
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs

Summoned Swords and Playboy

(Victor POV)

I remember the day Lisa visited me with an unexpected revelation, her expression a mix of amusement and mischief.

"I forgot to tell you," she said, a playful glint in her eyes, "the things you do in these 'present' moments would be seamlessly integrated into your 'body's' past."

I furrowed my brow in confusion, trying to grasp the implications of her words. "What do you mean?" I asked, intrigued yet wary.

She chuckled, as if she had been waiting for this moment. "It means that the skills you learn and the experiences you have here will be altered in your body's memories. So, the skills you're mastering today? Your body will remember practicing them since a young age."

My mind reeled at the thought, the implications sinking in. It was a strange yet fascinating concept – the idea that my actions in this interdimensional realm would reshape the very fabric of my existence. But what intrigued me even more was her next revelation.

"Also," she added with a mischievous grin, "your obsession with music will be integrated as well. You know, singing in a garden and stuff."

I couldn't help but laugh at the image she painted. Me, a young child, belting out tunes in a garden somewhere in my body's past.

It was a humorous yet strangely endearing thought, and it made me wonder what other quirks and hobbies would be woven into the tapestry of my memories.

I carried with me the knowledge that every action, every skill I learned, and every passion I pursued would leave its mark on my past. It was a reminder that my experiences were not just confined to the present but were shaping the very essence of who I was – both here and in my body's past.





After the intense battle, I decided to take some well-deserved rest. I went to my quarters, where I indulged in some leisurely activities to unwind.

First, I settled down with a stack of books, ranging from romance novels to fanfics and various other genres.

Each book offered a different escape, allowing me to immerse myself in thrilling adventures, steamy romances, and fantastical worlds. Lost in the pages, I let my imagination run wild as I explored the diverse stories and characters within.

As the evening wore on, I felt the urge to indulge in another of my passions – music. I made my way to the corner of my quarters where my drum set stood, its sleek black finish beckoning me to play. With a grin, I grabbed the drumsticks and settled into the rhythm.

I started with a familiar beat, the steady thump of the bass drum reverberating through the room. As I warmed up, I let my mind drift, the music taking on a life of its own. Then, with a burst of energy, I launched into a spirited rendition of [Shape of You] but in its rock cover version.

With each beat of the drum and every note of the guitar riff, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through me. I sang along with gusto, my voice echoing off the walls as I lost myself in the music. The rock cover added an extra edge to the song, infusing it with raw energy and intensity.

As the final chords faded away, I grinned, feeling exhilarated by the impromptu performance. Drumming and singing had always been a form of catharsis for me, a way to release pent-up emotions and express myself freely.

With a contented sigh, I set down the drumsticks and sank back onto the couch, basking in the afterglow of music and relaxation. It had been a perfect evening, filled with the simple joys of books and music, and I couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited me next.





{Two hours later}

After my evening of relaxation, I lay in bed, deciding to delve into the memories of my new body. It was surreal, like flipping through a photo album of someone else's life yet feeling intimately connected to each moment.

My name now was Katsuo Kotobuki. Memories surfaced of my early childhood, revealing a tender age filled with both joy and sorrow.

My mother had died when I was only seven, leaving a void that shaped much of my early years. It was a painful loss, but one that steeled my resolve and shaped my character.

My father, Kenji Kotobuki, was no ordinary man. He was a devil, serving as the secretary to a stronger version of Satan himself, Sirzechs Lucifer. This revelation sent a shiver down my spine, adding a layer of complexity to my new identity. Growing up as the child of such a powerful figure meant living in a world of shadows and secrets.

Unlike what I initially thought, Katsuo wasn't born of devil descent on both sides; his mother was a pure human, making him a rare half-devil.

One of the most vivid memories was of my swordsmanship training. I was taught by Souji Okita, the knight of Sirzechs Lucifer. His lessons were rigorous and demanding, instilling in me a deep respect for the art of the blade. Under his tutelage, I honed my skills, learning to wield a sword with precision and grace.

As I delved deeper into Katsuo's memories, I discovered a surprising revelation – he shared a penchant for the finer things in life with the previous owner of this body. Like his predecessor, Katsuo had a reputation as a playboy, known for his charm and charisma.

His most notable achievement in this area was a secret relationship with a fifteen-year-old aspiring idol. The complexities of their relationship had kept it hidden from public view, adding a layer of intrigue to his past.

With a mix of amusement and respect, I drifted off to sleep, embracing my new identity with a sense of anticipation for the adventures yet to come.





Waking up the next morning, I washed myself, feeling the refreshing coolness of the water wash away the remnants of sleep. With a sense of renewed purpose, I headed to the simulator but decided to first browse the market menu of the interface.

To my surprise and delight, I was awarded a whopping 800,000 points for the completion of my previous mission. I quickly scrolled through the vast array of items and upgrades available.

The first thing that caught my eye was an Adamantine Tachi for 120,000 points. The blade was a work of art, both beautiful and deadly, and I purchased it without hesitation.

Next, I came across an essence for sword energy priced at 200,000 points. This essence would allow me to learn Vergil's "Summoned Swords" with ease, a skill that would significantly enhance my combat abilities. I made the purchase, feeling a surge of power as the essence integrated into my being.

As I browsed through the items, my eyes widened when I saw a customizable version of Vergil's iconic sword, Yamato.

Priced at 5,000,000 points, it was a breathtaking weapon with a reputation that preceded it. The thought of wielding such a legendary blade was exhilarating, and the customization options promised to make it uniquely mine.

Yamato was not just any sword; it was a katana with the power to cut through dimensions and manipulate space. The possibilities it offered were endless. The ability to customize it to my specifications made it even more enticing. I could enhance its blade, adjust its balance, and even imbue it with additional properties to suit my fighting style.

However, with my current point balance, I was far from being able to afford it. I had saved 480,000 points after my last purchases, which left me with a significant gap to bridge before I could claim Yamato as my own.

I continued to browse the market, my eyes lingering on a few other items.

The Doom Slayer's super shotgun was priced at 800,000 points, an impressive weapon that I couldn't afford just yet.

There was also the Threaded Cane from Bloodborne for 200,000 points. The idea of learning the visceral attack from Bloodborne intrigued me, but I decided to hold off on the purchase for now.

With my shopping done, I headed to the training area, eager to put my new Adamantine Tachi and sword energy essence to the test.





{Time skip}

Over the next five months, I immersed myself in rigorous training, focusing on mastering Vergil's "Summoned Swords" and honing my skills with the Tachi.

The training was intense and demanding, pushing me to my limits and beyond. I practiced tirelessly, refining my technique and learning to summon and control the ethereal swords with precision. The summoned swords floated around me like a protective barrier, ready to strike at my command.

During this time, I also revisited the memories of my training with Souji Okita, incorporating his teachings into my daily routine. My movements became more fluid and precise, each strike of my Tachi imbued with the power and grace of a master swordsman.

With my training complete, I stood in the center of the training area, my Tachi glowing with a faint blue light, the summoned swords hovering around me like silent sentinels. I was ready for whatever came next, confident in my abilities and eager to put them to the test.

The "visceral attack" is a different "skill" btw, so obtaining the weapon won't make him instantly learn it.

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