
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs

Temple Run!?

(Katsuo POV)

In the briefing room, the air is thick with anticipation as we prepare to tackle the Temple where Golem resides. Batman stands at the front, his voice commanding as he outlines the mission details.

"Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Katsuo will form the core team," Batman states, his gaze sweeping over us. "Superboy, Blue Beetle, and Wonder Girl will join for added firepower. Flash and Superman will remain in garrison as backup. I'll oversee the operation from the Watchtower."

I nod, absorbing the information. This lineup is solid. We've got strength, versatility, and experience.

The new additions of Superboy, Blue Beetle, and Wonder Girl are unexpected but welcome. I glance over at the trio, noticing their nerves. They might be powerful, but they're still relatively inexperienced compared to the veterans.

As the briefing concludes, I make my way over to them, a grin spreading across my face. "Hey, you three. Ready for your first big mission?" I tease, trying to lighten the mood. "Don't worry. Stick close, follow the lead, and we'll be just fine."

Superboy crosses his arms, trying to appear confident. "Of course, we can handle it."

Blue Beetle nods, his suit's antennae twitching. "Yeah, we've got this."

Wonder Girl smiles nervously but nods. "We'll do our best."

I chuckle, clapping Superboy on the shoulder. "That's the spirit. Just remember, it's okay to be nervous. Keeps you on your toes."





The teleportation leaves us slightly disoriented, but we quickly regain our bearings. The Temple looms before us, an imposing structure of ancient stone and menacing energy. The air is thick with humidity and the faint, musty scent of decay.

We step inside, and the atmosphere changes instantly. The interior is a maze of stone corridors, dimly lit by flickering torches.

Strange hieroglyphs cover the walls, telling stories of an ancient and powerful civilization. The distant sound of shuffling and hissing echoes through the corridors.

"Lihzahrds," I whisper, my eyes narrowing. These reptilian guardians are the first line of defense. As we move deeper, the sound of wings flapping grows louder. "And Flying Snakes. Stay alert."

Wonder Woman takes point, her lasso at the ready. Green Lantern follows, his ring glowing with energy. Martian Manhunter phases through the walls, scouting ahead. The rest of us stay close, ready for any threat.

Suddenly, a group of Lihzahrds emerges from a side corridor, their eyes glowing with malevolence. "Here we go," I mutter, drawing my Adamantine Tachi. Lightning crackles along the blade as I charge forward, slicing through the air.

The battle is intense but brief. The Lihzahrds are strong but no match for our combined might. Wonder Woman's lasso snaps through the air, ensnaring one of the creatures. Green Lantern's constructs batter another, while Superboy's fists make quick work of a third. Blue Beetle's energy blasts and Wonder Girl's strength round out the assault, leaving the Lihzahrds in a crumpled heap.

We press on, deeper into the Temple. The Flying Snakes swoop down from above, their hissing cries piercing the air. I raise my hand, summoning ethereal swords that dart through the air, skewering the snakes before they can reach us. Martian Manhunter phases through one of them, his intangibility making their attacks useless.

And then, we reach the inner sanctum.

Golem stands before us, a towering monstrosity of stone and ancient magic. His two massive hands flex, and his head swivels to glare at us with glowing, malevolent eyes.

"That's one big head," I mutter, gripping my Tachi tighter. "Alright let's do this."

Wonder Woman charges forward, her sword clashing with one of Golem's massive hands. Green Lantern creates a shield to protect us from the debris that flies as the two titans clash. Martian Manhunter takes to the air, aiming for Golem's head.

I focus, letting lightning course through my body. With a burst of speed, I dart forward, aiming for Golem's other hand. My blade bites into stone, and I unleash a Judgment Cut, a precise slashing technique that sends cracks spider-webbing through Golem's arm.

Superboy and Wonder Girl team up, their combined strength managing to hold off Golem's relentless strikes. Blue Beetle provides covering fire, his energy blasts targeting the weak points in Golem's structure.

Golem roars, his massive head swiveling to track our movements. He swings his massive hands, but we're ready. We dodge and weave, each strike calculated and precise.

"Keep it up!" I shout, feeling the thrill of battle surge through me. "We've got him on the ropes!"

Suddenly, Golem's eyes glow brighter, and he lets out an ear-piercing roar. The ground trembles as his body starts to shift and transform. His head detach, floating independently, while his hands becomes more aggressive, his stone body radiating intense heat.

"He's entering his second phase!" Green Lantern yells, erecting a shield to protect us from the flying debris.

I grit my teeth, focusing my energy. "Stay sharp! This is where it gets tough."

Golem's hands become more agile, smashing down with renewed fury. Wonder Woman and Superboy team up to fend off one of the hands, their combined strength barely managing to hold it back. Martian Manhunter phases through the other hand, distracting it long enough for Blue Beetle to unleash a barrage of energy blasts.

I concentrate, channeling my electric manipulation abilities to form a circuit under Golem's feet. "Time to turn up the voltage," I mutter, slamming my hand into the ground. Lightning surges up, electrocuting Golem and causing his movements to stutter.

"Wonder Woman, now!" I shout, giving her the opening she needs.

With a mighty swing of her sword, she smashed Golem's head. But even headless, Golem's hands continue to fight, now acting with a chaotic ferocity.

"Don't let up!" I call out, summoning my ethereal swords to pin down one of the hands. Green Lantern, seeing the opportunity, forms a giant hammer construct, smashing down on the pinned hand and shattering it into rubble.

Superboy and Wonder Girl combine their efforts on the remaining hand, their blows relentless. Finally, with a synchronized strike, they manage to destroy it.

As the last of Golem's parts crumble to the ground, a heavy silence falls over the temple. The air is thick with dust and the faint smell of ozone from my lightning attacks.

"We did it," Wonder Girl breathes, a mix of relief and exhaustion in her voice.

"Good job, team," I say, sheathing my Tachi. "Let's head back and report to Batman."

We gather ourselves, sharing relieved smiles and nods of respect.





Lounging on my couch with my best boi, Tom, a lazy Maine Coon sprawled across my lap, I reviewed the fight with Golem on the monitor. Tom purred contentedly as I absentmindedly scratched behind his ears.

"Well, Tom," I mused aloud, "I didn't use my fire and earth manipulation much during the fight. But honestly, using fire in that enclosed space would've been a disaster. It would've limited our oxygen, not to mention the risk of suffocation." Tom flicked his tail, as if agreeing with my assessment. "And earth manipulation? In a stone temple? Not the smartest move. Might've brought the whole place down on us."

With a sigh, I gently moved Tom off my lap and headed to the training room. Time to perfect my craft.





The training room was quiet, save for the hum of the advanced equipment lining the walls. I took a deep breath, centering myself, and drew my Tachi. Lightning crackled along the blade as I focused my energy, preparing to enhance my techniques.

First, Judgement Cut. I slashed the air with precise, controlled movements, sending out shockwaves of energy that crackled with electricity. The air hummed with power as I pushed myself to execute each cut faster and more accurately than the last.

Next, Rapid Slash. I moved at high speed, my blade slicing through the air in a blur. With each slash, I incorporated both fire and lightning, creating a dazzling display of elemental power. Flames danced along the blade's edge, while sparks flew with each strike.

"Shunpo," I muttered, focusing on my high-speed movement technique. I concentrated, letting lightning surge through my body. In an instant, I vanished, reappearing across the room in a flash of light and electricity. Enhanced with lightning speed, my movements were almost too fast to track.

Summoning my ethereal swords, I coated them in both fire and lightning. The swords hovered around me, crackling with energy. I directed them at a training dummy, unleashing a barrage of fiery, electrified strikes that reduced the target to smoldering rubble.

Finally, I turned to my Threaded Cane. With a flick of my wrist, the cane transformed into its whip blade form. I swung it in a wide arc, performing a Rapid Slash. The blade crackled with both fire and lightning, leaving a trail of scorched and charred marks on the training room floor.

Sweat dripped down my forehead as I paused, catching my breath. Each technique had been executed with precision, but there was always room for improvement. I would continue to push myself, to refine my skills, and to become even more formidable.

"One step at a time," I whispered to myself, sheathing my Tachi and letting the elemental energy dissipate. "I'll be ready for whatever comes next."

Tom watched from the corner of the room, his eyes half-closed in feline approval. "Guess even you think I'm doing alright, huh?" I chuckled, giving him a nod before heading out.





(Third-person POV)

In the Batcave, Batman sat at the central computer, reviewing the footage of the recent operation at the Temple. His keen eyes scanned the data, noting each team member's performance with precision. When he reached Katsuo's segment, he observed closely, paying particular attention to the young warrior's actions.

"Hmm," Batman murmured to himself, analyzing Katsuo's movements with a critical eye. "Impressive. He managed to restrain himself from unleashing his full power, even in the face of such a formidable opponent."

Batman adjusted the display, zooming in on Katsuo's combat techniques. "He's adapting," Batman noted, nodding to himself in approval. "It seems he's learning to control his impulses, especially when he's working alongside his peers."

As he continued his analysis, Batman made a mental note to update Katsuo's Knightfall Protocol. "Katsuo Kotobuki," he said aloud, his voice echoing in the dimly lit cave. "A formidable ally, but one who still requires monitoring. I'll need to ensure the protocol reflects his recent developments."

With a few keystrokes, Batman accessed the Knightfall Protocol - Katsuo file and began to update it with the latest information.

He included notes on Katsuo's improved restraint and his ability to work effectively within a team dynamic. Additionally, Batman added recommendations for continued monitoring and support, emphasizing the importance of reinforcing positive behaviors.

As he finalized the updates, Batman reflected on Katsuo's progress. "Keep it up, Katsuo," he thought, a hint of admiration in his voice. "You're proving yourself to be a valuable asset to the team."

I missed Temple Run

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