
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

Three months passed, marking two years since being "hired" as a Cosmic Janitor. The name I decided myself, though it seemed fitting, no?






As I entered Lisa's office, she looked up from her desk, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"Hey there, Katsuo. What's up?" she greeted me, her tone friendly.

I couldn't resist a playful jab. "I thought I was your only one," I said, feigning a wounded expression as I gestured to the stacks of papers scattered around her.

Lisa chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, you wish," she teased, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation. "I've always had many options, you know."

I grinned, appreciating her banter. "Yeah, yeah. I guess I'll just have to settle for being one of many," I replied, taking a seat across from her.

"Seriously though, how many are you assigned with?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Fifty-seven, with four being TOM's chosen, including you," she replied nonchalantly.

"Huh, and how come I haven't met any of these fellow 'chosens'?" I highlighted the chosen part. She handed me a file.

I read the file: "Finley Müller, calls himself Rizzler," I laughed at the given nickname. "Tasked with fixing a drifting timeline." Wow, I mused. But the next line dropped all my respect for the man, revealing his involvement in numerous heinous activities.

I looked at Lisa and said, "Can I kill him?" My voice laced with killing intent.

She laughed, then said, "Unfortunately, no. But if the opportunity arises, you'll be notified. Still, this is pretty normal in this line of work. You're just a bit 'special' holding on to your morals and all."

"So, what's with the sudden visit?" Lisa then asked, trying to change the topic.

"Fine," I grumbled. "What tier was my last mission?"

"A low-tier A class," she added calmly. "Since the task involved a Great Old One, it automatically gets rated to an A class, Avatar or not."

"Low-tier A class, huh? No wonder it felt like a nightmare," I muttered, feeling a mixture of pride and exhaustion from the memory.

Lisa leaned back in her chair, studying me for a moment. "You handled it well, Katsuo. Better than most would. But you need to remember to take care of yourself too."

I nodded, knowing she was right. "Yeah, yeah. I'll try," I said with a small smile. "So, what's next on the agenda?"

She raised an eyebrow, a sly grin forming on her lips. "Eager for another mission already? You really are a glutton for punishment."

I chuckled, standing up. "What can I say? I'm a masochist at heart."

Lisa shook her head, laughing. "Just don't get yourself killed out there, alright? We've got a lot more work to do."

"Also, that god who gave the mission," Lisa said, "managed to absorb the Mech Bosses' essences, including the Four Pillars and Moon Lord's. Basically, he 'Ascended'."

"You can do that?" I asked, astonished.

"I mean, yeah, pretty much everything. If you're ready to face the consequences though. But that's the A's and S's job, even you, hopefully in the future."

"Oh, you have such high expectations for little old me," I teased.

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Obviously, you masochist. Oh, before I forget, the god rewarded you with a freebie. An armor, tailored for you."

"Wow, really?"

"Yep," she said, popping the 'P.' "Made from a unique blend of Pyrostormium threads and enchanted fabrics, this armor is both lightweight and highly conductive, perfect for agile fighters who relies on speed."

"What's it called?" I asked, clearly intrigued.

"Stormweaver's Mantle. Pretty amazing, no?"

"Absolutely," I said, my excitement bubbling up. "What's it look like?"

Lisa grinned, pulling out a sleek, dark garment from behind her desk. The armor shimmered with a faint, crackling energy, its fabric seemingly alive with elemental power. "Here it is."

I took the mantle, feeling its weightless yet sturdy texture. It felt like wearing a thunderstorm. "This is incredible," I said, almost breathless.

"It should amplify your fire and lightning manipulations," Lisa explained. "And it's got some pretty good defensive enchantments too. Think of it as a second skin."

I grinned, already imagining the possibilities. "Thanks, Lisa. This is going to be fun."

"Just don't get too cocky," she warned with a smirk. "Remember, even the best armor won't save you if you're reckless."

"Noted," I said, slipping the mantle on. It fit perfectly, moving with me like it was part of my body. "Anything else I should know?"

"Just one thing," she added, her tone turning serious. "The more power you gain, the more responsibility you have."

"Of course," I affirmed. "Thanks for the pep talk."

Lisa nodded, her smile returning. "Go on, then. You've got worlds to save, Cosmic Janitor."

With that, I left her office, feeling more prepared than ever for whatever came next. The Stormweaver's Mantle pulsed with energy, a constant reminder of the power I now wielded.





{Flashback End}

Sitting with both legs tucked, donning my Stormweaver's Mantle, and with Sanchomo by my side, I felt the crackling energy of fiery lightning emanating from me with every breath.

It was a bittersweet moment, as I had decided to retire my previous equipment: the Crimson Armor, Threaded Cane, and my dear Adamantine Tachi. I had placed them on an armor stand, a silent tribute to their service.

Rising to my feet, I grabbed Sanchomo and inputted the simulator to spawn a "buffed" version of Malenia, Blade of Miquella. I steeled myself for the battle ahead, knowing this was no ordinary foe.

The air in the simulator grew heavy as Malenia materialized, her presence imposing and fierce. Her iconic introduction echoed through the chamber:

"I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat."

Without a moment's hesitation, I Shunpo'ed behind her, the air crackling with the energy of my movement. Sanchomo gleamed with fiery lightning, ready to clash with the legendary blade of Miquella.

As I appeared behind Malenia, she reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, spinning around to meet my attack with her prosthetic blade, the sound of metal clashing echoing through the simulator. Her speed was incredible, but I matched her blow for blow, Sanchomo crackling with fiery lightning.

She lunged at me, her blade a blur of lethal precision. I parried with Sanchomo, the force of our clash sending sparks flying. Malenia's relentless assault left no room for error, each strike aiming to overwhelm me. I summoned my Summoned Swords, directing them to intercept her strikes and create openings for my own attacks.

With a burst of Shunpo, I moved to her flank, unleashing a Judgement Cut aimed at her midsection. She twisted away, but not before the edge of my attack grazed her armor. Malenia retaliated with a flurry of slashes, her prosthetic arm whirling in a deadly dance. I countered with Rapid Slash, my movements a blur as I aimed for her exposed joints.

Malenia's combat prowess was extraordinary, but I harnessed the power of the Stormweaver's Mantle to enhance my agility. Fire and lightning crackled around me as I dashed forward, slashing at her with enhanced Shunpo. My strikes landed with increased precision and power, each hit resonating with elemental fury.

The battle raged on, a fierce exchange of blows and counterattacks. Malenia's resolve never wavered, and neither did mine. I could feel the weight of her legendary status in every strike, but I was determined to match her strength. Summoning all my skills, I unleashed a barrage of elemental attacks, my movements a seamless blend of fire and lightning.

Malenia's blade met Sanchomo once more, the impact creating a shockwave that reverberated through the simulator. With a final burst of energy, I focused all my power into a devastating Judgement Cut, aiming to break through her defenses. The attack struck true, sending Malenia staggering back.

Breathing heavily, I stood ready for her next move. The battle was far from over, but I felt a surge of confidence. This was the challenge I had been seeking, a test of my strength and skill against one of the greatest warriors ever known. And I was ready to face it head-on.

Two every three days for now.

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