
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs

Zombies and Unwinding

(Katsuo POV)

The next day, as I was reviewing my training plans and contemplating my next steps towards acquiring Yamato, Lisa approached me with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that after four years, you'll be kicked out of here," she said with a playful "teehee," clearly enjoying the surprise on my face. "But since you're TOM'S chosen, you won't need to 'buy' a 'world' since we can drop you where your 'body' resides."

I blinked, trying to process this new piece of information. With a mixture of curiosity and concern, I decided to browse the market for available worlds. The price tags were staggering, ranging from 30 million to 100 million points. My jaw practically dropped at the sight of these astronomical figures.

Still reeling from the sticker shock, I turned to Lisa. "Why did my first mission give me 800,000 points?" I asked, needing some clarity.

"It's a ceremonial thing for you chosens," she explained, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. "The first mission you'll take would be Class-B. It's our way of giving you a head start."

"That explains a lot," I muttered, feeling a bit more at ease but still overwhelmed by the vastness of the market and the challenges ahead.

"But don't worry," Lisa continued, her tone softening slightly. "You won't have to worry about buying a world. We can place you right where your 'body' resides. You'll have everything you need to make your mark."

I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. The road ahead was filled with challenges, but with Lisa's guidance and my own growing skills, I was confident I could handle whatever came my way. Plus, knowing I had four years to prepare and earn points before being kicked out gave me a clear timeline to work with.

"Thanks for the heads-up, Lisa," I said, flashing her a grateful smile. "And don't worry, I'll make sure to make the most of my time here."

She grinned back, giving me a playful wink. "I have no doubt you will. Now, go out there and show them what you're made of."

With renewed determination, I returned to my training, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. The vision of wielding Yamato and carving out my place in a new world drove me forward, and I knew that every effort I put in now would pay off in the future.





A bit later, I received a notification on my interface: a new mission assignment. Lisa, ever the efficient handler, appeared at my door with a smirk on her face.

"Got a new mission for you," she said, handing me the details on a holographic screen. "Since your skill set leans more towards killing and mutilating, this one should be perfect for you."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What's the mission?"

"It's a crossover between the game worlds of Left 4 Dead and Resident Evil. You have to escort this world's 'protagonist' and help her make a vaccine," she explained, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

I scanned the mission brief, noting the key objectives and the dangers involved. "Sounds like a blast," I said, a grin spreading across my face. "Anything specific I should know?"

"The infection has mutated, combining the worst elements of both worlds. You'll face the relentless hordes of Left 4 Dead and the cunning, terrifying bioweapons of Resident Evil. Your main objective is to protect the protagonist while they gather the necessary components for the vaccine."

I nodded, already mentally preparing for the challenges ahead. "Any idea who this protagonist is?"

Lisa tapped a few commands into the interface, bringing up an image of a tough-looking woman in her late twenties. "Her name is Sarah. She's a mix of Zoey from Left 4 Dead and Claire Redfield from Resident Evil. Tough, resourceful, but she'll need your protection to get through this."

"Got it. So, when do we start?"

"Right now," Lisa said, clapping her hands together. "Gear up and head to the portal room. I'll be monitoring your progress and providing support as needed."

With a nod, I headed to my room to gear up. I chose my trusty Adamantine Tachi and, after browsing the market menu, decided to spend 200,000 points on the Threaded Cane.

The versatility of the cane would be a valuable asset in this mission. This purchase left me with only 280,000 points, but it felt like a worthy investment.

Fully armed and ready, I made my way to the portal room. Lisa was there, waiting for me with a confident smile. "Good luck, Katsuo. Remember, protect the protagonist and help her make the vaccine. And try not to get yourself killed."

"Thanks for the pep talk," I said with a wink. "I'll be back before you know it."





Stepping through the portal, I felt the familiar disorienting sensation of interdimensional travel. When I emerged on the other side, I found myself in a desolate cityscape, the air thick with the stench of decay and the distant sounds of the infected. Sarah was there, looking bewildered and immediately vigilant towards me.

"Who the hell are you?" she demanded, raising her weapon. "And what was that portal thing?"

"Easy there," I said, raising my hands in a non-threatening manner. "I'm here to help you. My name is Katsuo Kotobuki. I've been assigned to protect you and help you make the vaccine."

She narrowed her eyes, still suspicious. "Why should I trust you?"

"Because if I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't have bothered explaining," I replied. "Let's focus on the task at hand. We're both in this to survive and save lives. Trust me, Sarah, you'll want my help against what's out there."

She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Fine, but I'm keeping my eye on you."

"Fair enough. Now, let's get moving."

Together, we set off through the city, battling hordes of infected and bioweapons at every turn.

Using Shunpo, I darted through the masses with blinding speed, cutting down enemies with precise, deadly strikes from my Adamantine Tachi. Summoned Swords materialized around me, skewering any zombies that got too close. Earth manipulation allowed us to traverse difficult terrain, creating barriers and pathways as needed.

The onslaught was relentless. Waves of mutated zombies of different sizes came at us, but with my skills and Sarah's resourcefulness, we plowed through them. I used Rapid Slash to clear swathes of enemies, my Tachi a blur of deadly steel. Judgement Cut sent shockwaves through the horde, slicing through multiple enemies in an instant. My interface tracked our progress, the kill count rapidly climbing.

"Nice swing there, Katsuo," Sarah commented after I decapitated a particularly nasty mutant.

"Thanks, I've had plenty of practice," I replied, grinning. "You're not too bad yourself. How'd you get so good at this?"

"Survival instinct," she said with a shrug. "And a lot of luck."

We encountered several bosses along the way, but they were no challenge. Using Shunpo, I evaded their attacks effortlessly, striking them down with a combination of Rapid Slash and Judgement Cut. Earth manipulation helped us to gain the upper hand, creating barriers and traps to slow down the stronger enemies.

As we fought, my interface continuously updated the kill count. By the time we reached the final component, it read 125,103. I was impressed with our efficiency, but there was no time to rest on our laurels.

Finally, after what felt like days of relentless fighting, we secured the last component. Sarah worked quickly, her hands steady despite the chaos around us. I stood guard, my senses on high alert for any signs of trouble.

"Got it!" Sarah exclaimed, holding up a vial of the completed vaccine. "Now we just need to get this to the distribution center."

"Lead the way," I said, ready for whatever came next.

As we made our way to the distribution center, the hordes seemed to intensify, as if sensing their impending defeat. But with the vaccine in hand and a clear objective, we fought our way through, determined to see the mission through to the end.

At last, we reached the distribution center. Sarah quickly administered the vaccine to the systems, initiating the process that would save countless lives.

"We did it," she said, turning to me with a triumphant smile.

"We sure did," I replied, feeling a surge of satisfaction. "Let's get out of here."

As we headed back to the extraction point, I couldn't help but think about what Lisa had said earlier. If this was just one mission, I could only imagine what surprises awaited me back in my "home" world. But for now, I was ready to savor this victory and whatever challenges lay ahead.





A year had passed since I accepted this bizarre and challenging job. Standing in front of the mirror in just my boxers, I examined my reflection.

The man staring back at me was in his twenties, with light brown hair reaching his shoulders and piercing pale olive eyes that seemed to hold an otherworldly depth. A scruffy beard highlighted my sharp jawline, giving me a rugged look. My body had become defined and muscular from the relentless training and missions, each muscle a testament to my hard work.

On my left shoulder, I had recently gotten a tattoo of a Polynesian sun, purely for aesthetics. I admired the intricate design, thinking it added a nice touch to my appearance.

As I was lost in my thoughts, Lisa entered my room, completely unfazed by my state of undress. She held a paper in her hand, her usual playful smirk on her face.

"Guess what? You've been promoted to a higher rank," she announced, waving the paper triumphantly.

I turned to her, raising an eyebrow. "Promoted, huh? What did I do to deserve this honor?" I asked with a teasing grin.

"Well, you've been doing pretty well in your missions, and TOM seems to be pleased with your progress," she replied, handing me the paper.

I glanced at the document, which confirmed my promotion. "Looks like all that hard work is paying off," I said, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Lisa nodded, her expression softening slightly. "You've come a long way, Katsuo. Keep this up, and you'll be unstoppable."

I chuckled, feeling a warm sense of camaraderie with her. "Thanks, Lisa. Couldn't have done it without your constant reminders and playful jabs."

She rolled her eyes, but her smile remained. "Just doing my job. Now, get dressed and let's celebrate your promotion properly. We've got a lot to prepare for your next big mission."

With a nod, I turned back to the mirror, taking one last look at the man I had become. A year of relentless training and a couple of missions had transformed me, and now, with this promotion, I felt ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Alright, let's do this," I said, feeling a surge of determination. "Time to show the world what Katsuo Kotobuki is truly capable of."

With that, I got dressed, eager to embrace the next chapter of this extraordinary journey.

Lisa briefly summarized all the ranks as we walked to the party, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Alright, Katsuo, listen up. We have a tiered system here with letter ranks and sub-levels. You started at C-5, which is for those who are just starting to show promise but still have a long way to go. Then there's C-4 through C-1 as you progress. Once you prove yourself, you move up to B-5 and work your way to B-1. And guess what? You've just been promoted to B-3!"

"Wow, B-3 already? I feel like I just got the hang of C-5," I said, chuckling. "So, what do I get? A shiny new badge or something?"

Lisa laughed. "No badge, but you get tougher missions and better rewards. Plus, a lot more respect around here."

As we arrived at the party, the atmosphere was lively. The room was filled with managers and other high-ranking individuals, all mingling and celebrating. Music played in the background, and the air was thick with laughter and chatter.

"Hey, everyone, the man of the hour has arrived!" Lisa announced, drawing everyone's attention to me.

A cheer went up, and I found myself surrounded by congratulatory handshakes and pats on the back. One of the managers, a tall man with a broad smile, approached me with a glass of champagne.

"Congratulations, Katsuo! Welcome to the B's!," he said, raising his glass.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," I replied, clinking my glass with his.

As the night went on, Lisa and I found a quieter corner to chat. "So, how does it feel to be at B?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.

"Honestly? It feels pretty damn good," I said with a grin. "But I know there's still a lot of work ahead."

"That's the spirit," she said, nudging me playfully. "And hey, don't forget to enjoy yourself tonight. You've earned it."

"Will do," I replied, taking a sip of my champagne. "So, tell me more about these upper ranks. Anyone I should be worried about?"

Lisa laughed. "Once you get to A rank, it's a whole different ball game. But for now, focus on mastering B-3. Each step up the ladder comes with its own challenges."

Just then, another manager, a woman with striking red hair, joined us. "Katsuo, congratulations! I've heard great things about you," she said, extending her hand.

"Thank you. It's been quite a journey," I said, shaking her hand.

The party continued with more toasts, laughter, and stories shared. I felt a strong sense of camaraderie with everyone there, a feeling of belonging that I hadn't experienced in a long time.

As the night drew to a close, Lisa and I stepped outside for some fresh air. The cool breeze was a welcome relief from the warmth of the party.

"Thanks for everything, Lisa," I said, looking at her. "You've been a great help and an even better friend."

She smiled, her eyes softening. "You're welcome, Katsuo. It's been fun watching you grow and succeed. And I know there's even more greatness ahead for you."

With a nod, I took a deep breath, feeling ready for whatever came next. The journey had been incredible so far, and I was eager to see where it would lead me.

"Let's get back in there," I said, grinning. "I think there's still some celebrating to do."

"That's the spirit," Lisa replied, linking her arm with mine as we headed back inside to rejoin the festivities.

Inside, we were greeted with another round of cheers. One of the older managers, a grizzled veteran named Bob, raised his glass to me. "To Katsuo, our rising star! May your blade always be sharp and your wit even sharper!"

"Cheers!" everyone echoed, lifting their glasses.

I chuckled and raised my glass. "Thank you, everyone. I couldn't have done it without the support and guidance of all of you. Here's to more victories and more promotions!"

The night wore on with stories of past missions, jokes about training mishaps, and even a few impromptu toasts. I found myself laughing more than I had in years, feeling a genuine connection with my peers.

At one point, Lisa leaned in and whispered, "You know, if you keep this up, you might even make it to A rank faster than anyone else."

I smirked. "Is that a challenge?"

She laughed. "Maybe it is. Let's see what you've got, Katsuo."

With a determined grin, I nodded. "Challenge accepted."

As the party continued, I felt more motivated than ever. The camaraderie, the support, and the playful banter all fueled my determination to keep pushing forward.

Rum or Tequila?

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