
Shokugeki: The Demon Chef [Completed]

What if Soma and Erina meet during their childhood and they become friends. How does their childhood friendship influence the plot of Shokugeki no Soma? To find out follow the story of "The Demon Chef" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may find this fanfic in fanfiction.net. You can say I was sort of co-author for this fanfic. We (Me and Kira) have written this fanfic and another one-shot 'Sorina'. You can find that in fanfiction.net So, you guys don't worry about copyright issues. I will be uploading it in WN whilst improvising its grammar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover pic doesn't belong to me. I found it on Google Images. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally, have fun reading the fanfic and don't forget to RATE and POWER it.

Im_Groot · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Shokugeki Conditions

The days passed as Soma and the others trained hard with Dojima Gin and Joichiro as the two legends teach everything, they had in them

Soma was in the middle of polishing his black knife as it glints sharply

"maybe a bit more," Soma thought out loud as he started polishing the knife yet again

He continued on polishing and sharpening it before hearing a knock from the door

"come in," Soma said while focusing on polishing his knife

"I'm coming in" it was Erina and she looks a bit fidgeting

"what's wrong, Erina?" Soma asked Erina as he stopped sharpening his knife

"i-I just wanted to say thanks for everything" Erina said

"why's that?" Soma asked while placing away his knife into his suitcase

"b-because..ever since my father came back…..you've been helping me ever since….and I'm just very grateful to have you as my friend" Erina muttered out with a small blush on her cheeks

Soma smiled before he chuckles a bit "isn't that obvious for me to do? Helping out my best friend?"

Erina looks to Soma's smile as she smiled as well before nodding

"how about we have a game of cards? I brought poker and uno with me" Soma said taking the card games out of nowhere

"Are you always prepared?" Erina asked as Soma just grins to her

The two started to play a game of poker as Soma instantly got a bad hand

"man, I have some major bad luck with poker," Soma said out loud

"prepare to be defeated yet again," Erina said proudly

"aagh! You did something to the deck, didn't you!" Soma shouted out as he was grumbling hard

"I am the queen of poker, never underestimate me," Erina said pridefully

As the two goes on and on playing poker, Joichiro was passing by when he heard the laughter in the room

"Erina-chan….you can save Soma…..just like Tamako who saved me," he thought to himself before walking away

The time came as Soma and the others reached to a station where they would meet Azami and the other contenders in the Regiment Cuisine de Shokugeki

"An abandon station? Highly remote and not many would come here." Takumi said as the meeting site was a rather strange one

"Remember, we're here to set the terms of the Régiment de Cuisine. If you want your friends back. Then the agreement must be met on this day." Gin said.

"yeah" Soma replied

"Here comes the Elite Ten," Takumi said as they all turn to the Elite who made their way on the side of the platform.

'Father,' Erina thought as she looks at her father.

There stood with Azami are the Elite Ten members who removed Senzaemon from power

"Kinokuni, please read aloud the details of the battle. Beginning with the date." Azami said.

"Yes sir," Nene said. She pulls out a piece of paper and begins to read. "The sixth and final exam will be carried out in one month. There will be a battle stage specially installed for the Régiment Shokugeki on the Southern Tip of Rebun Island. We are planning a stadium where the ordinary students who are still currently in the midst of making their way North as part of the promotion exam can spectate the event."

"So you're planning on making a spectacle of it. Most likely to show off Central's strength as you crush the last rebels." Takumi replies.

"Understood," Senzeamon said. "I trust that for this Régiment Shokugeki that all the Elite Ten seats will be up for grabs."

"No objections," Azami said happily. "Also, let's not make special limits on how many can participate. That's one of the special features of the Régiment Shokugeki. After all, Saiba-senpai once took on fifty people. For instance, should you have more supporters, I wouldn't mind if you brought them. Whether it's fifty or a hundred people. However, it must be difficult since almost all the rebels have been expelled." Azami said.

"Also Azami there is more." Gin said.

"Oh," Azami said with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"I think we can agree, that if you win. All rebels will be expelled, and Joichiro will close down Yukihira to join your cause. However, if we win. Not only do the rebels claim the Totsuki Elite Ten Seats, but the other rebels expulsion will also be revoked as well as Central being disbanded and it's a member being expelled from Totsuki." Gin said.

"Of course. Assuming they can win." Azami said.

"That's not all. If we win… you must forever forsake the Nakiri name and cut all ties with the culinary world." Gin said.

Everyone was taken by Gin's proposal and they all look at him.

"May I ask why so steep with those terms?" Azami asks politely.

"You're asking Joichiro to give up a restaurant he created and built. You're asking him to abandon his son. Since you're asking him to do these things, you must offer something of equal value." Gin said simply.

Azami puts his hands on his chin and appeared to be thinking carefully.

"Very well. I accept." Azami said.

The Elite ten all began to pull out the Totsuki student ids.

"are those?" Takumi said as Soma nodded

"If you want to save your friends," Tsukasa said as all the Elite Ten members hold their friends' student ids up. "You better come at us with everything you got. If you want them, come and get them. I will face you with all my might."

"Believe me Tsukasa-senpai. Our rematch will be completely different. This time, I will be the one to claim the first seat." Soma declared.

"Ah," Azami said. "That's right. I've forgotten something important. It seems I've gotten a bit too excited. Erina,"

Azami said turning to his daughter. "Just to confirm in advance. In this Régiment Shokugeki, you'll be of course… on our team, right." Azami said.

Soma stood in front of Erina as the man gives Azami a hard stare

"I won't be letting you do anything against her, anymore" Soma stares hard at Azami before he felt Erina's hand grabbed his

"No," Erina said as Soma and the others look to her

Erina remembered that when she got the Tenth Seat, she was happy. Yet it wasn't enough. Something has always been missing. She found that something with Polar Star Dorm with Soma

"I understand what you're getting at father," Erina said as Azami looks at his daughter with a confused look on his face. "You believe since I am the Tenth Seat, and the Totsuki Elite Ten is now apart of Central and it's the primary source of strength. That I must fight alongside you. I, however, have decided that to achieve my dreams, I must relinquish my position as the tenth seat. From now on, I am just… Nakiri Erina!"

The Elite Ten was shocked by this statement. Nakiri Erina was taking a bold stand against her father and Central.

"Does it frustrate you, Nakiri Azami?" Soma said with a slightly smug grin. "To know, that the very thing you want you can't have. The tighter you try to hold onto her, the further she gets away."

"Erina, you of all people are going to deny me. One last chance Erina, you will fight alongside Central will you not." Azami said as he had that dark voidness look in his eyes

"I have already made myself clear. I am a Rebel! And I will always fight against Central!" Erina shouted.

Azami and the rest of the Elite Ten were taken back by her statement.

"Expelling you would be too soft. I'm going to make you spend your whole life working for Central. And I'll make sure you never disobey me again." Azami declared.

"That won't happen, father," Erina said as she started to look much like her old self. Azami looks at her with a cold expression on his face. "If we lose. I will forsake cooking and go elsewhere. I will never return Totsuki or to you ever again. After this Régiment Shokugeki, I will never see you again." Erina declared.

The rest of the rebels along with Gin and Joichiro all had smiles on their face. Central was shocked by words.

"You will regret this, Erina." Azami declared. With that said Central turns around and leaves.

"Way to go Nakiri-san," Takumi said.

"you stood up against him!" Megumi said with a smile

"You showed Central what you're made of Erina," Soma said with a soft smile as he holds back her hand

Erina was steaming at the idea she was finally able to stand up to her father.

"What's the matter, Erina?" Soma asks seeing the steam puffing from her

"Now then, we got work to do. Our arena will be Rebun Island." Erina said as she turns to her comrades.

"We know," Soma said as Takumi and Megumi nodded

"If we manage to win this Regiment Shokugeki and dismantle the current Elite Ten, then I shall sit on the First Seat of the Elite Ten! This is a fight to grant me the power to rule as a true Queen. I shall take that title with my own two hands! And you all shall be my reverent servant! Consider it an honor!" Erina declared.

"She's really going all out," Joichiro said.

"She's back to her old self," Megumi said happily.

"Really now? Then I'll just challenge you for the first seat then." Soma said with a grin "the mistress can settle for second place"

This got a spark of rivalry to fly between Soma and Erina as the two smirks to each other

"shall we settle this in Uno?" Erina asked as Soma's hand takes a UNO deck out of nowhere

"fine by me," Soma said in compliance

the train rides on the rails as it heads towards their destination and it was the Rebun Island

everyone was training yet again as it was time for the final battle

Soma was at his room and in the middle of a phone call

"yeah….uh-huh…thanks…" Soma said as he hangs up on his phone before dialing another number "we got 7 now for the last one"

His phone buzzes for a second before the caller picks up

"Hello?...yeah….. I need to think with your boss…..yeah…..tell him that I'm going to challenge his specialty….at what time?...hmm, maybe in 2 days or so…..ok…..got it…." Soma hanged up his call before he stashed away his phone than taking his knives' case and opened it

His two knives shined while his black knife had a sharp glint upon its blade. He reached for his black knife as it was emitting a blackish aura

"you want a head-on match against Tsukasa-senpai, huh?" Soma asked as he holds his black knife "just wait patiently"

Soma's lips formed a dark grin as he looks at his reflection upon his knife

A black demonic aura appeared around Soma as it gives a tensed and terrifying aura upon him

"I'll make sure you get fed real soon" Soma spoke as he stashed it away before leaving his room