
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

Training outside, I wasn't kicked out, just testing a new concept: combining flying and teleporting. Sure, I could theoretically fly using my fire manipulation, but it feels like a downgrade since I need to hold my Adamantine Tachi and Threaded Cane. Plus, while I can teleport using electric manipulation, it's not the same as using my lightning property.

Let me explain: everyday electricity flows through wires to your devices, while lightning travels via an ionization trail in the air. Lightning is generated by static charges in clouds, while household electricity is produced by generators using moving magnetic fields. So, in simple terms, lightning is much harder to tame than electricity.

I cladded my body, Adamantine Tachi slung on my waist, and Threaded Cane in my left hand with lightning. Visualizing myself becoming one with the static charges, I prepared to teleport. The crackle of energy surrounded me, the air around me buzzing with anticipation.

I took a deep breath, focusing on the precise control needed to harness lightning for teleportation. The idea was to move not just through space but to become part of the electrical current, zipping from one point to another instantaneously. I imagined the destination clearly, a spot a few meters away, and willed myself to merge with the static charges in the air.

In a flash of light and a crack of thunder, I reappeared at the intended location. It wasn't perfect, a little disorienting, but it worked. The difference between using electric and lightning manipulation became evident; lightning was more volatile, harder to control, but potentially far more powerful and faster.

Smiling to myself, I knew I was on the right track. This new concept, though challenging, could be the key to unlocking even greater abilities. But for now, more practice was needed to perfect this technique and fully integrate it into my combat style.





After weeks of intense training, marking my sixth month since being tasked with cleansing this world, I've finally mastered flying and teleportation. The journey has been grueling, but the results are worth it.





Training Journal:

Day 1:

Started practicing combining fire manipulation with flight. It felt unstable, like trying to balance on a moving platform while holding my weapons.

Day 14:

Progress on flight is slow. Managed to hover for a few minutes using controlled bursts of fire, but sustaining it is challenging.

Day 28:

Shifting focus to lightning teleportation. Initial attempts were rough; reappearing with singed clothes and frayed nerves.

Day 42:

Incorporating lessons from both techniques. Began integrating fire for lift and lightning for speed. Short-range teleportation is becoming more consistent.

Day 56:

Breakthrough! Achieved a stable flight for several minutes. Lightning teleportation is more controlled, less disorienting. Managed to teleport across the training field without mishap.

Day 84:

Can now sustain flight and teleport longer distances. Practiced combat maneuvers while flying, combining rapid slashes with summoned swords, enhanced with fire and lightning.

Final thoughts:

Today, as I soared above the training grounds, feeling the rush of wind and the crackle of energy, it hit me how far I've come. Combining fire for propulsion and lightning for directional control, I can now fly seamlessly. Teleportation, once a volatile endeavor, has become second nature, allowing me to zip across the battlefield in an instant.

Fire Manipulation for Flight:

Harnessing fire's explosive force for lift and thrust, I can fly with agility and precision. The key was maintaining a constant, controlled output, avoiding wild bursts that could deplete oxygen or cause collateral damage.

Lightning Teleportation:

By visualizing my destination and becoming one with the static charges, I can teleport with pinpoint accuracy. This method leverages lightning's natural pathway, making it faster and more efficient than traditional electric manipulation.

Sparring Sessions:

Incorporating these abilities into combat has been exhilarating. During sparring sessions, I:

Fly: Execute aerial maneuvers, avoiding attacks while delivering strikes from above.

Teleport: Dodge in an instant, reappearing behind opponents to catch them off guard.

Elemental Attacks: Combine fire and lightning with my Adamantine Tachi and Threaded Cane, creating devastating attacks that overwhelm defenses.





Sitting on my couch with my Best Boi Tom purring beside me, now done typing on my interface, I reflect on the journey. The hard work has paid off. Mastering these new techniques not only enhances my combat prowess but also solidifies my role in this world's cleansing.

"Well, Tom," I say, scratching his ears, "looks like we're ready."





Zip-zapping to Antarctica, I landed in what was now a completely Hallowed biome. The landscape was eerie yet breathtaking, glowing with ethereal light under the night sky.

Unicorns, majestic yet deadly, charged at me. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be mythical and friendly?" I dodged, avoiding being skewered.

Pixies buzzed around like annoying little mosquitoes, shooting beams of light.

Gastropods floated by, like snails on helium, firing lasers.

Chaos Elementals teleported around like they were playing a game of tag, and Enchanted Swords, clearly having an identity crisis, attacked with gusto.

Hallowed Mimics, dangerous shape-shifting chests, tried to sneak up on me. "Sorry, not interested in whatever you're selling," I said, slicing one in half.

Navigating through this carnival of chaos, I spotted a Prismatic Lacewing, a rare, shimmering butterfly. "Ah, just the ticket," I muttered, capturing it in a jar and waiting for the sun to rise.

As dawn broke, I released the Prismatic Lacewing and, upon killing it, heard an otherworldly scream. "Showtime!" I grinned, anticipating the arrival of the Empress of Light.

Decked out in my Enchanted Crimson Armor, with the Adamantine Tachi in my right hand and the Threaded Cane in my left, I felt like a one-man army.

The Empress of Light descended in all her radiant glory. "Well, aren't you fancy?" I quipped, ready for battle.

Using Shunpo, now enhanced with lightning speed, I zoomed in close, delivering a flurry of Rapid Slashes with my Threaded Cane in its whip form. Fire and lightning crackled from each strike, lighting up the battlefield like a Fourth of July celebration.

The Empress countered with Prismatic Bolts, but I teleported using my lightning manipulation. "Too slow!" I taunted, reappearing behind her for a counter-attack. I summoned ethereal swords, coating them with both fire and lightning, and sent them her way. The sky was practically a disco light show.

With a bit of earth manipulation, I created barriers to shield myself from her Ethereal Lances and hurled rocks to throw off her rhythm. Taking to the skies with my fire manipulation, I engaged her mid-air. "Catch me if you can!" I laughed, dodging and weaving through her attacks.

Focusing my energy, I unleashed the Judgment Cut, slicing through her defenses with precision. Combining all my abilities, I created a maelstrom of fire, lightning, and earth, attacking her from all angles. "Bet you didn't see this coming!" I shouted, as the elemental storm closed in on her.

With the final blow, the Empress let out a piercing scream before exploding into a burst of light. Exhausted but triumphant, I stood amidst the glowing aftermath, the rush of battle still buzzing in my veins.

"Another boss killed," I chuckled to myself, already thinking about what might come next. "And people say I don't know how to have fun."

Storm Spirit

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