
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

Exiting the simulator, wincing in pain, I couldn't help but think that while I may be fast and agile, coupled with my lightning and fire manipulation, not to mention I can zip zap around the battlefield courtesy of my enhanced Shunpo. And with my newly acquired Stormweaver's Mantle and Sanchomo, I can honestly say I'm pretty fast.

But my swordsmanship? Absolute dog shit. The only reason I could fight toe to toe with Malenia was due to my lightning-fast reflexes and instincts honed from fighting endless amounts of hordes and mobs.

Still, that didn't change the fact that I lost to Malenia, and damn was it close. The original version of her second phase, where she disregarded her swordsmanship, opting for a more destructive approach thanks to her Scarlet Rot. Was hard but doable.

But the "buffed" version? An absolute beast. Her hits were destructive and forceful, while maintaining her smooth, swift, and elegant swordsmanship. I sighed; that's what I currently lack. A swordsmanship I can call my own. Yes, I adapted to Vergil's techniques, but it wasn't my own.

Well, time for books, no? I mused.





As I was walking down the hallway, limping from my recent fight with Malenia, a shout suddenly startled me. "Katsuo!" I turned and saw Hank, a seasoned veteran currently ranked B-2.

He approached me and patted my back "lightly," but it was painful due to my current status. I winced, and seeing my reaction, he just laughed.

"Dude, I thought you were dead! I haven't seen you in months," he said.

"I just got back from a mission, and a training session as you can see," I replied, presenting him my limping status.

"Yeah, well, I can see that. So, would you like to have a drink with three of my buddies?" he asked, his tone inviting.

Weighing my options, I realized I had been training relentlessly since becoming a "Cosmic Janitor," and my downtime could be counted on two hands. I decided to join. "Sure, where should we meet up?" I asked.

"At Michael's Pub, around 8 o'clock," he replied with a grin, looking like a kid who just found out Christmas came early. "Be sure to be there!" He then waved goodbye, leaving me to contemplate my decision.





Later that evening, I made my way to Michael's Pub, a cozy place with a rustic charm and a laid-back atmosphere. As I entered, I spotted Hank and his buddies at a corner table, laughing and chatting animatedly. They waved me over.

"Katsuo! Over here!" Hank called out, motioning for me to join them.

I limped over, and as I approached, Hank introduced me to his friends. "This is John, a tech genius and a half-dwarf. Valerie, a dhampir with a knack for sarcasm; and Damysus, a half-giant, our resident muscle."

"And I'm Hank, a pure human," he said while flexing his muscles.

"Well, I'm Katsuo the Half-devil," I said, chuckling. "So let me guess, this group's name is the Hybrids. Am I right?"

Hank laughed heartily. "Not officially, but it has a nice ring to it. What do you think, guys?"

John grinned, adjusting his glasses. "I like it. Makes us sound mysterious and cool."

Valerie smirked, her fangs slightly visible. "As long as it means I get to keep making fun of everyone, I'm in."

Damysus nodded, his massive frame making the gesture seem almost comically slow. "Hybrids works for me."

We all settled into easy conversation, the initial introductions melting away as we got to know each other. The pub's warm, rustic atmosphere made it easy to relax, and before long, we were sharing stories and laughing like old friends.

"So, Katsuo," Valerie began, her tone teasing, "what's it like being TOM's chosen half-devil? Any perks besides the fancy sword and armor?"

I chuckled, taking a sip of my drink. "Perks? Well, if you consider endless battles with eldritch horrors and getting tossed into bizarre dimensions perks, then sure. But honestly, it's the sense of purpose that makes it worthwhile."

John leaned in, curiosity in his eyes. "What's the craziest mission you've been on so far?"

"That would have to be the time I faced a Great Old One's avatar," I replied, my tone serious. "That was something else. I barely made it out alive."

Damysus let out a low whistle. "Damn, that's intense. Makes my brawls with mountain trolls seem like child's play."

We all laughed, the camaraderie growing stronger with each shared story. The drinks continued to flow, and the conversations ranged from battle tactics to ridiculous encounters with various cosmic beings.

As we continued drinking, Hank said, "Ah, guys, before I forget, this dude, Katsuo," he paused as he put his arm around my shoulder, "achieved B rank in less than a year!" He even seemed proud of my achievement. He's a good dude, I thought, my mind a bit hazy.

They seemed surprised. Then John, whom Hank affectionately called "Frodo" due to his half-dwarf status, said, "A prodigy, huh?" A prodigy, I thought. I'm a prodigy? Nah.

Hank laughed, then said, "Nope, far from it. He's a machine!"

I was flabbergasted and defended myself, "Hey! No, I'm not." My tone was light and amused.

"Really?" Valerie chimed in, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you were, though. I mean, I only see you go to four places: the simulator, the library, your room, and Lisa's office. So I also thought you were a machine."

"Yeah," Damysus added, his deep voice rumbling. "I've seen you train non-stop. It's impressive, but man, do you ever take a break?"

I shrugged, feeling slightly embarrassed. "I guess I just like to stay focused. But I do take breaks, sometimes."

Hank laughed again, giving my shoulder a friendly squeeze. "Well, tonight's one of those breaks. So relax and enjoy it, Katsuo."

I nodded, a smile spreading across my face. "Alright, alright. I'll try to be less of a machine tonight."

The conversation shifted to lighter topics as the night went on. We talked about our favorite missions, shared funny anecdotes, and even debated the best strategies for different types of battles. It was refreshing to just unwind and enjoy the company of my fellow "cosmic janitors."

At one point, John leaned in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "So, Katsuo, any special someone back in your home dimension?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Nope, never even visited my supposed 'home' yet."

Their reactions were definitely a sight to behold. Hank's eyes widened in disbelief, while John nearly spit out his drink. Valerie raised an eyebrow, her usual sarcastic demeanor giving way to genuine surprise, and Damysus' deep voice rumbled in curiosity.

Hank then worriedly said, "Dude, training's great and all, but do you ever, I mean EVER stop?"

Putting my mug on the table, I sighed. "I can't. Being a chosen, though it has some perks, means I have to stay in shape and up my game, you know?" I paused for a moment, then added, "I mean, a horde of mutated zombies was only ranked as a low-tier B."

Valerie whistled softly. "That's rough. I get it now. Still, you gotta take care of yourself, Katsuo. Burnout is a real thing."

"Yeah," John chimed in, "even machines need maintenance."

Damysus nodded, his expression thoughtful. "True. But it's impressive, man. The dedication, I mean."

I shrugged, a small smile playing on my lips. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. But you know, it's all part of the job. Gotta be ready for whatever comes next."

Hank gave me a reassuring pat on the back. "Well, tonight, just relax and enjoy. You've earned it."

We continued our conversation, the atmosphere lightening as we shared more stories and laughs. The camaraderie was comforting, a reminder that despite the intense nature of our work, we had each other's backs.

At one point, Valerie leaned in, her eyes glinting with curiosity. "So, Katsuo, what's the craziest mission you've been on so far?"

I leaned back, considering. "Well, there was that time I had to deal with a dimension-hopping entity that could manipulate minds. That one was a 'headache'."

John laughed. "I bet! Those mind manipulators are always a pain."

The night carried on with more tales of our adventures and mishaps. We debated the best tactics for different scenarios and even exchanged tips and tricks for dealing with the various threats we faced.

As we finally stood to leave, Hank clapped me on the shoulder. "Glad you came out tonight, Katsuo. We should do this more often."

I nodded, a genuine smile on my face. "Definitely. Thanks for the invite, Hank. I needed this."

We said our goodbyes, and as I made my way back to my quarters, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and camaraderie. It was good to know that even amidst the chaos of our roles, we had each other to rely on and share a few laughs with along the way.





Waking up groggily, I sat up and noticed Tom wasn't with me in the bed. I scanned the room and saw my Best Boi, nibbling on tuna in his perch. 'Good thing this room has a self-cleaning feature', I thought with a chuckle.

I approached Tom, still munching on his tuna, and teased, "You're going to get fat eventually, buddy." He looked up at me with his green, expressive eyes, clearly conveying, "Again, I'm a Maine Coon!" Then, he took another bite before scampering to another corner.

"Oho, pouting are we?" I said in a light teasing tone. As he trotted away, he glanced back with a look that said, "What do you think?!" I laughed. The joys of having an almost-psychic cat.

After washing up, wrapped in my bathrobe and feeling a bit narcissistic, I looked at the full-body mirror. This body is supposed to be in its early twenties, but it looks like the battles have aged my looks, making me appear in my late twenties.

My ever-piercing pale olive eyes, long light brown hair cascading to my shoulders, a shit-eating grin, and a strong jawline. On my left shoulder was a tattoo of a Polynesian Sun, and my six-pack abs were barely noticeable due to my muscles. Standing at a height of 6'5.

"Wait till my 'dad' sees this," I thought, remembering my 'body's' single devil dad.

As I was walking towards the library, I came across Hank. He waved and asked with a knowing smile, "Simulator?"

I laughed and said, "Nope, library."

He then raised his hand in a fist, asking for a fist bump. "Same time next week?"

I accepted his fist bump and repeated, "Same time next week."

He smiled and headed to his manager's office.

Such a swell guy.

I dedicate "Hank" to one of my buddies. A cheerful and loud dude, but one you can trust your back on.

ChrisTian3421creators' thoughts