said.

'So he's one who takes the samurai code really seriously.' Soma realized.

"I thank thee…" Mimasaka said as he accepts the blade. He unsheathes it. "With this, my trace may come yet closer to perfection!" He said with a smile. With that said, he cuts his tuna into perfect slices.

"There, we have both finished preparing out tuna… now the real cooking shall begin." Saito said.

With that said, both of them immediately got to cooking their tuna. Cutting it, placing it. Then they cook the tuna to the best of their abilities.

Mimasaka remembers his training to perfectly copy the Elite Ten and their cooking. He remembers the toll it took on their body. He remembers his shokugeki's with Takumi Aldini and Yukihira Soma. He knew he would have to return the favor, and win this match for the sake of his fellow chefs.

With only ten minutes left to go, both Central and the Rebel chefs began to finalize their plate.

"Shut the hell up!" Urara said as she bangs on the cage door with her mic. The rebels turn to look at her. Mimasaka had placed an eleven jewel sushi while Saito had place ten. The rebels were excited because they thought they had won.

"You rebel scums have been shooting off your mouths far too much and saying too many cocky things! Do you guys think you can match up with Saito-senpai?! Well, think again! The techniques of sushi chefs are the epitome of divinity! We even learned that in class! There is no way, Saito-senpai, the best sushi chef in the world, would lose to a mere copycat!" Urara shouted.

"Then why don't you test it out?" Mimasaka said as he creates three new sushi. He then presents them to Urara. "Why don't you be the judge of my sushi?" He said with a smile. "Feast to thy heart's desire."

Urara said nothing as she takes sushi with a shaky hand and pops it in her mouth. She was overwhelmed by the overwhelming flavor he was able to produce.

"It can't be…" Urara said as she was close to tears.

"Wait a minute!" Rindo shouted as she presents her dish. "I want you to taste my dish as well! While it's still hot if you don't mind!"

One by one, all six chefs present their dishes.

"Then, let us begin the judging," Anne said.

Tsukasa walks over to the point he was near Soma.

"Sorry about that, I know you work hard in gathering your allies," Tsukasa said.

First Card: Terunori Kuga 0 – 3 Eishi Tsukasa

Third Card: Subaru Mimasaka 0 – 3 Somei Saito

The students in the stands cheered believing in their senpai's in a flawless victory. The rebel students and expelled students look on in disbelief.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that Tsukasa-san," Erina said as she steps forward. She stood tall and proud.

"What do you mean, Nakiri-san?" Tsukasa asks.

"You and Saito may have won your match, but you're forgetting about the second card," Erina replies as she points to the scoreboard.

Tsukasa and Saito look at what Erina was pointing to and sees to their horror, they didn't get the flawless victory as the rebels did in the first bout.

Second Card: Tosuke Megishima 2 – 1 Rindo Kobayashi

Megishima stood over Rindo who had collapsed from the overwhelming power of the former third seat.

"Rindo!" Tsukasa said in surprise.

"Megishima's ramen was really something else," Rindo mutters.

"This isn't good. They have six people left and we have four. If we suffer another flawless defeat, we're going to be in trouble. Can we do a two vs. two?" Saito asks turning to the rebels.

"That's because of we first years…" Soma said as he steps forward with Megumi and Takumi beside him "are going to take the third bout!"

Saito sighs.

"I'm going to pass on the third bout," Tsukasa said.

Everyone turns to look at him. The audience was stun with shock. The first seat was their best and he was the best hope they had at crushing the rebels.

"That match with Kuga has left me drained. I never expected him to make a dish like that. Even with Mimasaka assistance. I need to rest. I'm going to need all night to recover… and perhaps all of tomorrow. So I'm out. Speaking of which, you seem to have walked away fine Saito." Tsukasa said turning to the Fourth Seat.

"I wouldn't say that," Saito said. He sighs and rubs his shoulders. "This battle was taxing on me as well. It was like I was facing my own shadow. The perfect trace was a formidable opponent. It wasn't an easy victory for me. However, it should be good for tomorrow's bout." Saito said.

"Then that means, Eizan and Momo will join you tomorrow," Tsukasa said. Central officials went to gather Rindo who hasn't even gotten back up yet. She was completely overwhelmed and exhausted. "Rindo will need more time to recover. She took on Megishima after all."

"Yeah, I can only imagine what that was like," Saito said. "When he is serious, I doubt even you can defeat him. It's almost terrifying."

Megishima said nothing as he walks back to the rebels. Kuga falls on his back and he was disappointed with the results. Yet he knew he got under Tsukasa's skin. It was more than enough.

"Yukihira Soma. Unfortunately, I must rest as well. The battle with Rindo has burned me out too. I'll pray for a swift victory tomorrow." Megishima said.

"Take it easy, senpai… we first years… are going in for the win." Soma said.

"Then it's settled," Saito said.

"Before you go senpai," Soma said as Central turn to leave. They look back at Soma. "Why don't we decided here and now who we are going to face, and what the theme is."

"That is fine," Saito said as Tsukasa turns to leave. He took several steps then he falls to his knees.

Tsukasa was shocked he was more drained then he expected. His arms were actually shaking and his vision was getting blurry.

"Tsukasa-senpai!" Central shouted.

"Get him to the clinic right away!" A Central official said.

Azami watch this unfold and was shocked. It was clear now he would not get an easy victory. He puts his hand up to his chin and thinks carefully. The strategy was almost too perfect to take out the First Seat. The Second Seat was eliminated. He still had the Third and Fourth Seat, yet even he could see Central was in real trouble.

"Kuga really did a number on him. That was almost too terrifying. The old Kuga would have never been able to phase Tsukasa. So, you are the challengers. You pick your opponents." Saito said as Eizan and Momo walk up beside him.

"Ano, I want Momo-senpai," Megumi said in a quick yet small voice.

Takumi and Soma look at her in surprise.

"You do realize, as the Third Seat, she is the strongest of the group right?" Takumi said as he tried to voice his reason.

"Please. I want to do this." Megumi said, with a bit of confidence in her voice.

"Very well. Then I want Eizan-senpai." Takumi said as he looks at Eizan.

"Fuck that!" Eizan protested. "I came here to crush Yukihira! I don't want…" Eizan began to rant, only for Saito to interrupt him.

"Then that means; Yukihira Soma… you are my opponent. I trust you have no objections." Saito said.

"Nope. If anything, I'm looking forward to our match." Soma said. Eizan began to show his frustrations and anger.

"Then it's settle," Saito said. "Choose the theme."

Soma walks up first and grabs his lottery: Butter

Takumi takes his turn and drew his lot: Beef.

Megumi takes her turn and to her surprise, she drew: Apple.

"Then the theme is set. In twelve hours we will battle for the third bout." Saito said.

"One piece of advice before you go senpai," Soma said as he turns to leave. He looks back with a smile. "It would be wise not to underestimate our first years."

"You may have the skills to defeat the second years, but I hardly think you are a match for us," Momo said.

"we will see about that, Momo-senpai," Soma said with a small smirk